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Should not touch general public... Am against using any terror outfit to suit our purpose....

He said...will use terrorist to kill terrorist...where does general public fit in. Haven't you seen in Kashmir, Assam and other states...in Kashmir there are surrendered terrorist who are against others...similarly in Assam surrendered ULFA, NDFB have been used to target and kill active members...this is an effective way of eliminating terrorist without harming the civilians.
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Never trust a guy who wears flip flops on the decks of a naval vessel.
:o::o::o::o::tsk::tsk::bad::bad: This is bad really bad. I don't support this. Covert Ops behind enemy lines, OK but terror attacks, No, Hell No. We are better than this. No need to kill the body when you can surgically remove the cancer. What wrong has the common public done to us ?? Why are we harming them ?? As far as Terrorist and their sympathizers are concerned, use them as target practicce or subjects to improve your chemical and bio weapons. But we should not be touching the general public.
why are you surprised, both countries have supported terrorism in past, starting from 1971 Pakistan civil war. that was the start of this.
more recently it seems india has broken all records on supporting terrorism on this side

"Ahead of his visit to J&K and the frozen frontier of Siachen on Friday, Parrikar clarified that when he said "terrorists should be neutralised by terrorists" or "kante se kanta nikalna (remove a thorn with a thorn)" earlier in the day, he did not mean covert operations being undertaken by "our own people".


Instead, the aim is to exploit the differences between terror outfits for both intelligence-gathering as well as surgical strikes. "Many terrorists are drawn into terrorism because of financial allurements... they are paid money for it. If such people are there, why not use them? What is the harm is using terrorists against terrorists? Why should our soldiers be in the front?" asked the straight-talking Parrikar. "
the clarification of using money is even more lame, this is exactly whats happening with TTP in pakistan

Still regarded as martyr in his country unlikely those 90,000 impotents who surrender infront of poor benglis and after that crying for mercy from Indian army to save their lifes from bengalis have you seen BBC documentary:D:D:D
Or shall I Post it for you
and a million troops rebels with a million or so rebels are now boasting to have defeated 90,000 people. a marvelous acheivement
the clarification of using money is even more lame, this is exactly whats happening with TTP in pakistant

That's silly. The TTP are way too ideological for it to work with them . More importantly Parrikar is proposing this as a means to tackle terrorists in J&K & not necessarily outside. Something like the Ikhwan (they were a pro-India militia composed of former jihadis) maybe though I think even that is dangerous considering the risk of people doing crazy stuff, certainly not warranted at this low levels of violence in J&K.

Regardless of what you think, there is no real appetite in India to hurt ordinary Pakistanis. Terrorist leaders maybe, not the ordinary people (not just a moral position, after the LTTE debacle, the authorities became extremely wary of supporting extremists). Such things did happen in the mid & late 1980's as a response to Sikh militancy but extremely unlikely now. The level of violence in India is much too low to seriously ever consider extreme measures like that.
IIT is the best universiteh evahh
PKS disagrees with OP.

All it takes for the Indian component of cyberspace to go into a senseless tizzy is for a ‘Bandalbaaz’ masquerading as a journalist to highlight selected quotes from a certain Minister’s interaction during a media conclave, and draw spectacularly outrageous conclusions. This in turn gets to be ‘assumed’ as being the gospel truth, with the end-result being a classic case of the blind leading the blind. Take, for instance, the following two selective quotes that originated 48 hours ago:

“By buying 36 Rafales instead of 126, I have saved the cost of 90 Rafales,” Parrikar said, adding that this amount was around Rs.900 billion (US$15.51 billion). “We will use this money to buy Tejas LCA pricedat around Rs.1.5 billion each,” he added.

“By buying 36 Rafales at a price less than (what was quoted in response to) the earlier tender for 126aircraft, I have saved the cost of 90 Rafales. We will use that money to buy Tejas LCAs”.

Now here’s what it all means. Under the original M-MRCA procurement process for an initial 126 Dassault Aviation Rafales, the first 18 (12 single-seaters and six tandem-seaters) were to be acquired in flyable condition off-the-shelf, for which the Ministry of Defence (MoD) would have had to pay only the acquisition costs and related support infrastructure costs. For the remaining 108 Rafales that were to be licence-built in India (74 single-seaters and 34 tandem-seaters of which 11 were be built from semi-knocked down or SKD kits, 31 from completely knocked down or CKD kits, and 66 made from indigenously manufactured kits or IMK), the MoD would have been required to fork out A) the industrial production costs (for setting up the domestic industrial infrastructure and training a skilled pool of human resources); B) acquisition costs that were to be paid to the MoD-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL); and C) support infrastructure costs for creating the squadron-level and intermediate-level MRO facilities.

