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MQM Membership Campaign starts throughout Pakistan

You can harp about Imran Khan or Bhutto or Sharifs all you want, because i don't give a damn about any of them. However in case of Altaf Hussain, there is a special 'no damn given' that i abide by.

if you dont give a damn, don't talk about something you don't know about
These are mere accusations. I cannot say for sure about supporters of MQM, but past leadership of MQM certainly behaved like goons on the streets of Karachi.

Sure you try and live in Karachi during 92 operations, your young son kidnapped for being a supporter of MQM. You get agency people following you, in few days your young sons body turns up with torture signs. I have relatives in MQM, they can swear on oath that agencies supported MQM Haqiqi which used to kidnap and skin their victims. This maybe a joke for you but not if your young brother, son or husband's body turned up with drill holes in his head.
Sure you try and live in Karachi during 92 operations, your young son kidnapped for being a supporter of MQM. You get agency people following you, in few days your young sons body turns up with torture signs. I have relatives in MQM, they can swear on oath that agencies supported MQM Haqiqi which used to kidnap and skin their victims. This maybe a joke for you but not if your young brother, son or husband's body turned up with drill holes in his head.

And i can make you meet tens of former MQM people who after seeing living through the party's thuggery decided to quit and were made to pay in very harsh terms. I can also make you meet people who were at the receiving end of a 9mm because they failed to follow up on extortion demands in F.B.Area/Site/Korangi.
Sure you try and live in Karachi during 92 operations, your young son kidnapped for being a supporter of MQM. You get agency people following you, in few days your young sons body turns up with torture signs. I have relatives in MQM, they can swear on oath that agencies supported MQM Haqiqi which used to kidnap and skin their victims. This maybe a joke for you but not if your young brother, son or husband's body turned up with drill holes in his head.
MQM Haqiqi was Pakistan's establishment's creation, yet none of them went to court for justice? Is establishment above law? Surely not. Blaming your own terrorist shortcomings on others is disgusting. Watch the true face of MQM here:

Yeah, your right. AH doesn't have the fortune of being born in to an influential and well connected family like IK who's family members include several higher ranking officers in Pak Army. Such a coward, yeah.
AH served in the army too. Yet, he is a coward directing his party from London!
MQM Haqiqi was Pakistan's establishment's creation, yet none of them went to court for justice? Is establishment above law? Surely not. Blaming your own terrorist shortcomings on others is disgusting. Watch the true face of MQM here:


MQM was also created by the 'establishment'.......from a low life APMSO in universities of Karachi to a full fledged mafia. It was created to counter Bhutto's PPP in Sindh and especially Karachi. The experiment went wrong. Before the arrival of the MQM Karachi was a much more peaceful city......a global city, frequented by people from all over and visited by the top airlines of the world.
AH served in the army too. Yet, he is a coward directing his party from London!

You would surprised to know how many former Army officers serve in MQM........since they know the tactics and weapons very well. Most of their 'sector' incharge are ex-Army or ex-Police. Their revenue collection (also known as Bhatta) is much more efficient than any taxation collection body in the world.
MQM was also created by the 'establishment'.......from a low life APMSO in universities of Karachi to a full fledged mafia. It was created to counter Bhutto's PPP in Sindh and especially Karachi. The experiment went wrong. Before the arrival of the MQM Karachi was a much more peaceful city......a global city, frequented by people from all over and visited by the top airlines of the world.

LOL! I knew ZIA had hands in making MQM but didn't know that entire establishment was involved. So you say only PPP is the genuine grass-root level political party in Pakistan and the rest are just establishment stooges? :D
LOL! I knew ZIA had hands in making MQM but didn't know that entire establishment was involved. So you say only PPP is the genuine grass-root level political party in Pakistan and the rest are just establishment stooges? :D

Maybe, perhaps also National Awami Party which later somewhat metamorphised into Awami National Party and cashed in on Pashtun nationalism and vote bank.

Musharraf, then also helped MQM once in power, remember the Chief Justice incident in Karachi..........MQM had all green light to set the city on fire.
MQM Haqiqi was Pakistan's establishment's creation, yet none of them went to court for justice? Is establishment above law? Surely not. Blaming your own terrorist shortcomings on others is disgusting. Watch the true face of MQM here:

Are you thick or what? What has 92 operation got to do with what happened on 12 may when terrorist supporting chief justice was coming to Karachi?

AH served in the army too. Yet, he is a coward directing his party from London!

But the establishment wants AH dead, the difference between all the others you mentioned and AH is that they are wanted dead by non state actors. On the other hand, some people among the establishment are hell bent on destroying MQM.
But the establishment wants AH dead, the difference between all the others you mentioned and AH is that they are wanted dead by non state actors. On the other hand, some people among the establishment are hell bent on destroying MQM.
What's so special about MQM? They are just another Pakistani party that was once supported by Zia!
MQM was also created by the 'establishment'.......from a low life APMSO in universities of Karachi to a full fledged mafia. It was created to counter Bhutto's PPP in Sindh and especially Karachi. The experiment went wrong. Before the arrival of the MQM Karachi was a much more peaceful city......a global city, frequented by people from all over and visited by the top airlines of the world.

PPP was never actually that popular in Karachi, nor in urban Sindh as compared to Jamat e Islami. There goes that conspiracy theory. What's the next one?
What's so special about MQM? They are just another Pakistani party that was once supported by Zia!

How can Zia support and make a liberal party, that too which was anti Punjabi influence in the largest city of Pakistan. Why do people never think before levelling these types of accusation? Think for yourself for a minute, what is Zia gaining from conceiving MQM?

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