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MQM Membership Campaign starts throughout Pakistan

How can Zia support and make a liberal party, that too which was anti Punjabi influence in the largest city of Pakistan. Why do people never think before levelling these types of accusation? Think for yourself for a minute, what is Zia gaining from conceiving MQM?

Establishment wanted to counter PPP and JI influence in Sindh.
Establishment wanted to counter PPP and JI influence in Sindh.

PPP? no thanks, you need to be smoking pretty strong stuff to believe that. The majority of "muhajirs" never voted for PPP. How then can you say it is made to counter PPP?

And JI? So let me get this straight, Zia makes MQM to weaken JI, who were at that time giving him support? And that makes sense how? Please explain, it is easy to X,Y or Z was made by establishment to weaken A,B, or C. But if you can't provide logical and reasonable arguments why they would do this then it makes no sense to keep it repeating it. Just saying it won't make it the truth.
PPP? no thanks, you need to be smoking pretty strong stuff to believe that. The majority of "muhajirs" never voted for PPP. How then can you say it is made to counter PPP?

And JI? So let me get this straight, Zia makes MQM to weaken JI, who were at that time giving him support? And that makes sense how? Please explain, it is easy to X,Y or Z was made by establishment to weaken A,B, or C. But if you can't provide logical and reasonable arguments why they would do this then it makes no sense to keep it repeating it. Just saying it won't make it the truth.

You are insane. Muhajirs (Urdu speakers) have been present in Pakistan since 1947. And they did not only settle in Sindh, but throughout Pakistan, also in Punjab. My family came from Urdu-speaking community in Ludhiana, India, so I am a Urdu-speaking Muhajir too. Yet out of nowhere these Muhajirs in Karachi started doing violence in the name of their mother-tongue in early 80's? Why didn't they call for such a language-based rights movement between 1947-1984, only when Zia was in power?
You are insane. Muhajirs (Urdu speakers) have been present in Pakistan since 1947. And they did not only settle in Sindh, but throughout Pakistan, also in Punjab. My family came from Urdu-speaking community in Ludhiana, India, so I am a Urdu-speaking Muhajir too. Yet out of nowhere these Muhajirs in Karachi started doing violence in the name of their mother-tongue in early 80's? Why didn't they call for such a language-based rights movement between 1947-1984, only when Zia was in power?

So you think muhajrs started violence in karachi in 80s?
Seriously tell me what do you know about karachi except mqm bhatta khor,adam khor,target killers?
You are insane. Muhajirs (Urdu speakers) have been present in Pakistan since 1947. And they did not only settle in Sindh, but throughout Pakistan, also in Punjab. My family came from Urdu-speaking community in Ludhiana, India, so I am a Urdu-speaking Muhajir too. Yet out of nowhere these Muhajirs in Karachi started doing violence in the name of their mother-tongue in early 80's? Why didn't they call for such a language-based rights movement between 1947-1984, only when Zia was in power?

They did not come out of no where, the tensions had been brewing ever since Ayub Khan had started to replace the "muhajirs" from well established positions. The assertiveness of Muhajr identity had nothing to do with Zia.

You think ethnic violence in Karachi started happening in 1980s? Do you know which ethnicity were the mobs attacking "muhajir" localities in Karachi during Ayub Khan's rule?
Do you know what the language riots in 1972 were about? APMSO was created in 1978, I'd like to see you connect these two mentioned act of ethnic violence to MQM or AMPSO. just because you do not understand or know something does not mean its insane.
So you think muhajrs started violence in karachi in 80s?
Seriously tell me what do you know about karachi except mqm bhatta khor,adam khor,target killers?

Don't blame him, I genuinely believe he does not know about the language riots in 1972 or Riots against Muhajirs in Ayub Khans rule. He just needs to be educated. :-)
They did not come out of no where, the tensions had been brewing ever since Ayub Khan had started to replace the "muhajirs" from well established positions. The assertiveness of Muhajr identity had nothing to do with Zia.
LOL. So just because Ayub replaced Urdu-speakers from established positions and gave those posts to Sindhi-speakers, you people made your own liguistic party and started violence, now even demanding your own province for Urdu-speakers only? Funny!

You think ethnic violence in Karachi started happening in 1980s? Do you know which ethnicity were the mobs attacking "muhajir" localities in Karachi during Ayub Khan's rule?
Who were the mobs? Ayub was a dictator, and like Zia he too supported certain groups to strengthen his illegitimate rule.

