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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

CNN is trying hard to put this sh!t on Islamic Radicalization , without anything prove yet. . that is sick mentality of American peoples .. even if their Dog dies in car incident , put the blame on Islamic Radicalization .. fcuking retards ..just like the School shooting and Batman movie premier shooting .. let the news come out and than blame someone ...
They were being ruthlessly killed in India. So it is natural they found refuge elsewhere. Isn't that common all over the world?
yep. Now Canadians are getting killed ruthlessly. After that they will kill those attackers ruthlessly. Then I wonder where these attackers will take shelter. Abotabad ?

CNN is trying hard to put this sh!t on Islamic Radicalization , without anything prove yet. . that is sick mentality of American peoples .. even if their Dog dies in car incident , put the blame on Islamic Radicalization .. fcuking retards ..just like the School shooting and Batman movie premier shooting .. let the news come out and than blame someone ...
I am also trying to do that. he he he
CNN is trying hard to put this sh!t on Islamic Radicalization , without anything prove yet. . that is sick mentality of American peoples .. even if their Dog dies in car incident , put the blame on Islamic Radicalization .. fcuking retards ..just like the School shooting and Batman movie premier shooting .. let the news come out and than blame someone ...

I agree, this is a CIA conspiracy. If this is not a CIA conspiracy, this is a legitimate act by the Freedom Fighters against the western hegemony. These fighters are protesting against the Human Rights violence of their people/families.
Seems to be 3 shooters in the Parliament, one of whom has been taken down. Canada pays the price for being lax.
man they are really stupids . i am failed to understand how they give emegration ? a man has 1 feet long Beard devil look man go to their emmbassy they say welcome . a normal clear man go to for visit visa they refuse :lol: they collect whole garbage of islamic world EU is hub terrorists now :hitwall:

if i was emigration officer i reject every man whom pray 5 times and have beard :partay:
Imran Bhai!...I used to think the same...I have met people who are very religious or not at all religious....I am not religious..but I personally dont think a person who has a long beard or prays 5 times a day would be the reason for not trusting, I would not trust if this person goes around preaching his belief in public, then I would have my guard up...(I am including my religion of birth in the list as well)..Again ..practice of religion is your relationship that you have with God>
(Reuters) - A gunman shot and wounded a soldier in Ottawa on Wednesday and then entered the country's parliament buildings chased by police, with at least 30 shots fired in dramatic scenes in the heart of the Canadian capital.

A suspected gunman was shot dead inside the parliament building, a government minister said.

It was not clear whether the suspect had acted alone. Ottawa police said they were actively looking for one or more suspects.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in a caucus meeting in parliament when gunfire erupted in the building, Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino, a former policeman, told the Toronto Sun.

Harper was later safely removed from the building, and parliament was locked down.

Fantino said parliament's head of security, Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, a former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), had shot a suspect dead.

"All the details are not in, but the sergeant-at-arms, a former Mountie, is the one that engaged the gunman, or one of them at least, and stopped this," Fantino said. "He did a great job and, from what I know, shot the gunman and he is now deceased."

Dramatic video footage posted by the Globe and Mail newspaper showed police with guns drawn inside the main parliament building. At least a dozen loud bangs can be heard on the clip, echoing through the hallway.


As the drama enfolded, police in dark bulletproof vests and automatic weapons flooded the streets near parliament.

Some took cover behind vehicles, and shouted to people to clear the area, saying: "We do not have the suspect in custody. You are in danger here."

Members of parliament were told to lock themselves in their offices, and stay away from the windows.

"If your door does not lock, find a way to barricade the door, if possible. Do not open a door under any circumstances," said a security alert issued by parliament officials.

People in downtown Ottawa should stay away from windows and off roofs due to an "ongoing police incident," the RCMP cautioned in a statement.

All cell phones in the area were blocked.

The wounded soldier was taken into an ambulance in which medical personnel could be seen giving him cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.

The shooting came two days after an Islamic convert ran down two Canadian soldiers with his car, killing one, near Montreal, before being shot and killed by police.


A construction worker on the scene in Ottawa told Reuters he heard a gunshot, and then saw a man with a scarf over his face running towards parliament.

"He was wearing blue pants and a black jacket and he had a double barreled shotgun and he ran up the side of this building here and hijacked a car at gunpoint," construction worker Scott Walsh told Reuters.

The driver got out safely, then the man drove the car to the Centre Block on Parliament Hill, where construction work is underway, Walsh said.

The suspected gunman rushed past a woman with a child in a stroller, who ran away screaming. He did not attack the woman or child, he said.

Centre Block is the main building on Parliament Hill, a sprawling complex of buildings and open space in downtown Ottawa. It contains the House of Commons and Senate chambers as well as the offices of some members of parliament, senators, and senior administration for both legislative houses.

One member of parliament, Mark Strahl, tweeted from inside parliament: "Very tense situation in Ottawa this morning. Multiple gun shots fired outside of our caucus room. I am safe and in lockdown. Unbelievable."

Security on Parliament Hill is fairly low-key, compared with Capitol Hill in Washington. Anybody could walk right up to the front door of parliament's Centre Block with arms and explosives without being challenged before entering the front door, where a few guards check accreditation.

The room where the caucus of the governing Conservatives meets with Prime Minister Stephen Harper is perhaps 100 feet (30 meters) from that door.

The Canadian military closed its bases across the country following the events in Ottawa, CBC TV said.
Canada is one of those countries which provided sanctuary to other nations' terrorists. Canada deserves it 100%. Canada deliberately botched the Kanishka Bombing case, not a single culprit got punished. Next step, India must assist Khalistanis in carving out a part of Canada as their homeland.

Besides India, no one gives a damn about the Kanishka Bombing case. Not even Canada.
How many died? Is it like Hollywood? Action, Special Effect and Stuff?

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