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Movement launched for united Pakhtunkhwa province

Well your post sound as stupìd as one by Talon. Even those who migrated from East Punjab were "punjabis", and vast majority punjabi muslims were already living in west punjab. So ofcourse no one will call them muhajirs. While Karachi muhajirs came from different parts of India, only thing common with them was religion.

Many people did go to Punjab who weren't Punjabis but they do not call themselves Muhajir either.
Pashtuns are native to Pakistan just like Punjabis, they are not Afghan refugees. Asking for a province is not asking for breaking away from Pakistan....
I got that after page 2...
Many people did go to Punjab who weren't Punjabis but they do not call themselves Muhajir either.

Very few and only in cities, not comparable to Karachi at all. The reason theu don't call themselves Muhajirs is they don't need separate identity for political reason. They make very small % of Punjabi city population unlike in Karachi.

Do you think no Urdu speaker lives in Punjab? seriously?! Do you think no one migrated to Punjab except Indian Pujabis?

Of course they did, but not like in Karachi.
What is wrong with people...They dont like seeing the large land called Pakistan but want to carve out their own small pieces of shit...where they have no army, can be influenced by west and have no technology...Yea they are going to go a long way with their own united piece!


I am sure the same question was on the minds of other Indians in 1947 too. And look what happened! History repeats itself!
Very few and only in cities, not comparable to Karachi at all.

Of course they did, but not like in Karachi.
No what happened in Karachi is MQM...it took over and gave the sense of pity to the people made them think in a particular direction...because the people in Punjab never fell for that drama...mohajir word got extinct within the 1st generation itself!

I am sure the same question was on the minds of other Indians in 1947 too. And look what happened! History repeats itself!
Well, then they should have behaved...we saw how you guys behaved with Kashmiris after that match...how can we know that wasnt the case in 1947 with other Muslims?
I am sure the same question was on the minds of other Indians in 1947 too. And look what happened! History repeats itself!

Still infinite amount of times better then being under hindu raj. :D Muslims never let go opportunity to live independently instead of under non-muslim ruler. NW subcontinent was muslim majority so perfect opportunity. You guys will not understand.

No what happened in Karachi is MQM...it took over and gave the sense of pity to the people made them think in a particular direction...because the people in Punjab never fell for that drama...mohajir word got extinct within the 1st generation itself!

As i said before non-punjabi or non-indigenous muhajirs made very % of Punjab city population and nearly 0% of rural. Unlike in karachi where they are biggest ethnic group.
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As i said before non-punjabi or non-indigenous muhajirs made very % of Punjab city population and nearly 0% of rural. Unlike in karachi where they are biggest ethnic group.
I am not sure of the % because no one uses the word mohajir to call themselves so you do not know who is and who isnt ...so no idea how you can compare...
I am not sure of the % because no one uses the word mohajir to call themselves so you do not know who is and who isnt ...so no idea how you can compare...

I know because i have lived in punjab. And people in rural punjab even knows who came from East Punjab generations ago. We know who is who in Punjab.
I know because i have lived in punjab. And people in rural punjab even knows who came from East Punjab generations ago. We know who is who in Punjab.
We are not talking about know like knowing your ancestors but know as in advertising it or as in known for being so and so...no one knows no one cares no one advertises it...

I know because i have lived in punjab. And people in rural punjab even knows who came from East Punjab generations ago. We know who is who in Punjab.
1stly, honestly speaking am not sure which rural punjab you went to...No one calls India punjab as East Punjab... :unsure: at least not in the Punjabi cities I go to...They just say Punjab you understand which side based on the sentence...

@Nuri Natt for example I hear the Mohajirs in Karachi always talking about how there is favouratism in jobs and stuff like that...and its difficult to get jobs if you are Mohajir...(all hearsay) ...In Punjab no one will dig out your profile nor care...nor know enough to discriminate you nor even use that as a base to discriminate!

I have always been curious as to how employers know about Mohajirs in Karachi...is it a question one asks over a cup of tea or in interviews...like are you Mohajir? If yes, that is damn rude and offensive!
Stupid people you're already the same country and people changing lines on a paper within a country will not make any difference. If you feel that way ask youre provinces ruiling party. Thanks god these people aren't ruling anything. I live in an area where two cities share a border. One city wanted to add the map the area where I was living. There was a formal request it was denied and forgotten that's how it should be.
We are not talking about know like knowing your ancestors but know as in advertising it or as in known for being so and so...no one knows no one cares no one advertises it...

1stly, honestly speaking am not sure which rural punjab you went to...No one calls India punjab as East Punjab... :unsure: at least not in the Punjabi cities I go to...They just say Punjab you understand which side based on the sentence...


I called it east punjab, people call it Indian punjab. And yes no one cares as far as politics goes unlike in Karachi. But people know who is who in Punjab. And they make small population of punjab big cities. Im talking about non-indigenous muhajir population. Same way some urdu speaking migrated to KPK, again they make small % of population there.

They created muhajir identity for political reason, so any one who migrated from India will vote for MQM instead of other parties in Karachi. Because urdu speaking people make biggest % of Karachi population.
Still infinite amount of times better then being under hindu raj. :D Muslims never let go opportunity to live independently instead of under non-muslim ruler. NW subcontinent was muslim majority so perfect opportunity. You guys will not understand.
Precisely why they should separate from you fundos because they are much more secular and moderate even though y'all are muslims!

As i said before non-punjabi or non-indigenous muhajirs made very % of Punjab city population and nearly 0% of rural. Unlike in karachi where they are biggest ethnic group.

Hindu is peculiar animal, he enjoy suffering of others: Dalit News Editor

India is fundu country, leaders there always ask votes in name of religion and hatered of Pakistan. Forget about muslims you guys can't even allow dalits to prosper there.
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