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Mr Dar and our ‘Inshallah economy’

I don’t want to reason in this matter

Yes, you are beyond reason. And proof that stupidity has no religion. :D

From your link:

"If "inshaallah" is uttered while arranging something and if it is not fulfilled, those people are not regarded to have told lies."

And that is what the people think they will use to try and deceive Allah on the Day of Judgement. That is the REAL travesty here.
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I have seen filthy Kuffar make fun of Muslims for this, shocking to see Muslims doing the same.

Disgusting article by I am sure a disgusting writer.

Please delete it and send curses upon this asshole making fun of Islam

Ishaq Dar da muslimaanano o Islam laprah mazaak da :rofl:

Di wayee Inshallah kala che la IMF sakha bheek wakaree o sood wakhley 😂
Please don’t reason with me. For me that link I posted is sufficient. Baqi, to you your grave and to me my grave.

I saw evil, I spoke against evil. I presented evidence it’s evil. Baqi, I rest my case.

I'm sure Munkar and Nakir will check your mental faculties on this subject before giving you an exam on your faith in the grave. They'll perhaps even let you slip past due to your spectrum-level thinking.
Reality isn't far from what the article states and is the mindset I've seen from Pakistanis.

Even God said tie you camel and then pray to me.

Not God saying that, but prophet Muhammad explaining about Tawakkal. Tawakkal is doing what you possibly do and after that rely the result to God. He said tie your camel first, then rely on God.

The term is already understood perfectly in Quran as well as Islam uses common sense. Talking about common sense, even Isra Mi'raj in Quran is more about journey through dream ( soul ), not physically, but most Muslim ( who dont read whole Quran ) still believe Isra Mi'raj is like prophet Muhammad fly from one point to another point using Buraq. Prophet Muhammad though try to make the event easy to understand, but for people using common sense ( which is also hinted in one Quran verses ), it is impossible to meet people who have already death physically like prophet Adam, Isa, and Ibrahim like what happen during the event explained by prophet Muhammad in Hadith

By the way, using InshaAllah is an obligation and written in one Quran verse. Indonesia Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani, also often say it when talking about future.
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Current Pakistan problem is due to external factors. I dont think it is wrong your FM said it. Pakistan economic fundamental is already very weak to shock from outside. I have already shown the assessment done by the economist published in 2021 ( during IK term )

Who ever think US The Fed is so determine to do tight monetary policy under Powell leadership ? Who ever think Russia will invade Ukraine since late February 2023 ? This is something outside Pakistan control.
I'm just appalled that people take the religious card to play down the article and not face the truth.

In our region, religion is used to control the gullible and arouse reaction if one doesn't like the other's point of view.

He isn't using the religion. He is a closet noon supporter, but he won't admit it.
Regardless of that, this is positive for IK political strenght. He just need to play smart and wait for next election. He has already made wrong move like leaving the parliament ( source of income for PTI politician).

Some one need to show him how Turkish Islamist can win election through Erbakan. Patience is the key and dont mess with current power holders.
Don’t see “Inshallah” as a religious phrase rather a cultural phrase and everything will fall into place.
As we are not Arabic speakers, anything in Arabic with Allah in it has great values in our non native speakers eyes,
But that is not the case, here in Middle East, Arab and non Arab both of who are Muslims use “Inshallah” when either we don’t want to do it or unsure if ever it will be done.
Same is it with Dar, how can a convicted in court of law be ever believing in Allah & his prophet.
It’s just his way “culture” of saying things (Che bana na).
View it that way
Don’t see “Inshallah” as a religious phrase rather a cultural phrase and everything will fall into place.
As we are not Arabic speakers, anything in Arabic with Allah in it has great values in our non native speakers eyes,
But that is not the case, here in Middle East, Arab and non Arab both of who are Muslims use “Inshallah” when either we don’t want to do it or unsure if ever it will be done.
Same is it with Dar, how can a convicted in court of law be ever believing in Allah & his prophet.
It’s just his way “culture” of saying things (Che bana na).
View it that way
It’s is mentioned in Quran to say it when you embarking on something good and wishes it to be achieve successful. It is naturally for it to evolve into a cultural thing for Arab population (Muslim or non-Muslim) like many other Islamic guidelines over the centuries.
Muslims use “Inshallah” when either we don’t want to do it or unsure if ever it will be done.
So, in other words, make a mockery of God. That doesn't sound either religious or cultured.
Some one need to show him how Turkish Islamist can win election through Erbakan. Patience is the key and dont mess with current power holders.

