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Mumbai Attacks

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Great videos, Thanks for sharing, very revealing Geo-Political discussion. I am well aware of what RAW, MOSSAD, and CIA is doing, they are the one's orchestrating these attacks you see in Pakistan today it is in their interest to destabilize the only Muslim Nuclear Power and China's Top Military Ally. Ultimately the Western Civilization is trying to prevent the rise of Eastern Powers like the Ummah/Caliphate hence the strategic occupation of Iraq (the center of the Middle East), and NATO/US occupation of Afghanistan and installing a Anti-Pakistani leader Karzai. Western powers also fear that they will be replaced by China as the World's main power, Western Countries fear the rise of China. All Of this is Geo-Politics And I hope to God ISI knows all about this I'm sure they do, ISI must immediately respond and pull a few strings of their own. If they don't act now then I'm afraid it maybe be to late in the near future...

Now I have a Counter Strategy for Pakistan and China to follow.

1) Pakistan and China should arm the Maoist in Northern India and raise havoc in India and destabilize India's northern region.

2) Then Pakistan ISI should raise Hell on the Bangladeshi-Indian Border; engender cross-border raids, kind of like a Kargil but this time between Bangladesh and India in India's city of Calcutta.

3) Pakistan should for God Sake befriend the Taliban once again and replenish them, to overthrow Karzai's government if we do this we will deliver a major setback to the Anglo-American Geo-Political Agenda in the region. See they want to create trouble for Pakistan on both sides East and West, we should overthrow this pseudo-Democratically falsely elected Government of Karzai, and jail his henchmen. Send the Taliban into Afghanistan with Stinger Missiles, with ammo, Sniper rifles, IED's, grenades, RPG's, radios, and other munitions.

4) Pakistani ISI should go gather young Muslim Men from Arabia, and other Muslim regions, train them and arm them and have them fight in Afghanistan against NATO troops and US troops, and send many of them to the outskirts of Kashmir, and attack Indian outpost.

5) Pakistan should encourage Mujahideen in CARS region to destroy the IAF airbase in Tajikistan, to put an end to the "Northern Threat" (my words). Mujahideen has defeated the Soviet Union, defeated the Roman Armies in Arabia, defeated the Persians, don't tell me they can't destroy IAF's Airbase in Tajikistan.

I hope these words will reach the ISI HQ!!!

The ISI has aleady tried these...

In any case , I cannot think of a better way by which Pak will ' self destruct" itself than this.Its compareable to a man stuck in a **** pot & wanting to pull the flush !!

Good bye cruel world !!
Yes , US and UK Media always use world Indian Admin and PAK admin territory.
I know that, but I was pointing that LeT commanders are being found in INDIAN controlled areas, not Pak controlled areas.

As the JuD spokeman claimed on TV, the LeT is a Kashmiri group that they used to have ties with but stopped once the ban was put on them.
Now where was the LeT guy killed again? Did I hear this right? INDIAN Administered Kashmir?

:lol: You beat me too it.

I believe someone in the GoP said this a while back after Mumbai, that most of the active LeT leadership was in IOK.
^The top LeT leadership is in Pakistan, as are those who planned the Mumbai attack.

There is nothing which suggests that the killed LeT commander organized the Mumbai attack.

Simple english guys. Learn to understand it.
^The top LeT leadership is in Pakistan, as are those who planned the Mumbai attack.

There is nothing which suggests that the killed LeT commander organized the Mumbai attack.

Simple english guys. Learn to understand it.
There is nothing to suggest anything except for Ajmal Kasab's alleged words.
^The top LeT leadership is in Pakistan, as are those who planned the Mumbai attack.

There is nothing which suggests that the killed LeT commander organized the Mumbai attack.

Simple english guys. Learn to understand it.

