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Mumbai Attacks

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Great videos, Thanks for sharing, very revealing Geo-Political discussion. I am well aware of what RAW, MOSSAD, and CIA is doing, they are the one's orchestrating these attacks you see in Pakistan today it is in their interest to destabilize the only Muslim Nuclear Power and China's Top Military Ally. Ultimately the Western Civilization is trying to prevent the rise of Eastern Powers like the Ummah/Caliphate hence the strategic occupation of Iraq (the center of the Middle East), and NATO/US occupation of Afghanistan and installing a Anti-Pakistani leader Karzai. Western powers also fear that they will be replaced by China as the World's main power, Western Countries fear the rise of China. All Of this is Geo-Politics And I hope to God ISI knows all about this I'm sure they do, ISI must immediately respond and pull a few strings of their own. If they don't act now then I'm afraid it maybe be to late in the near future...

Now I have a Counter Strategy for Pakistan and China to follow.

1) Pakistan and China should arm the Maoist in Northern India and raise havoc in India and destabilize India's northern region.

2) Then Pakistan ISI should raise Hell on the Bangladeshi-Indian Border; engender cross-border raids, kind of like a Kargil but this time between Bangladesh and India in India's city of Calcutta.

3) Pakistan should for God Sake befriend the Taliban once again and replenish them, to overthrow Karzai's government if we do this we will deliver a major setback to the Anglo-American Geo-Political Agenda in the region. See they want to create trouble for Pakistan on both sides East and West, we should overthrow this pseudo-Democratically falsely elected Government of Karzai, and jail his henchmen. Send the Taliban into Afghanistan with Stinger Missiles, with ammo, Sniper rifles, IED's, grenades, RPG's, radios, and other munitions.

4) Pakistani ISI should go gather young Muslim Men from Arabia, and other Muslim regions, train them and arm them and have them fight in Afghanistan against NATO troops and US troops, and send many of them to the outskirts of Kashmir, and attack Indian outpost.

5) Pakistan should encourage Mujahideen in CARS region to destroy the IAF airbase in Tajikistan, to put an end to the "Northern Threat" (my words). Mujahideen has defeated the Soviet Union, defeated the Roman Armies in Arabia, defeated the Persians, don't tell me they can't destroy IAF's Airbase in Tajikistan.

I hope these words will reach the ISI HQ!!!
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The Indian army says it has killed three militants in the Doda district of Indian-administered Kashmir on Friday, including a top commander of Lashkar-e-Toiba, the group linked to the Mumbai terror attack.

One solider was killed in what police officials say was a gun battle between militants and troops that took place in the Gundha area of the Doda district in Jammu province.

Officials have identified one of the killed militants as Iqbal Malik -- who is believed to be a senior commander of Lashkar-e-Toiba, a group that has been fighting against Indian rule in divided Kashmir. "Based on specific intelligence input, yesterday around evening, afternoon and evening, the area was cordoned off near Gundha, and in the ensuing firefight, security forces eliminated three militants this morning around 9.30. Three AK rifles, 6 AK grenades, 12 rounds of AK ammunitions and some other items have been recovered from the site," said S.N. Acharya, an army spokesman in Jammu.

Although Lashkar-e-Toiba's activities have mostly been limited to attacking Indian military installations in Kashmir, India blames the group for involvement in the recent terror attack in Mumbai.

The group has denied the charges, but acting on international pressure, Pakistan has cracked down on Lashkar and Jammat-ud-Dawah, designated as a front for Lashkar.

Authorities deployed thousands of troops in the Kashmiri summer capital Srinagar on Friday to prevent protests called by Muslim separatists ahead of the final phase of state elections.

Separatist groups had urged a total boycott of the polls, saying they will strengthen India's hold over the region.

But the first six rounds of voting have seen more than 50 percent turnout in the Muslim-majority Kashmir valley.

The restrictions prevented Friday prayers in Kashmir's biggest mosque for the seventh week in a row.

Kashmir's chief cleric, Mirwaiz Umar, says authorities are infringing on religious rights of people. "Basic human rights are being are being violated, not only politically but also the basic right of an individual to pray collectively is being denied for the last so many weeks. Also we believe that there is tremendous amount of military interference in day to day lives of the people."

The final round is elections on December 24 will be in Srinagar -the most sensitive district, along with Jammu and Samba districts.

VOA News - India Says It Killed One of Top Commanders of Group Linked to Mumbai Attack
He may be INNOCENT but POOR guy had a GUN in hand. Got screwd. Its a law no one except mililtay can carry GUN. as simple as that.

oooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....Guess what I become Leutenant.. no more 2nd..........................
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I think it is unlikely the FBI doesn't "clear" people or organizations this quickly. This story seems to originate in Iranian and Pakistani media only. (There are otehr stories reporting the opposite.) If it was for real, it certainly would have been leaked in Washington, in accordance with the current practice of leaking information as a weapon to further discredit the outgoing Bush Administration.
To paraphrase your comments to represent an equally valid view IMO; "If it was a lie for propaganda purposes, it certainly would have been leaked in Washington, in accordance with the current practice of leaking information as a weapon to further discredit XYZ entity.''

Why are we even bothering for a 'clearance' here?

