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Calm down guys,he knows what he is saying,the message would reach where it has to reach.
National interest always above than its common civilian mindset.
even iam with him......its not good to harm innocent people....even Pakistanis are people like Indians, they have family too, they also deserve to live in peace....."national interest is above general public"-this line is for govt not us.....

Chalo .... The guy accepted that they are involved in terrorist activities....
like u aren't involved in Terror activities across India and middle east:o:
:o::o::o::o::tsk::tsk::bad::bad: This is bad really bad. I don't support this. Covert Ops behind enemy lines, OK but terror attacks, No, Hell No. We are better than this. No need to kill the body when you can surgically remove the cancer. What wrong has the common public done to us ?? Why are we harming them ?? As far as Terrorist and their sympathizers are concerned, use them as target practicce or subjects to improve your chemical and bio weapons. But we should not be touching the general public.

Nowhere is the common public mentioned, he said terrorists to kill/neutralise terrorists. Unless of course you consider everyone as terrorists.
If necessary precision bomb the terror outfits to oblivion, use covert ops to flush out their handlers hiding in civil neighborhoods. U se counter intelligence to make them attack a dummy target and ambush them while they do so. Do whatever it takes but donn use terror tactics.
Pakistan air force holds that responsibility.......would u let PAF bomb moist rebel hideout's:hitwall:
Openly supporting terrorism does not make him any better than any terrorist. What a disgusting statement.

And concerning the Rafale, what is the use in having one and a half squadron of them ?

Its a waste of money and capabilities.... the IAF is gonna oppose this for sure.
Ok ! Who was lecturing me about IIT's achievements ? :lol:

Add one loud-mouthed idiot to it's distinguished list !
Nowhere is the common public mentioned, he said terrorists to kill/neutralise terrorists. Unless of course you consider everyone as terrorists.

Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts (or the threat of violent acts) intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for an economic,[1] religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants(e.g., neutralmilitary personnel or civilians).

Terrorism is something totally different from what you are saying.
Bull shit

India has already involved deeply in terrorism from the LTTE to the TTP

It is war now in response to indian terrorism funding and support they need to be taken out in Afghanistan and support provided to freedom fighters in Kashmir, punjab the north east and beyond

Ultimately india will partition due to its increasing hindutva views and the muslims of india will have their own state
Yes why not if enemy doing same
You shall reep what you ploughing

We all know where Pakistan is today following the state policy of terrorism. We also can see our position in world for not following the same route even after so much provocation.

If our current Govt wants to follow the terror route , please accept the fact that there is no reason to believe that the end result will be different anyway what Pakistan is facing now. The nation should know that.

Do not want why India should follow an idiotic policy which is tested & failed by Pakistan
We all know where Pakistan is today following the state policy of terrorism. We also can see our position in world for not following the same route even after so much provocation.

If our current Govt wants to follow the terror route , please accept the fact that there is no reason to believe that the end result will be different anyway what Pakistan is facing now. The nation should know that.

Do not want why India should follow an idiotic policy which is tested & failed by Pakistan
Do you know what he actually said?he said "Kante ko kante se likal te hai" thousands meanings of this phrase wondering what you had imagined
Openly supporting terrorism does not make him any better than any terrorist. What a disgusting statement.

And concerning the Rafale, what is the use in having one and a half squadron of them ?

Its a waste of money and capabilities.... the IAF is gonna oppose this for sure.
Have seen his statements ??
The thing is,what is "covert operations" in your word???

Israelis sent commandos to rival terrorist groups..they acted like terrorists,they learned about them and after that,eliminate them..sometimes, it took to take civilian lives to accomplish something.you had to fight terror,you've to become terror..

I've seen a lot about 71 war.multi yodhas were terrorists before they came to power.then,Pakistani troops became terrorists,and mukti yodhas became freedom fighters against them.its all about perception.
Sir a lot can be done without risking many civilian casualties. As they teach, there are many alternatives to reach the same destination. But what I dunn understand is how will terror attacks help reduce terror attack ?? If anything we should systematically pick these guys out of general public and kill them. And while doing so mask their death as an accident or a calamity. If not anything then as a natural death or suicide. This by definition is "Covert ops". A few well placed bullets can either start a war or stop it even before it begins.
As far as the argument about perspective goes... History is always written by the victors and it will always be biased to the victors. I want us to be victors, by us I mean we civilians who just want to live. If you really want us to survive then total extinction/purge of these terrorists is required. And the means of purge has to be surgical. We cannot go to war with a hammer, we will have to a scalpel to it.

Nowhere is the common public mentioned, he said terrorists to kill/neutralise terrorists. Unless of course you consider everyone as terrorists.
Any kind of terror, may it be of physical violence, lethal agents (Physical,Biological and Chemical) or physiological will effect people regardless whether they are innocent or not. And so the use of covert operation becomes very important. They can discriminate their targets from civilians. Mask their kills as natural causes or accidents. This kind of approach will not cause terror but will reduce the terrorist handlers.

I am sure that these terrorists are nothing but misguided unemployed youth. They are being coaxed into these by a few specific people and few more of them are providing supplies. You take these two groups of people, and you have reduction in terrorists immediately.

Above approach won't reduce the hatred they have for us,Indians, But anything else than this will only add to it.
Have seen his statements ??

"Separately, Parrikar stated clearly for the first time that the 36 Rafale fighters that Prime Minister Narendra Modi requested the French government for during his visit to Paris last month would not be followed by more Rafales."
Any kind of terror, may it be of physical violence, lethal agents (Physical,Biological and Chemical) or physiological will effect people regardless whether they are innocent or not. And so the use of covert operation becomes very important. They can discriminate their targets from civilians. Mask their kills as natural causes or accidents. This kind of approach will not cause terror but will reduce the terrorist handlers.

I am sure that these terrorists are nothing but misguided unemployed youth. They are being coaxed into these by a few specific people and few more of them are providing supplies. You take these two groups of people, and you have reduction in terrorists immediately.

Above approach won't reduce the hatred they have for us,Indians, But anything else than this will only add to it.

I think you are over reading, nowhere did the RM say he was favouring terrorist attack against civilians. He pretty much referred to covert action to deal with "terrorists". What this could well mean is that terrorist leaders in Pakistan need to be very careful, who knows they might fall victim to an attack by "terrorists" though he never mentioned using it against Pakistan or outside of J&K. Most likely he meant something like the Ikhwan. Not an useless solution but a dangerous one because they can get messy.

Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts (or the threat of violent acts) intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for an economic,[1] religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants(e.g., neutralmilitary personnel or civilians).

Terrorism is something totally different from what you are saying.

Look at his statement, it was as specific as it gets.

P.S.: I don't support this kind of talk, I would much rather people did their job with their mouths shut.

This is a clarification of his comments.

"Ahead of his visit to J&K and the frozen frontier of Siachen on Friday, Parrikar clarified that when he said "terrorists should be neutralised by terrorists" or "kante se kanta nikalna (remove a thorn with a thorn)" earlier in the day, he did not mean covert operations being undertaken by "our own people".


Instead, the aim is to exploit the differences between terror outfits for both intelligence-gathering as well as surgical strikes. "Many terrorists are drawn into terrorism because of financial allurements... they are paid money for it. If such people are there, why not use them? What is the harm is using terrorists against terrorists? Why should our soldiers be in the front?" asked the straight-talking Parrikar. "
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