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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

Canada is one of those countries which provided sanctuary to other nations' terrorists. Canada deserves it 100%. Next step, India must assist Khalistanis in carving out a part of Canada as their homeland.
@CIA, @NSA, @CENTCOM : same for this dude and all responses like this.
Canada is one of those countries which provided sanctuary to other nations' terrorists. Canada deserves it 100%. Canada deliberately botched the Kanishka Bombing case, not a single culprit got punished. Next step, India must assist Khalistanis in carving out a part of Canada as their homeland.

@Chak Bamu
@Hu Songshan
man they are really stupids . i am failed to understand how they give emegration ? a man has 1 feet long Beard devil look man go to their emmbassy they say welcome . a normal clear man go to for visit visa they refuse :lol: they collect whole garbage of islamic world EU is hub terrorists now :hitwall:

if i was emigration officer i reject every man whom pray 5 times and have beard :partay:

what you've said is true.same thing they've done with Sikh Separatist groups.
oppressing... i hope you're kidding..

we give 'm freedom of speech, we give 'm more freedom than they can handle.. and they respond with attacks on the hands that feed them...
And they are using that freedom to produce terrorists who are shooting at you now. And you want your agencies to watch me. he he he
i'm pretty sure that they will. as will your own indian agencies.

Indian Agencies will shove that long pole up their behind if they try to watch an Indian citizen illegally. India is not Iraq.

BTW, it is double whammy time, we must tell Khalistanis that their time has arrived. Toronto must become the capital of Khalistan.
Shooting is taking place at 3 places. Parliament, War memorial and shopping mall.
Thank you. It helps that you think this.
No I think the so called liberals, selective seculars who remained silent when India was suffering must suffer the same way in same pain. Feel the pain now as we have been feeling it for past 60 years.

And you love to call them freedom fighters, just like kashmir freedom fighters.

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