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MQM Membership Campaign starts throughout Pakistan

Actually Urdu-speakers started violence already in 1972 when news came that Sindhi and Urdu has become official language.
You bet we did. You probably also know what we did on 12th May.

Bottom line: Don't mess with us. It's gonna hurt.
MQM is the way forward for Pakistan , Mohajirs built this country and they have the vision to move this country forward rest all idiots like PTI PPP and NOON league have no vision and are lost for cause ... confused , fucked up idiots they had power and couldnt deliver except whining like a little bitch
You bet we did. You probably also know what we did on 12th May.
LOL. MQM terrorists admitting they are violent and are proud of it. Then they whine and cry that PTI is terrorist :D
@Leader @Jazzbot @Jzaib

MQM is the way forward for Pakistan , Mohajirs built this country and they have the vision to move this country forward rest all idiots like PTI PPP and NOON league have no vision and are lost for cause ... confused , fucked up idiots they had power and couldnt deliver except whining like a little bitch
PTI had power? Where?
KPK since 1.5 years ..they have a CM " P Khatak along with full cabinet of ministers "
Yes, its their first time unlike MQM that's been in power in Karachi for decades. Violence in Karachi started by Urdu-speakers still ongoing since the 80's when MQM was born.
they are shameless terrorists, should be reported to authorities, FIA is pretty much active to pin point online terrorists like him..
I never understood the linguistic ideology of MQM. They claim their political party is made up of Urdu speakers. Fine, Me, my whole family and their ancestors were Urdu speakers from Indian Punjab. Does this mean we should join MQM? Hell no, since we do no hail from Karachi. So MQM is just a Karachite party then?
I never understood the linguistic ideology of MQM. They claim their political party is made up of Urdu speakers. Fine, Me, my whole family and their ancestors were Urdu speakers from Indian Punjab. Does this mean we should join MQM? Hell no, since we do no hail from Karachi. So MQM is just a Karachite party then?

Its politics of division, who they can fool, not us and their game is also coming to an end.. inshAllah.
Its politics of division, who they can fool, not us and their game is also coming to an end.. inshAllah.
Yes, but why Karachites who were once patriotic Pakistanis suddenly were fooled into this Muhajir crap?
Yes, but why Karachites who were once patriotic Pakistanis suddenly were fooled into this Muhajir crap?

scare tactics, dont you see the terror, they Karachites dont vote for MQM, they are forced to give up their ID cards and they rest is rigging, its only last year that PTI made a huge dent, but without Free and Fair elections, nothing is going to change.

so free and fair elections is first pre-requisite of democracy.
Yes, its their first time unlike MQM that's been in power in Karachi for decades. Violence in Karachi started by Urdu-speakers still ongoing since the 80's when MQM was born.

MQM never had a CM they held less than 20% in PA and 6% in NA these numbers are not sufficient to make an impact only once they had the chance and its a globally know how khi changed in those few years , since 80's is when Pak decided to call retard jihadis their allies and when they started housing that afghan scum in karachi
MQM never had a CM they held less than 20% in PA and 6% in NA these numbers are not sufficient to make an impact only once they had the chance and its a globally know how khi changed in those few years , since 80's is when Pak decided to call retard jihadis their allies and when they started housing that afghan scum in karachi
Violence is not the answer to all these injustices that were inflicted on Urdu speakers of Karachi. Although I blame Zia as the real culprit and not MQM leadership.
Me and my family are purely Urdu Speaking from both my mother's and my father's side but no one, literally no one except my mom actually supports MQM. You will only see them bad mouthing the MQM because of their role in destroying Karachi's law and order. And whenever the topic of MQM comes up whilst discussing politics there's only one thing that has to be mentioned every time : the MQM's common workers are actually loyal and want to work for the betterment of their city but that would only be possible when the control freak Altaf dies and along with him his entire terrorist network. I suggest Farooq Sattar or perhaps Faisal Subzwari be made "Quaid-e-Tehreek" after the fat arse goes to hell. Maybe then I'll reconsider my stance on MQM because as long as AH lives, the MQM's militant wing lives.
Me and my family are purely Urdu Speaking from both my mother's and my father's side but no one, literally no one except my mom actually supports MQM. You will only see them bad mouthing the MQM because of their role in destroying Karachi's law and order. And whenever the topic of MQM comes up whilst discussing politics there's only one thing that has to be mentioned every time : the MQM's common workers are actually loyal and want to work for the betterment of their city but that would only be possible when the control freak Altaf dies and along with him his entire terrorist network. I suggest Farooq Sattar or perhaps Faisal Subzwari be made "Quaid-e-Tehreek" after the fat arse goes to hell. Maybe then I'll reconsider my stance on MQM because as long as AH lives, the MQM's militant wing lives.

Problem with MQM is not their good intention for Karachi, but their dividing linguistics politics. What's next? A pashtun party, a balochi party, a siraiki party? A party for each language of Pakistan?
You bet we did. You probably also know what we did on 12th May.

Bottom line: Don't mess with us. It's gonna hurt.

What a poor mind. Not only admitting how murderous the MQM is but also gloating over it. This is what happens to people following a terrorist party, they lose their humanity proving they are not only arrogant and conceited. There is no hope for fellows like you. Always wallowing in "Hum pey zulm huwa hai"

My sincere hope is that I don't have to see that horrid party in my city or even the world.
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