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Muhammad Iqbal on Islamic Nationalism


Oct 23, 2020
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United States
This is an excerpt from the Book Islam and Ahmadism by Muhammad Iqbal. This was his ideology. Islamic Nationalism.
Was he wrong with Turkey and Persia?
As later both became ultra secularist and Iran they will too in due time
To what extent did he want Islam in national life

Ofcourse to some extent even if you look at secular countries
Majority religion always has a role to play in national life - US for eg- for 100s of years Christianity did play a role in national life

Issue is to what extent did Iqbal enviosn majority religion to play a role in national life

Regardless I don't think they teach the philosophy of Iqbal enough...
Which they should
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Look at your profile
"However, according to a 2020 online survey by Gamaan found a much larger percentage of Iranians identifying as atheist (8.8%), and a large fraction (22.2%) identifying as not following an organized religion, and 60% not identifying as Muslim"
It was an online survey so it has volunteer bias and only includes the literate portion of the population with an internet connection. Also the sampling method was multiple chain-referral sampling which means that the survey only stayed in the same sort of whats-app groups, chats and social media feeds.
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"However, according to a 2020 online survey by Gamaan found a much larger percentage of Iranians identifying as atheist (8.8%), and a large fraction (22.2%) identifying as not following an organized religion, and 60% not identifying as Muslim"

It was an online survey so it has volunteer bias and only includes the literate portion of the population with an internet connection.
I don't want to focus too much on this as it's off-topic
But an Iranian member based in Iran agrees with it based on his experiences

If you're still not with it- we have to agree to disagree
This is an excerpt from the Book Islam and Ahmadism by Muhammad Iqbal. This was his ideology. Islamic Nationalism.
View attachment 795854
Notice he says in Turkey, Persia, Egypt etc it will never be a problem as he states they are Abrahamic religions dominant. Last time I checked Pakistan is also Islam dominant with nearly 98% Muslim. If you also include the Christian minority your knocking 99% Muslim which places Pakistan with Persia, Turkey, Egypt etc.

Meaning nationalism is cool in Pakistan.
If you read Iqbals works you will notice he is on a journey. As he advances in age and experiance his thinking evolves. This is a good quality. This shows us he is developing his ideas through the decades and consolidating his experiance.

For instance he begins sounding a trans-national South Asian but then goes for a five province on the Indus River Pakistan. Intially he is dead against nationalism and is more toward the idea of the ummah concept. However after initially being critical of the ending of the Ottoman Caliphate he becomes a major supporter of the national Turkish project of Ataturk. He sees in the Grand National Assembly of Turks as a blueprint for other Muslim peoples to follow.

He also deplores the primtive and retrogressive effect of what he calls 'Arabian Islam' which he feels needs to purged of it's primtive Arab influences. He also calls for Islam to be dragged into the modern age by being reinterpreted - again this is influenced by the Turkish secular movement of Ataturk and the Young Turks.
If you read Iqbals works you will notice he is on a journey. As he advances in age and experiance his thinking evolves. This is a good quality. This shows us he is developing his ideas through the decades and consolidating his experiance.

For instance he begins sounding a trans-national South Asian but then goes for a five province on the Indus River Pakistan. Intially he is dead against nationalism and is more toward the idea of the ummah concept. However after initially being critical of the ending of the Ottoman Caliphate he becomes a major supporter of the national Turkish project of Ataturk. He sees in the Grand National Assembly of Turks as a blueprint for other Muslim peoples to follow.

He also deplores the primtive and retrogressive effect of what he calls 'Arabian Islam' which he feels needs to purged of it's primtive Arab influences. He also calls for Islam to be dragged into the modern age by being reinterpreted - again this is influenced by the Turkish secular movement of Ataturk and the Young Turks.
Yes, from baang e Dara to secular Atatürk. Inna lillahi wa inna ilyhi rajioon.
Modi k baraber ka jhoot bolnay lagy hain aap.
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I never said he was but he was evoilving and had become pro Ataturkjs reforms in contrast he had a very dim of Arabs.
A lot of Ataturks reforms sucked tho. Changing the Alphabet left more of the population illiterate at a time when they already had a literacy problem. Also, changing the Adhan and banning the fez was dumb and didn't do anything. I like Japan and South Korean reforms much better because they managed to keep their culture.
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