Now that the original scheme for procuring 126 Rafales (plus 63 options) has been abandoned, the MoD will, under Phase-1, be required to pay only the acquisition costs and related support infrastructure costs for the first 36 Rafales. Under Phase-2, an industrial consortium comprising Dassault Aviation and its Indian counterparts from both the private-sector and public-sector will supply up to 153 locally-assembled Rafales. This consortium—to be dominated by the private-sector—will raise the necessary funding required (for creating the domestic industrial infrastructure and training a skilled pool of human resources) entirely from the capital markets, and will charge the MoD only for the fleet acquisition cost. In other words, the MoD’s Department of Defence Production & Supplies will no longer be required to foot the bill for industrial production costs of the 171 Rafales.

Consequently, this enormous pool of money saved will be invested in R & D activities for the Indian Air Force’s Tejas Mk2 MRCA and the Indian Navy’s LCA (Navy) Mk2. Since both these MRCAs will be brand-new designs, at least five flying prototypes for each type will be required to be built, and each type—Tejas Mk2 and LCA (Navy) Mk2—will be required to undergo at least 2,000 hours of flight-tests before they are awarded their respective airworthiness certifications. For all intents and purposes, these are herculean tasks that require substantial R & D funding-levels, about which I will soon elaborate further in greater detail below.

TRISHUL: Missing The Woods For The Trees
:o::o::o::o::tsk::tsk::bad::bad: This is bad really bad. I don't support this. Covert Ops behind enemy lines, OK but terror attacks, No, Hell No. We are better than this. No need to kill the body when you can surgically remove the cancer. What wrong has the common public done to us ?? Why are we harming them ?? As far as Terrorist and their sympathizers are concerned, use them as target practicce or subjects to improve your chemical and bio weapons. But we should not be touching the general public.
Unfortunately for you, India has been doing this since the beginning. The proxy war between Pakistan and India has always been fought using this method.

India isn't better than what you may think, it's just like any other nation. Parrikar is simply opening up and being honest about what India is already doing.
Unfortunately for you, India has been doing this since the beginning. The proxy war between Pakistan and India has always been fought using this method.

India isn't better than what you may think, it's just like any other nation. Parrikar is simply opening up and being honest about what India is already doing.
Parrikar is not advocating terrorism in its traditional sense or the sense in which it has been used by Pakistan - ie to target civilian populations using terrorists.

India does target terrorists, so does US, UK and every decent nation.
Congrats you saved Lahore now assemble your JF 17 in knocked out condition....you have to liberate Kashmir as your ancestors promised them.
So you do dm it the facts about general bakhshi, glad to hear that. Our k/o jf17s are flying in numbers and improving day by day' how about your lca, is it flying.
So you do dm it the facts about general bakhshi, glad to hear that. Our k/o jf17s are flying in numbers and improving day by day' how about your lca, is it flying.
What is the point of jF 17 flying or not,is it flying over Kashmir valley AKA your jugular Veins (Rivers) ?
But the point is what if its true What if we are coming after you ? Am sure our intelligence agencies are now armed to teeth to answer proxies from Pakistan . Its the strategy of this new govt . 8 bullets for 1 bullet

You already are man... India already is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan so it wont be anything new for us

This have continued for years. Let us both be realistic for a moment, Both Pakistan and India are always trying to hurt each other. What i call stupid is a defense minister admitting and boasting about it on a public forum. That was stupid!!

When a PAK admit of doing terror then why not India DF can show mirror to PAK , expect terrors attack on yourself now.
An Indian threatening Pakistani about terrorism???? As if we are not already facing it. I guess you never watch news dear, we are already fighting a war against foreign sponsored terrorists and Pakistan have had the most number of terrorism related causalities. So you need to find something else to threaten us with. The point simply was that it was quite amusing to watch that idiot sit on TV and talk so irresponsibly. In case you have not noticed, most of the senior Indian members have also denounced his remarks in the previous posts. I do not need to comment further on this.
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