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Mumbai Attacks

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This isn't important.

Who are the FBI to clear anyone?

All they've done is question Kasab and Kasab has denied any involvement with ISI.

The worrying thing about this, is that the FBI are taking Kasab's word for evidence, while he's in the custody of the nut cracking Indian police!

No wonder American intel was so poor on Iraq!

I want to see evidence that can stand up in a court. Doesn't matter about ISI involvement. The Indians are trying to get away with murder.

Pakistan should accept no less, not even a citizen of Pakistan has been proven to have been involved in the attacks in Mumbai

Pakistan should throw it ALL back at India, so that they don't make a habit of these silly little Purohit false flags.
Even if someone farts in India... it will be blamed on ... you guessed it ISI.
hahahah :rofl: nicely said! we won't have a voice in the world unless our media (or should I say western intelligence assets) focus on project Pakistan's image, instead of just focusing on the army/intelligence agencies and putting corrupt politicians, like Zardari, in power.

let's take a look at our past.

Markets optimistic as Pakistan 'breaks IMF begging bowl forever'
By Farhan Bokhari in Islamabad

Published: November 22 2004 02:00 | Last updated: November 22 2004 02:00

Pakistan's business leaders expect the Karachi stock market to rise today, driven by the decision of Shaukat Aziz, prime minister, to end ahead of schedule the country's loan programme with the International Monetary Fund.

"The begging bowl has been broken forever," said Mr Aziz on Friday evening as he announced that Pakistan had declined the last two tranches from the fund of $260m (€199.3m, £139.9m), due to be paid this month. The move ends a three-year loan programme with the IMF of $1.52bn, scheduled to end in December.

In measures aimed at lifting the Pakistani economy, Mr Aziz also removed a two-year freeze on recruitment in government services and ordered the creation of courts to resolve business disputes more quickly. .

"These measures have created a lot of optimism. There's bound to be a positive reaction across the board," said S.M. Muneer, former chairman of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Mr Muneer said many business people expected the economy to get a boost as the country was freed of IMF loan conditions that forced the government to cut spending.

The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry - the largest national business body - said: "New opportunities for economic growth are likely to come up. There is a new emphasis on taking the economy forward."

Western economists warned that Pakistan's successful exit from the IMF programme must be followed by continued efforts from the government to reduce losses in the public sector, especially in the Water and Power Development Authority and the Karachi Electricity Supply Corporation.

"Pakistan's economic challenges have not ended," said a Washington-based economist. "A number of reforms still have to be put in place."

Pakistan signed a three-year loan programme with the IMF in 2001 after being on the brink of default following its maiden nuclear tests in May 1998. Those tests triggered economic sanctions from a number of industrialised nations and forced the government to freeze private deposits of about $11bn in onshore foreign currency accounts.

But in the past three years Pakistan's balance of payments position has improved significantly. The government's liquid foreign currency reserves have risen to more than $12bn, the equivalent of 10-11 months of imports.

The improvement in large measure is due to expatriate Pakistanis using regular banks to send funds home rather than the underground networks such as the hawala system.

FT.com / World - Markets optimistic as Pakistan 'breaks IMF begging bowl forever'
This isn't important.

Who are the FBI to clear anyone?

All they've done is question Kasab and Kasab has denied any involvement with ISI.

The worrying thing about this, is that the FBI are taking Kasab's word for evidence, while he's in the custody of the nut cracking Indian police!

No wonder American intel was so poor on Iraq!

I want to see evidence that can stand up in a court. Doesn't matter about ISI involvement. The Indians are trying to get away with murder.

Pakistan should accept no less, not even a citizen of Pakistan has been proven to have been involved in the attacks in Mumbai

Pakistan should throw it ALL back at India, so that they don't make a habit of these silly little Purohit false flags.
do you remember how these so-called Pakistanis supposedly had ID cards in their pockets (like always, I guess the ISI was too dumb)?

The guy is stated to be 21. It is claimed that he left home 4 years ago i.e when he was 17. Voting age in Pakistan is actually 18 and onwards.

