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Movement launched for united Pakhtunkhwa province

Wake Up Explain the Bold Parts Then Fart again And Smell it !!
Please behave or dont quote me....Nazar andaaz kerdo agar tameez nai hai!

70% of Punjabis are also Mohajirs But Only MQM is using Mohajir card in Karachi No one in Punjab Even discuss this...
I didnt bring in Punjabis nor did I bring in Mohajir...he asked about the label and I told its only in Karachi ...which part of my post was not clear? And why on earth would I not know about Punjabi and Mohajir when my own greatgrand parents were Mohajirs?! But like you said and I said we dont use it...It happens only in Karachi and no one uses it for another...it is the group who uses it for themselves!
What? Where do you guys come up with such funny figures anyway?
No idea...I just accept it! Its like Punjab was not only fertile but an empty piece of land! Alhamdulillah Altaf ki nazroun say bacha raha!

Look, you said something quite offensive and ignorant yourself. It's best to just apologize..
If read in context it is not ignorant! if wrong tell me the right bit!

It is a thread to discuss or to let the person believe the wrong shit they know? If one only is capable of throwing words and cant clarify then they should not join discussion...

Wake Up Explain the Bold Parts Then Fart again And Smell it !!
Who the hell am I talking about in that post? About people who want to carve Pakistan if you are not that person why are you offended?
No one labels them they label themselves like its some ceremony badge ...and only in Karachi mind you! They are Pakistanis if they drop the label...but they still keep the label by that it means they are ready for hijrah (migration)...I am waiting when they will leave!

Is there any specific reason why they do this
@Talon stop talking about something you know nothing about, you are starting an ethnic flame war without knowing anything at all. :sick::tdown::sick:
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It is a thread to discuss or to let the person believe the wrong shit they know? If one only is capable of throwing words and cant clarify then they should not join discussion...

Alright, calm down. You just accused 30 million Pakistanis of trying to break the country, when all the news article said was that a movement has started in order to unify all the Pashtun-inhabited lands in Pakistan under one province. You also ignorantly called them 'immigrants' whereas they never moved an inch from that place in centuries!

Who the hell am I talking about in that post? About people who want to carve Pakistan if you are not that person why are you offended?

Look no body is trying to carve Pakistan here. You misread the article.
@Talon stop talking about something you know nothing about, you are starting a ethnic flame war without knowing anything at all. :sick::tdown::sick:
And I am waiting for one with balls to correct me instead of hurling insults and calling himself man!
Alright, calm down. You just accused 30 million Pakistanis of trying to break the country, when all the news article said was that a movement has started in order to unify all the Pashtun-inhabited lands in Pakistan under one province. You also ignorantly called them 'immigrants' whereas they never moved an inch from that place in centuries!
I agree I called them immigrants and 2 posters (1 was you) already told me about that...I accepted my mistake on that bit and explained why I accidentally did! Because for me pukhtun is pathan is Afghani background...But you told me that on that land pathans have lived and never moved and still call themselves pukhtun...I said ok...
I agreed with you in your last few posts here...Why is everyone still reading that old post and not bothering to follow along "the line of discussion" to see what happened next? Is it a habit to shoot someone first and then ask questions?
Look no body is trying to carve Pakistan here. You misread the article.
Maybe I did...
And I am waiting for one with balls to correct me instead of hurling insults and calling himself man!

Pashtuns are native to Pakistan just like Punjabis, they are not Afghan refugees. Asking for a province is not asking for breaking away from Pakistan....
Not them demanding a province...But their habit of demanding please keep your own crap to yourself and worry about your own regions..
No one read this bit of my posts...or the ones after Nuri Natt on the 1st and 2nd page itself hell why cant I edit or even delete my posts! I dont need anymore hate spewing people...

And people say you will learn if you ask questions of if you read...I will never learn because everyone is eager to kill
Majority of Punjabis are also Mohajirs But Only MQM is using Mohajir card in Karachi No one in Punjab Even discuss this...

Well your post sound as stupìd as one by Talon. Even those who migrated from East Punjab were "punjabis", and vast majority punjabi muslims were already living in west punjab. So ofcourse no one will call them muhajirs. While Karachi muhajirs came from different parts of India, only thing common with them was religion.
Well your post sound as stupìd as one by Talon. Even those who migrated from East Punjab were "punjabis", and vast majority punjabi muslims were already living in west punjab. So ofcourse no one will call them muhajirs. While Karachi muhajirs came from different parts of India, only thing common with them was religion.
Do you think no Urdu speaker lives in Punjab? seriously?! Do you think no one migrated to Punjab except Indian Pujabis?
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