There is nothing Islamic about Turkish Brotherhood types like Erdogan. What real Muslim joins with the Crusader governments of USA, Britain, Australia etc and destroys a partially true Islamic country ( democratic welfare-based society ) like Libyan Jamahiriya and even Syria ?

We must never call AQ, "M"B, Irani mullahs, Taliban, Jemah "Islamiya", Tableeghi Jamaat etc as Islamists because they groups haven't understood the progressiveness of Islam. "Islamists" to describe the above pscyhos was an invention of BBC to defame Islam because Islam is really Communist in orientation.

Getting Interest based loan with inshallah, is like eating pork (pig) with Bismillah.

More like eating a filthy dog.

But that is not the case, here in Middle East, Arab and non Arab both of who are Muslims use “Inshallah” when either we don’t want to do it or unsure if ever it will be done.

mera aik uncle jab bhi Inshallah kahta ha ...saab ko pata chal jata ha .ya kam nahi hoga or na karaga ...

That's how it is here in India too, mostly when someone doesn't want to do the work.

You mean this culture??? Molestation fest?? You don't like it??

That is not molestation for sexual gratification but it is demonstration of violent desi misogyny. We must note one boy hitting the girl on the head with force.

What you said is verbatim new atheism movement BS.

Atheism is actually the weapon to keep people enslaved and make a good army of worker bees. This is why West promotes new atheism and absolutely crushes religion especially which frees people from government/societal slavery. It’s why communists feel threatened and they use force.

Example of Andrew Tate comes to mind. He was OK when he promoted hedonism which is in line with governments enslavement and consumerism. But as soon as he accepted Islam, he became dangerous. He’s now unlawfully jailed without any reason for months.

Islam is especially a threat because Christianity and other religions have been changed at will and can be changed anytime. Neither do their followers follow it. But Islam is very resistant to change and hence not malleable to government slavery. Muslims make bad consumers.

Do the math and you get people like you who are fed new atheism BS.

1. It is actually the fanatic theists ( mullah ghey bois included ) who become enslaved by NATO or are bred by them to become NATO's gun arm in destroying and genociding progressive societies.

2. Andrew Tate ? That psycho MMA type ?

3. Fanatic theism enslaves society and deprives them of intellectual effort. Show me a Taliban-built or BJP-built space station above Earth. OTOH, it was officially godless USSR which sent the first human into space - 61 years ago.

Why are you visiting psycho / irrational websites and why are you being a ritualist by saying "Nauzbillah" again and again ? A Muslim ritualist is no different than a Brahman priest.

Look at this question on the website. The asker clearly mentions that she is a woman but the mullah ghey bois who run the website start their stupid answer with "Dear Brother / Sister" and look at the burqa-promoting bolded words in the answer and they are so confident about what Allah wants as if they have had discussions with Allah :
I am a woman who does not wear hijab but I perform prayers. I have heard a hadith: "The prayers of women who do not wear hijab are not accepted." Is it a sound hadith? I need information about it.

Submitted by Anonim on Tue, 31/10/2017 - 11:31
Dear Brother / Sister,

We do not know any hadiths stating that the prayers of women who do not wear hijab are not accepted. Besides, even if a woman does not wear hijab, her prayers and other deeds of worship are valid.

Prayer is a deed of worship that Allah wants from us. There are other deeds of worship and haram deeds that we have to avoid. Therefore, we will be rewarded for the good deeds we do and punished for the sins we commit.

Besides, in the hereafter, Allah will evaluate all of the deeds a person did. Our religion, which regards even removing a barrier from the way as a deed of worship, will definitely reward a person for prayers, which is a very important deed of worship.

For instance, a girl who does not wear hijab receives rewards when she performs prayers. She commits a sin when she goes out without hijab. One of them does not prevent the other.

It is certain that the other deeds and attitudes of a person who performs prayers need to be good. However, we cannot say that a person’s prayers will not be accepted just because he/she commits a sin. We hope the prayer he/she performs will prevent him/her from bad deeds.

We should not forget that awrah places have to be covered while performing prayers. It is necessary for a woman to cover her body except her hands, face and feet while performing prayers.
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