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Movement launched for united Pakhtunkhwa province

Parliamentarians from tribal areas have taken strong exception to a resolution adopted by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly asking for merger of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas with their province. The Awami National Party have also made similar demands that the Federally Administered Tribal Areas be merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These proposals have been opposed by tribal parliamentarians in Islamabad.[21] Should the Federally Administered Tribal Areas become a province of Pakistan, the name Qabailistan has been proposed.[22]
This is over reaction, there is difference between demanding province and separation from country. Any one breaking away from Pakistan will be stupid, we have seen what happen to small and weak countries. Afghanistan is perfect exemple of country stuck in stone age and occupied.

So seraikis, hazaras, pakhtuns, muhajirs etc are only demanding separate province. Because since 47 integration has just gone to far, everyone depend on each other.
Yes there is a difference...but what will stop them from this demanding habit and when will they learn to give in a little to Pakistan for a change....

Everyone depends on each other yet they kill each other and are the 1st to rat the other out?!

If they are dependent than a separate province is a no no...because dependents have a leach like habit of depending and when they dont get demands from central govt. they start signing stupid deals thinking they are teaching the govt a lesson when in reality they are doing nothing but stupidity!
Does that include Karachi too? Large part of Karachi is occupied by illegal migrants from Afghanistan who were deliberately settled by Zia and then later on by the Establishment to demographically take over Karachi.
Yes there is a difference...but what will stop them from this demanding habit and when will they learn to give in a little to Pakistan for a change....

Everyone depends on each other yet they kill each other and are the 1st to rat the other out?!

If they are dependent than a separate province is a no no...because dependents have a leach like habit of depending and when they dont get demands from central govt. they start signing stupid deals thinking they are teaching the govt a lesson when in reality they are doing nothing but stupidity!

Again I see you fear that people demanding their own provinces is a danger to Pakistaniyat. :coffee:
You know nothing about Pakistan.

I have noticed comments from many Pakistanis, that anyone expressing love or recognition for his culture and language in Pakistan is seen as traitor to the idea of Pakistaniyat. To counter it most of the people say you are Muslim and Pakistani only.
I have noticed comments from many Pakistanis, that anyone expressing love or recognition for his culture and language in Pakistan is seen as traitor to the idea of Pakistaniyat. To counter it most of the people say you are Muslim and Pakistani only.

Refer to my above post troll.
Again I see you fear that people demanding their own provinces is a danger to Pakistaniyat. :coffee:
Not them demanding a province...But their habit of demanding please keep your own crap to yourself and worry about your own regions..

I have noticed comments from many Pakistanis, that anyone expressing love or recognition for his culture and language in Pakistan is seen as traitor to the idea of Pakistaniyat. To counter it most of the people say you are Muslim and Pakistani only.
Reported for trolling...Twisting words for a country whose affairs are none of your business
I want a united Awan province for Awans of Pakistan. :taz:
Please help our cause: www.awanistan.org

I used to have a thing for Pakhtun people because 1 I felt sorry they left their land like the Mohajirs left India

Um..the Pashtuns never left anyplace..they've been living there for like centuries. Besides, I don't see what is there sorry to feel about, even regarding the 'Mohajir's' who came from India?

Dude..that map is fucked. First of all, why is Kashmir shown as being part of India?

I have noticed comments from many Pakistanis, that anyone expressing love or recognition for his culture and language in Pakistan is seen as traitor to the idea of Pakistaniyat. To counter it most of the people say you are Muslim and Pakistani only.

You're talking with a status-quo supporter. Some people just like things the way they are. They'd neither support the breaking of current provinces nor the formation of new ones.

BTW, I don't see where culture or language come to part in this?
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I used to have a thing for Pakhtun people because 1 I felt sorry they left their land like the Mohajirs left India ...but like the Mohajirs asking this and that now Pakhtun asking this and that....Man you people should have asked this and that from your own land go do that and stop burdening Pakistan....Aik tou integrate hona nai opper say nai nai musibatain khari kerna!

Define integrate, please.

I'm horrified to know there's a Pakistani out there that is so ignorant about the different ethnic groups that live there; and doesn't know the different between the native Pashtuns and the Afghan refugees!
Um..the Pashtuns never left anyplace..they've been living there for like centuries. Besides, I don't see what is there sorry to feel about, even regarding the 'Mohajir's' who came from India?
People who leave behind everything they have for a new dream are admirable...How about 1 day, when you are around 30+ I ask you to move out of your house only allowed to carry whatever you can on a donkey cart and move to a new neighbourhood where no one knows you....and start all over...
People who leave behind everything they have for a new dream are admirable...How about 1 day, when you are around 30+ I ask you to move out of your house only allowed to carry whatever you can on a donkey cart and move to a new neighbourhood where no one knows you....and start all over...

What does that have to do with integration? Also, the Pashtun's never moved; and the vast majority of the people who you call 'Mohajir' probably haven't even moved an inch from where they were living their whole lives.
EDIT: you replied to a different post; my bad. :oops:
Still, please don't lash out like that again.
Define integrate, please.
Mix with the people dont just sit in 1 hut and keep breeding and not making friends of other caste or not having intermarriages ...you know mix and accept...if you want 100 acres of land, know what is around you and others would want the same....

Stop fighting based on who sneezed on your land or picked an apple that fell near your land...

Stop fighting without bases...learn to shake a hand, develop trust and live together harmoniously without getting at each other's throats! I mean most of the time in Pakistan our front gate is always open..thats called trust not sure how many can do that in Karachi...

What does that have to do with integration? Also, the Pashtun's never moved; and the vast majority of the people who you call 'Mohajir' probably haven't even moved an inch from where they were living their whole lives.
EDIT: you replied to a different post; my bad. :oops:
Still, please don't lash out like that again.
I got the Pashtuns wrong...I thought those who were the Pakhtuns in the North came from Afghanistan :oops:
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