CNIC - National Database and Registration Authority

check this out-

Q. Who is eligible for the CNIC?
A. Every citizen of Pakistan aged 18 or above is eligible for the CNIC.

Q. What if I’m younger than 18 years of age?
A. You will need to be registered with your father’s Children Registration Certificate (CRC).

how the hell did he have a card?
No you're not being optimistic. Many nations defend their physical as well as ideological frontiers vehemently...but here our politicians and media and 'intellectuals' are too damn contemptuous of their own country to be of any use to their people. Things have to change, we have every right to expect them to…

I promise you that the day our society stops trying to be above the rest of their peers. You will see change.

These politicians or social high ups don't want people to be at their same level of wealth or social status. The middle income society feel the same way about lower income society.

We have also gotten a little immune to the poverty in Pakistan. Look at it... we are here posting comments in the comfort of our homes..... while millions of our citizens young and old will sleep in the cold and on empty stomachs. How sad is that. All of us should try and make a difference. We need change from the grass root levels.

Sorry guys don't mean to preach but just expressing my opinion.

US Senator John Kerry was in New Delhi and then in Islamabad early this week as President-elect Barack Obama's special envoy. So far what we recently had here and in India as American callers, represented the Bush Administration.

Their concern about the rapidly deteriorating security situation in South Asia following the Mumbai terror attacks was understandable, but looking to the future we all believe that President George Bush is a man of yesterday. And so are his policies. The future belongs to Barack Obama and his team, in which Senator Kerry is expected to take an important position and play a leading role.

As he returns to Washington, Senator Kerry has been named chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the slot vacated by Joseph Biden, the Vice President-elect. In the Obama administration it would be mainly Hillary Clinton-John Kerry combine that is likely to call the shots on foreign policy matters and not Joseph Biden, earlier billed as a potential inspirator of the president-elect's worldview in respect of foreign policy.

It is a measure of Senator Kerry's intellectual integrity that he is amenable to modifying and reforming his perspectives and perceptions in deference to logic and reason. Hence the difference in his statements about the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency made in New Delhi before meeting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and after he had the talks with President Zardari in Islamabad.

"We would like to see an ISI that is reforming and brought completely under civilian control", he told the Indian Express ahead of his talks with Manmohan Singh. That had greatly pleased the Indian media hell-bent as it is on defaming Pakistan's premier intelligence agency.

But after meeting Zardari in Islamabad he told a select media group that 'no evidence had been found to link Mumbai terror attacks to the Pakistan government or the ISI... General Kiyani fully realises what needs to be done in the prevalent situation and so does the Director General of ISI Lieutenant General Shuja Pasha'.

This expression of neutrality and a balanced viewpoint had materialised despite the fact that India had sent post haste its foreign secretary, Shiv Shanker Menon, to the United States to dissuade President-elect Obama from appointing a special envoy on Kashmir. India is greatly worried over Barack Obama's regional security perspective in which Kashmir blinks as a flashpoint.

Of course, he shares India's anxiety over the role of non-state actors like Lashker-e-Taiba in breeding terrorism in South Asia, but he seems convinced also that as long as the Kashmir dispute remains unresolved such entities would remain in the field.

By projecting the Lashker as an errand boy of the ISI, the Indian government tries to tarnish the image of the Kashmiris' freedom struggle. Now that its campaign - conducted in close conjunction with Israel - to malign Pakistan's nuclear capability has fizzled out, New Delhi has turned its focus on the ISI. Hence the high agenda priority that the ISI received at Senator Kerry's talks with the Indian leadership.

Like all intelligence agencies, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency too has been the staple of a lot of myth and reality. Its stellar contribution in rolling out Soviet aggression from Afghanistan earned it the image of a world class institution. But the people of Pakistan were not greatly enamoured of its successes.

Thanks to its role as a political watchdog, bestowed upon it by the late President Z.A. Bhutto in the 70s by creating its Political Wing, which was enormously enlarged during the eleven years of Ziaul Haq's dictatorial rule, the ISI had become a tool of state oppression. But no more, as its notorious political wing has been abolished and the agency has reverted to its professional role of collecting intelligence on matters concerning national security.