How is what I wrote contradictory to this comment in the article:

"Officials have identified one of the killed militants as Iqbal Malik -- who is believed to be a senior commander of Lashkar-e-Toiba,"
How is what I wrote contradictory to this comment in the article:

"Officials have identified one of the killed militants as Iqbal Malik -- who is believed to be a senior commander of Lashkar-e-Toiba,"

(Asim) Don't try to dissociate JuD from LeT and label it an Indian group.
Now where was the LeT guy killed again? Did I hear this right? INDIAN Administered Kashmir?

All these terrorist groups does have links in India to help them carry out there terrorist attack. That is nothing new, every terrorist attack have some inside help.

I am impressed though, that Indian gov't is hitting this internal sleepers cell hard, and getting ride of all these garbages. If India keeps doing this, it will be very hard for any Let, Jud, or whatever is out there to do any terrorist attacks in India.
The terrorists are in a dream world thinking that they will liberate Kashmir. They couldn't do it in 6 decades and they cannot do it in future as well. Good that IA is encountering these scums.
The terrorists are in a dream world thinking that they will liberate Kashmir. They couldn't do it in 6 decades and they cannot do it in future as well. Good that IA is encountering these scums.

ye because Indias arent the man of thier words.
:lol: You beat me too it.

I believe someone in the GoP said this a while back after Mumbai, that most of the active LeT leadership was in IOK.

Hmm.. I thought it was the pakistan government that had carried out operations using even helicopter gunships against alleged LeT camps in ***. Or now do you deny that too. Then surely, all the LeT terrorists cannot be in J&K.

However, India has been claiming cross border terrorism for sometime now, so it makes sense for people to cross over from the border and still get killed in J&K.
Now on every innocent muslim dies in Kashmir will be militant and recovering gun is not big deal. Killing a person and through gun next to him and call him media guys and show them .....another Pakistani-Kashmiri militant killed....
Isn't that easy ?
Deaths from Mumbai 'police error'

Guests trapped in a Mumbai hotel seized by gunmen last month have told the BBC they were given instructions by police that may have led to more people dying.

A survivor who had been hiding at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel said some guests were shot and killed by the militants after police said it was safe to leave.

The senior policeman in charge of the operation in the hotel has denied the allegations against his officers.

The attacks left at least 173 people dead, including nine of the 10 gunmen.

India blames Pakistan-based militants Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) for the 26 November attacks.

LeT and the Pakistani government have denied any involvement.

Two of the hotels caught up in the attacks, the Trident-Oberoi and Taj Mahal Palace, are to re-open on Sunday.

Armed guards and sniffer dogs have been stationed at both hotels and X-ray machines are to screen guests' bags.


A prominent Mumbai gynaecologist, Dr Prashant Mangeshikar, was trapped in the Taj Mahal hotel along with hundreds of other guests as gunmen stormed into the building, firing indiscriminately.

Terrified, he and others barricaded themselves into a room and waited.

Eventually, in the early hours of the morning, police officers made it through to where they were hiding and told people it was safe to leave the hotel because the gunmen were cornered on another floor.

Some went ahead but Dr Mangeshikar held back.

"I was a little suspicious that the police were actually sending these guys down a different route where the terrorists were supposed to be," he told the BBC's Adam Mynott.

"I refused to move away and the people who ran ahead of me, about 20 or 30 of them, all of them died."

A dress designer from the city says her aunt was shot dead and her cousin seriously wounded because they followed police instructions to try to leave.

The designer, Shilpa, described the police conduct as disgraceful.

They had no right, she said, to risk people's lives.

Hotels re-open

The senior policeman in charge of the operation in the hotel has denied these allegations against his officers.

But they add to growing criticism of the police and how they responded to the attack, says our correspondent.

The government of India's Maharashtra state has already announced an investigation into two senior policemen over alleged failure to act on warnings of the attacks.

India's interior minister and Maharashtra state chief minister have already resigned.

Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari said claims that the sole surviving attacker had been identified by his own father as coming from Pakistan had not been proven. The man has been named as Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab and is in Indian police custody.
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