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Mr Dar and our ‘Inshallah economy’

welfare-based society ) like Libyan Jamahiriya and even Syria ?
haaa, aa gya !! :sarcastic:

pukkha mar, give us capitalists more to laugh at..

lol, 2 eggs a week jamahir starving in his dirty gutter.. btw gaddafi bhi end me ek gutter me mila tha


There is nothing Islamic about Turkish Brotherhood types like Erdogan. What real Muslim joins with the Crusader governments of USA, Britain, Australia etc and destroys a partially true Islamic country ( democratic welfare-based society ) like Libyan Jamahiriya and even Syria ?

We must never call AQ, "M"B, Irani mullahs, Taliban, Jemah "Islamiya", Tableeghi Jamaat etc as Islamists because they groups haven't understood the progressiveness of Islam. "Islamists" to describe the above pscyhos was an invention of BBC to defame Islam because Islam is really Communist in orientation.

Do you even believe in God ?

Islamist is vary, not similar movement and ideology,

In Indonesia, Islamist is lead by Intellectuals like Habibie who has made several patent in Aerospace sector.

You are the one who believe Islamist concept made by the Westerners, not me dude

In Western concept, particularly their media with lack of deep of understanding, Islamist criteria is something that you mentioned in your post about Tabligi and others
Do you even believe in God ?

No, I believe in the supremacy of Nature. Can you go to the nearest active volcano in Indonesia and chant prayer as furiously as you can and have a thousand mullahs around you also praying furiously and you jump into the volcano and expect to be alive ? :)

Islamist is vary, not similar movement and ideology,

In Indonesia, Islamist is lead by Intellectuals like Habibie who has made several patent in Aerospace sector.

Who is this "intellectual" Habibie and what has he contributed to aerospace sector ?

You are the one who believe Islamist concept made by the Westerners, not me dude

In Western concept, particularly their media with lack of deep of understanding, Islamist criteria is something that you mentioned in your post about Tabligi and others

Who invented Al Qaeda and where did the Irani mullah Khomenei live just before he returned to Iran to take over power and oppress the people especially the women ? :)
3. Fanatic theism enslaves society and deprives them of intellectual effort. Show me a Taliban-built or BJP-built space station above Earth. OTOH, it was officially godless USSR which sent the first human into space - 61 years ago.

I don’t remember USSR getting bombed to pieces and neither do I remember USSR being a product of Pakistan and CIA brainwashing.

But I have never seen those criticising religion to be fair and honest in their judgements.
I don’t remember USSR getting bombed to pieces and neither do I remember USSR being a product of Pakistan and CIA brainwashing.

I didn't understand.

But I have never seen those criticising religion to be fair and honest in their judgements.

Please search on the forum for my explanations of Islam which is partially a Communist ideology and a thoughtful and progressive one which is why early Muslim philosophers just 200 years after the founding of Islam included Buddha as one of the 124,000 prophets in Islam. At this same time there were those crooked, oppressive, misogynist and irrational hadith writers from Irani culture who wrote the hadiths in ritualist form and destroyed intellect in Islam partially. These hadith writers like Bukhari were either still retaining of their Zarathushti past ( Zoroastrianism ) or wanted to sabotage Islam hence were crypto-Zoroastrian priests but taking on Islamic appearance in words.

This is my thread from 2016 about the Communist orientation of Islam and the OP is written by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha. Please note the agreement of various members in the thread, whether from Pakistan or from Algeria. And please follow the convo from this post onwards which are my explanations of progressiveness in Islam. These are samples among thousands of my posts.
I didn't understand.

It’s hard to progress a war torn country. Just when you defeat one superpower and find some semblance of society and working country, another bombs you for 17 years.

Afghanistan is doing pretty well these days so I hear.

Please search on the forum for my explanations of Islam

I don’t take my religion from anyone but scholars and salaf. The opinion of this forums members matters very little even in worldly matters, most are westernised expat who even mock InshaAllah and laugh at anyone defending Islam.

They are ashamed of their own roots
It’s is mentioned in Quran to say it when you embarking on something good and wishes it to be achieve successful. It is naturally for it to evolve into a cultural thing for Arab population (Muslim or non-Muslim) like many other Islamic guidelines over the
So, in other words, make a mockery of God. That doesn't sound either religious or cultured.
Ur right
And this is how it happens
But u have to understand, even Christian’s here say Inshallah/Alhamdulillah
It’s a cultural thing not a religious thing
So one shouldn’t get angry if any word used sounding Arabic is used in street language

Inshaaalllaaahh all will be ok
it was officially godless USSR which sent the first human into space - 61 years ago.
Don't be so in thrall of the long dead evil empire. The only humans who set foot on another heavenly body all came from a place that proclaims "In God We Trust" as its official motto.
Don't be so in thrall of the long dead evil empire. The only humans who set foot on another heavenly body all came from a place that proclaims "In God We Trust" as its official motto.

1. Evil Empire, is it my crypto Hindutvaadi ? :lol: So what made the USSR evil ? And what didn't make the Star Spangled Banner Empire evil ?



2. USA government put humans on the Moon because the USSR lost interest in the Moon. Quite boring it may have seemed to the USSR. However, the USSR had planned in the 1950s to realize a one-year expedition on Mars by the mid-1970s. It was called MPK - Mars Piloted Komplex : [ (a). A short description (b). A longer one ].
1. Evil Empire, is it my crypto Hindutvaadi ? :lol: So what made the USSR evil ? And what didn't make the Star Spangled Banner Empire evil ?



2. USA government put humans on the Moon because the USSR lost interest in the Moon. Quite boring it may have seemed to the USSR. However, the USSR had planned in the 1950s to realize a one-year expedition on Mars by the mid-1970s. It was called MPK - Mars Piloted Komplex : [ (a). A short description (b). A longer one ].

NATO-seeded Hindutvaadi, you just ignore the evil that is NATO / Western Bloc / Capitalism / Ritualism despite photos. :lol:

This is Lenin :


And this is Bhagat Singh. Now let us see you insult Bhagat :
I will conclude with the last moments of Bhagat Singh’s life, as reported by his close associate Manmathnath Gupta, he writes:

“When called upon to mount the scaffold, Bhagat Singh was reading a book by Lenin or on Lenin. He continued his reading and said, ‘Wait a while. A revolutionary is talking to another revolutionary’. Bhagat Singh continued to read. After a few moments, he flung the book towards the ceiling and said, ‘Let us go’.” [Emphasis added]

This is the true legacy of Bhagat Singh which we need to commemorate. He read all possible revolutionary or even anarchic literature to build his vision of independent India. It also tells us why we need to listen to those who read and write; they may imagine India differently, but they do not deserve to be punished for what they read or write.
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