Rightly then it remains under a sharp focus of India and some other anti-Pakistan countries. India would very much like to link it with Lashkar-e-Taiba and other extremist outfits. It is hoped the United States leaders would see through this game. It is necessary for better future of Pak-US relations that the Obama administration gives up the White House practice of seeing South Asian developments through the Indian prism.
india should blame itself for the attacks i mean if they didnt torture the kashmiris these kind of terrorists would not be made
Yes FBI has cleared ISI (congrats) but at the same time FBI has confirmed that all terrorists came from Pakistan including Kasav, who ever they are (non state actors who have trained and funded them) they should be brought to justice by GoP. But it is so confusing: one day a minister from Pakistan says JeM chief is under house arrest and then we read on paper another official from Pakistan claiming that this chief is free. We need tranparency to build trust.

Look it's hightime you indians smell the coffee and look into your own collar and ADMIT THAT INDIA IS BREEDING GROUND FOR TERRORISTS. In Pakistan there is no such thing called HOMEGROWN TERRORISM unlike INDIA. However unfortunately there is foreign element of terrorists who we are fighting continuosly. This one survivor of terrorists involved in mumbai attacks is NOT PAKISTANI AND HIS NAME IS NOT AMIR AJMAL KASAB, HIS NAME IS AMAR SINGH. How come this person possessed mauritian passport as well ?.

I don't want any indian on this forum calling this indian intelligence agency and indian hardline politcal groups sponsored terrorist being called PAKISTANI. I want mods to take action and give warning to those who come to this forum to spread lies. There is NOT A SINGLE PROOF TO SUGGEST HE IS PAKISTANI, UNLESS INDIAN AUTHORITIES GIVE PROOF TILL THAT TIME REFRAIN FROM CALLING HIM PAKISTANI. The people of faridkot have denied anyone by amir ajmal kasab from their town.
If India refuses to share evidence, its impossible for Pakistan let alone any other country, to prosecute any suspects and besides Pakistan and India do not have an extradition treaty, so Pakistan is not obliged to send any suspects to India, furthermore countries that have extradition treaties usually go through court proceedings, if a court finds that there is concrete evidence against the suspect he will be extradited to the country where he has committed crime and the defendant also has a right to appeal. If India has any credibility on the world stage it has to share evidence with Pakistan otherwise India will be made to look like a laughing stock.
We don't need a clean chit from the FBI or any other department. Sad truth is, we have been blamed for previous stuff and will get blamed for unfortunately future incidents.
India should stop assuming/blaming everything on Pakistan. Even if someone farts in India... it will be blamed on ... you guessed it ISI.

I have no hope in the current politicians..... Allah willing, maybe some future political setup can get Pakistan out of this begging cycle. I wish to see the day where Pakistan can catagorically tell the accusing party to "take a hike". I know I'm being very optimistic but one should not lose hope.

It's about time we need a pakistani politcal leadership which takes a stance similar to what iranian political leadership takes and gives a tough signal to it's enemies. Pakistani politcs will need to get tougher and well focused on principles and be a true representative of the people. If pakistan withdraws a major part of it's army deployed in the western border towards afghanistan than US armed forces are DOOMED. Which is exactly what i propose and indians need to be given a strong signal so that they SHUT UP and think 10 times before opening their mouth infested full of worms. It's hightime politicians play their part not only maturely but also in a cunning and controlled aggressive manner. I am sick and tired of this stupid defensive, apologetic, lame,towing and pathetic approach. We should have by now sent all our ambassadors over the world to the right places in different countries to present out case regarding the allegations on us by the deceiving indians. Ambassadors based in all countries should have engaged print and electronic media alongwith foreign ministers of all nations. We should have prepared our case and started to head towards united nations (Even though it's a impotent authority).

In the end if our voice is not heard then the hell with the so called world of USA, Uk, israel, india and some european nations. We need to strengthen our ties with central asian republics and possibly russia. At political level we need to work very hard to strengthen our image and voice.
This is Bull S**t:angry: go take your fanatic crap out on someone else. Better yet dont do anything at all. Pakistan China Iran ex Soviet States and even Russia need to come down kick some serious a** and show the world whats up. India man you have got serious nurves bulls**tting about us and then saying we attacked you. How stupid are your leaders anyway.
Says Russian intelligence

Russia believes that underworld don Dawood Ibrahim was directly involved in the Mumbai terror attacks and his network was used by the terrorists to carry out the multiple attacks.

Moscow, which has been sharing intelligence with New Delhi, further believes that Dawood's drug network, which runs through Afghanistan, was used to finance the terror attack.