The argument should be whether evidence clearly indicating culpability exists, and guilt can be proven. The GoP, ISI or any other entity stand 'cleared' till that moment.
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ur ideas are exactly wat pakistan should be doing. the problem in pakistan's case is not the army and the ISI but our leadership which is just here to please americans.
btw it seems that our gov has changed some of its strategy. suicide attacks have gone down in last 2 months but at the same time attacks on US NATO goods which pass through pak have increased. more than 200 of their humvees were being destroyed in 3 days and this all happened at a container terminal near peshawar. such attacks have never happened and i can bet that our forces could have stopped them if they wanted to. in response to these attacks our PM only gave one simple statement which was that the security of american cargo is the responsibility of security companies and thats it. Also few days back thousands of pakistanis marched against allowin US nato supplies to pass through pak. truck drivers have already given up that they will not drive trucks carryin US nato supplies.
supporting taliban in afghanistan will be the best move and will force US to leave the country. also afghan talibans can be used to eliminate every single indian soldier who is there in afghanistan.
we cant do much at the moment after these mumbai attacks. if a war breaks out bw india and pakistan, we might end up seeing quite interestin results. though pak will be hit hard but security situation within india will get screwed. bec pak will have no other option except to sign a treaty with pakistani talibans who are only waitin for that moment, taliban attacks inside afghanistan will increase. durin war pak can also use talibans to blow up some of indina counslates in afghanistan. also suicide bombers(according to one of the tribal leader) can be infiltrated into india who can cause havoc there by carryin out bombin at some key millitary instalments. i am not sure wat exactly can ISI do at india bangladesh border.
sounds lik an interesting plan to get rid of some of our serious problems. but for this to happen our leadership needs to have some faith in God and not america. also they will have to get one thing in their mind that this all cant be done without sufferin some heavy loses in the short term.
seriously speakin no one helped pakistan more than china after this mumbai attack. china's assuring of moral, financial and material support was a big morale booster for all pakistanis :pakistan::cheers::china:
Great videos, Thanks for sharing, very revealing Geo-Political discussion. I am well aware of what RAW, MOSSAD, and CIA is doing, they are the one's orchestrating these attacks you see in Pakistan today it is in their interest to destabilize the only Muslim Nuclear Power and China's Top Military Ally. Ultimately the Western Civilization is trying to prevent the rise of Eastern Powers like the Ummah/Caliphate hence the strategic occupation of Iraq (the center of the Middle East), and NATO/US occupation of Afghanistan and installing a Anti-Pakistani leader Karzai. Western powers also fear that they will be replaced by China as the World's main power, Western Countries fear the rise of China. All Of this is Geo-Politics And I hope to God ISI knows all about this I'm sure they do, ISI must immediately respond and pull a few strings of their own. If they don't act now then I'm afraid it maybe be to late in the near future...

Now I have a Counter Strategy for Pakistan and China to follow.

1) Pakistan and China should arm the Maoist in Northern India and raise havoc in India and destabilize India's northern region.

2) Then Pakistan ISI should raise Hell on the Bangladeshi-Indian Border; engender cross-border raids, kind of like a Kargil but this time between Bangladesh and India in India's city of Calcutta.

3) Pakistan should for God Sake befriend the Taliban once again and replenish them, to overthrow Karzai's government if we do this we will deliver a major setback to the Anglo-American Geo-Political Agenda in the region. See they want to create trouble for Pakistan on both sides East and West, we should overthrow this pseudo-Democratically falsely elected Government of Karzai, and jail his henchmen. Send the Taliban into Afghanistan with Stinger Missiles, with ammo, Sniper rifles, IED's, grenades, RPG's, radios, and other munitions.

4) Pakistani ISI should go gather young Muslim Men from Arabia, and other Muslim regions, train them and arm them and have them fight in Afghanistan against NATO troops and US troops, and send many of them into on the outskirts of Kashmir, and attack Indian outpost.

5) Pakistan should encourage Mujahideen in CARS region to destroy the IAF airbase in Tajikistan, to put an end to the "Northern Threat" (my words). Mujahideen has defeated the Soviet Union, defeated the Roman Armies in Arabia, defeated the Persians, don't tell me they can't destroy IAF's Airbase in Tajikistan.

I hope these words will reach the ISI HQ!!!

damn dude whered you get these ideas +1
damn dude whered you get these ideas +1

Well I contemplate attack plans, strategies, war history, and many other things. I have dedicated a lot of my study time to this field of Geo-Politics and especially our region.

I would like to reiterate my previous. Whether we Pakistanis and Muslims like the Taliban or not we MUST befriend them once again and replenish them, train and arm them to defeat and cause havoc amongst NATO troops/US troops, and overthrow this US installed pseudo-Democratic Government of Karzai in Afghanistan, even Pres. Musharraf who many call a moderate leader had problems getting along with the US puppet.

India's RAW agents are operating in Afghanistan we CAN CONFIRM THIS! The question is what are they doing there? They are gathering intelligence, buying and lobbying in Afghanistan for more Pro-Indian policies from the Afghan Government but more importantly more Anti-Pakistani policies. India's RAW is creating hatred amongst some locals and arming them to attack Pakistan, they are certainly doing this in Balochistan to, ever wonder who is ARMING the Baloch rebels (beyond AK-47's), even after Pakistani army has destroyed much of their weapon depots; It is Indian money and India's RAW.

MOSSAD and CIA are also intermingling in many of our affairs. They are also engaging in sabotage in Pakistan, again it is in their interest to destabilize Pakistan, some suggest once Pakistan is destabilize it will give Western Countries a reason send troops into Pakistan and "secure" and "snatch" what they want...

This War In Afghanistan is Primarily a War Against Pakistan. Don't you Ever Forget it.
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^ In a place like IoK i think alot of people carry weapons for safety.
Allrite... posting the 3rd time... spread this video around Pakistanis. Download it off Zamzar and tell the World the truth and that you do not believe the Indian version of events and stand against their media campaign.

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