Do you know what the language riots in 1972 were about?
Yeah, what about them?
After the establishment of provincial government in Sindh, like in other provinces in April 1972, and the passage of the interim constitution, Mumtaz Bhutto was made in charge minister (equivalent to chief minister). Some members moved a bill in Sindh Assembly titled “The Sind Teaching, Promotion and Use of Sindhi Language Bill, 1972” on July 3, 1972, which said:

“Whereas Article 267 of the Interim Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides that without prejudice to the status of national languages, provincial legislature may, by law, prescribe measures for teaching, promotion and the use of a provincial language in addition to a national language.”

The bill’s paragraph titled “Statement of objects and reasons” concludes with the sentence: “… This would naturally be without prejudice to the use of Urdu.”

The bill was passed by the Sindh Assembly on July 7, 1972, with 50 votes in a House of 62, assented by the Sindh Governor on July 16, 1972, making it an Act.

President Bhutto, who had returned from Simla where he had gone for negotiations with India for the return of over 93,000 POWs and occupied land, was taken aback when he got the news of the violence that had taken over the whole province. A newspaper from Karachi had displayed the news item as its first lead story covering the whole front page with a thick black rule all around on which in white it was repeatedly written Urdu ka janaza hai zara dhoom se nikle (It is the funeral of Urdu thus should be a flaunting one).

As the newspaper reached the hands of readers, miscreants played with the emotions of the people, attacked every house they wished, torched transport vehicles and killed innocent people wherever they could. Karachi being the biggest city saw great loss but worst hit were Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Nawabshah, Larkana, Sukkur where bloodthirsty elements hacked those people who were in search of shelter. It became so ghastly that a large number of people had to shift to other places for safety, and whosoever did not have any shelter had to stay at railway stations — in sheer fear and disgust. Saner elements were calling for peace, but everybody seemed helpless to stop the violence. It appeared that the government was unable to bring back normality. No political leader could gather enough courage to restore peace. All the lessons of brotherhood and fraternity were torn apart.

In Hyderabad and other towns army assistance was sought; curfew was clamped but whenever it was relaxed anarchy returned. Arsonists, looters and barbarians would turn their eyes on innocent people without any mercy. For many days it appeared as if the people were held hostage at the hands of a handful of killers and looters. Even the outstation bus passengers were not spared. It was the most callous period one could witness. The birth of new towns of Qasimabad, Nasimnagar, Bhitaibad, Sajjadnagar in the suburbs of Hyderabad, and similar in Karachi is the outcome of that tragic violence.
A leaf from history: Language frenzy in Sindh - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
So you think muhajrs started violence in karachi in 80s?
Actually Urdu-speakers started violence already in 1972 when news came that Sindhi and Urdu has become official language.
Establishment wanted to counter PPP and JI influence in Sindh.

beta JI was in zia's cabinet, so why do you think that zia wanted MQM to eliminate a party which was in zia's cabinet? later JI also joined IJI

and those who say that MQM was formed by establishment, Alaf Hussan was jailed 3 times during zia's era, why would establishment jail and punish its own asset?
So you think muhajrs started violence in karachi in 80s?
Seriously tell me what do you know about karachi except mqm bhatta khor,adam khor,target killers?
He is Ludhiana Urdu Speaker:wink: Ludhiana Jhalander is the 99%99 pure Punjabi speaking area almost Sikh community. He is special one our Jewish Muslim Brother:confused:
He is Ludhiana Urdu Speaker:wink: Ludhiana Jhalander is the 99%99 pure Punjabi speaking area almost Sikh community. He is special one our Jewish Muslim Brother:confused:

I am from those 1 % educated elite that spoke Urdu as my ancestors were originally from around urdu speaking belt of Delhi. When they migrated from Ludhiana, they settled in Rawalpindi, and they had no idea that capital of their country will be moved their decades later under Ayub.
LOL. So just because Ayub replaced Urdu-speakers from established positions and gave those posts to Sindhi-speakers, you people made your own liguistic party and started violence, now even demanding your own province for Urdu-speakers only? Funny!

Who were the mobs? Ayub was a dictator, and like Zia he too supported certain groups to strengthen his illegitimate rule.

Yeah, what about them?

A leaf from history: Language frenzy in Sindh - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

I am not a "Urdu speaker" and your the funny guy. Constantly jumping from one thing to another. I don't care what you think. Go learn the history yourself, if however you wish to remain ignorant of it then good for you.
Altaf Hussain Seig Heil. We love and adore our beloved bhai. He is not only our leader, he is a part of our soul and flesh.

Haters gona hate.

Muhajirs would have been exterminated had there been no MQM. Long live the struggle of the real and genuine creators of Pakistan. The free loaders in this country have the nerve to question us; how dare they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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