Russia has gone public with its intelligence inputs, which point to the involvement of Dawood Ibrahim in the Mumbai terror attacks. Dawood is believed to be operating his vast network from Karachi.

Russia's federal anti narcotics service director said

"The gathered inputs testify that regional drug baron Dawood Ibrahim had provided his logistics network for preparing and carrying out the Mumbai terror attacks," said Russia's federal anti narcotics service director.

He had further said that the Mumbai attacks were a 'burning example' of how the illegal drug trafficking network was used for carrying out terror activities.

The Indian side, however, is keeping a tight lid on the involvement of Dawood Ibrahim, who is one of the criminals that India wants extradited from Pakistan.

The Daily Star - Details News
No proof attackers were from Pakistan

Says Zardari

In a U-turn, President Asif Ali Zardari has said there is still no "real evidence" that the terrorists who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan nor had it been established that the lone arrested attacker Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab hailed from the country's Punjab province.

"Have you seen any evidence to that effect. I have definitely not seen any real evidence to that effect," Zardari told BBC in an interview.

Zardari, who earlier acknowledged that the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage of November 26 could be 'non-state' actors from Pakistan, made these remarks while responding to a question on assertions from India, US, Britain and other countries that the 10 terrorists who struck at Mumbai came from Pakistan.

On being told that the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown as well as Indian and Western intelligence agencies had stated that the Mumbai attack had originated from Pakistan, Zardari said: "Investigation is an evolving process. It has not been long enough for anybody to... Even the foreign minister of India has said they are still investigating.

The Daily Star - Details News
Killing of Indian terrorist squad chief conspiracy
Storm in Lok Sabha over minister’s claim
Friday, December 19, 2008

* Red-faced Congress swiftly dissociates itself from statement, will seek explanation from Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay

NEW DELHI: Indian Minority Affairs Minister Abdul Rahman Antulay has caused a storm in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday and Thursday, suggesting that the killing of Anti-Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare in Mumbai during last month’s terror attacks was a conspiracy.

The minister said he was killed due to his leading role in the investigations of the 2006 Malegaon bombings that killed eight people outside a mosque and have been blamed on Hindu nationalists.

“Anyone trying to go to the roots of terror has always been a target,” he said, calling for a separate inquiry into Karkare’s death. “There is more than what meets the eye,” he said, adding that the top official went to Cama Hospital instead of the Taj and Oberoi hotels, and was wearing a ‘substandard’ bulletproof vest.

Creating five minutes of pandemonium as Antulay sat quietly, opposition legislators said they were not satisfied with his clarification in the House the previous day that he did doubt the terrorists had killed Karkare.

Speaker Somnath Chatterjee tried in vain to pacify the agitated legislators, who continued to protest even after Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vyalar Ravi intervened and assured them the government would look into the matter.

Congress: A red-faced Congress swiftly dissociated itself from the minister. “We don’t accept the inference and the innuendo that underline the statement (by Antulay)...We don’t agree with bringing this case under a cloud,” Times of India newspaper quoted a Congress spokesman as saying. Citing its sources in the party, it said the Congress would seek an explanation from the minister.

Statement: External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the government would make a statement on Antulay’s remarks either today (Friday) or before the end of the Lok Sabha on December 23. iftikhar gilani/agencies/ daily times monitor

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
BJP and Shiv Sena seek Antulay’s scalp

NEW DELHI: India’s BJP and Hindu nationalist Shiv Sena pressed in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday and Thursday that Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay be sacked for suggesting the killing of Anti-Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare in the Mumbai terrorist attacks was a conspiracy. Shiv Sena leader Anant Geete, who had raked up Antulay’s remarks in the House the previous day, said the Indian premier should come to House to explain his minister. “We want his resignation,” added BJP’s Adityanath Yogi, going on to make an abusive remark against Antulay, which the speaker expunged. iftikhar gilani

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Oh Please.. such a waste of bandwidth, after all the people concerned here posted on Ajmal Kasab's Nepali connection. First u accuse its a hindu terror plot. The evidence -- RED Kalava stuff and the death of Karkare. Now u say, he is a honest pakistani citizen nabbed from Nepal. Then Yu guys ban the JUD on the basis of this hindu-pakistani-Nabbed frm Nepal guy's assertions that he was groomed by the LET..
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