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Most Afghans want US troops

This thread title should be Most Afghans want US troops dead.

reason they dont want any more collateral damage ie innocent afghanis dyeing

buddy, we dont want anybody dead or alive, that is not our bussiness, all we want is peace in our home, as per civilians death, the taliban are responsible for majorityof civilian death in the country, they used to kill people even before the americans.
But don't you say that the Afghan Taliban is controlled by/a puppet of the Pakistani ISI?

Not controlled but supported by ISI. It can't keep on blowing the girl schools and the market places full of Afghan civilians if it didn't have the support and sanctuaries in Pakistan.
buddy, right now i am at work and i cant respond to each of you, but on my free time i will give you sites, i dont know how you couldnt find those reports, actually you posted one them to me the other day. secondly, these cross border attacks have been happening fairly recently, while afghans adn nato have been complaing about haqanis for over a decade now, paksitan went after all of its enemies everywhere, but they have left haqanis intact in pakistani soil.

Actually, I've never seen extensive operations there, & as you've seen, the NATO Forces deliberately abandoned their outposts & let the terrorists recapture the districts in Kunar. The major cross-border attacks (hundreds of terrorists trying to infiltrate at the same time, repeatedly for days) have been taking place for more than six months now I believe, so no, it's not a recent phenomena. Minor ones have been taking place for years. Pakistan is letting the US deal with the Haqqanis in North Waziristan, whereas, Pakistan has been dealing with all of the terrorists in all the other tribal areas. All the areas in Pakistan are being covered. Which can't be said about Afghanistan, or the US/NATO Forces/ANA, as they let the terrorists in their safe havens in Afghanistan operate with impunity.
buddy, we dont want anybody dead or alive, that is not our bussiness, all we want is peace in our home, as per civilians death, the taliban are responsible for majorityof civilian death in the country, they used to kill people even before the americans.

ahmad dude, i have always said this and i will say it again.

america claims that taliban are BAD PEOPLE = so bad people are suppose to kill innocents.

but Amereeka is GOOD..............................= they are not suppose to kill innocents, but they have killed over 200 000 people and about 90% of them were innocents.
Not controlled but supported by ISI. It can't keep on blowing the girl schools and the market places full of Afghan civilians if it didn't have the support and sanctuaries in Pakistan.

What makes you think that? If it's being supported by the ISI, why is it attacking Pakistan?
Not controlled but supported by ISI. It can't keep on blowing the girl schools and the market places full of Afghan civilians if it didn't have the support and sanctuaries in Pakistan.

here we go with another indian bashing ISI, dude, my friend, my brother, look carefully, TALIBAN WAS CREATED FOR U S A.

they were freedom fighters back then because they were fighting for usa, now they are terrorists because they are fighting against usa.
here we go with another indian bashing ISI, dude, my friend, my brother, look carefully, TALIBAN WAS CREATED FOR U S A.

they were freedom fighters back then because they were fighting for usa, now they are terrorists because they are fighting against usa.

Taliban was created in 1994.

Yankees went home in 1989 after the USSR went back from Afghanistan.

What was happening during the intervening period? Those "Mujahideen" were killing each other and the ordinary Afghans which had nothing to do with USA or any infidels.

What makes you think that?

Are you really serious? Where is the Queta Sura? Where are the Haqqanis based? What is happening in North Waziristan?

Where is Mulla Umar hiding? Where was OBL hiding? Where did all the AQ and Taliban terrorists flee to?
@ Vinod.

dude taliban was created to support usa, and usa gave them weapons and money, after the war usa left and they left taliban there to die with latest weapons and all that.
If it's being supported by the ISI, why is it attacking Pakistan?

This is the result of playing with fire. One's own fingers get burnt sometimes.

PA/ISI have been nurturing terrorists for the last 3 decades or more. This is a blowback.
@ Vinod.

dude taliban was created to support usa, and usa gave them weapons and money, after the war usa left and they left taliban there to die with latest weapons and all that.

Taliban was a pure Pushtun grouping that came into existence years after USA went home.

They tried to buy off the remaining weapons AFAIK, especially the Stingers etc. A lot of Afghans made a lot of money by just showing pictures of destroyed stingers (sometimes many times for the same picture).

But the Taliban was created after years of Afghan infighting. No kaffirs were involved in that. It was created by your Nasirullah Babar during Benazir's reign as she felt she could control them.
Taliban was created in 1994.

Yankees went home in 1989 after the USSR went back from Afghanistan.

What was happening during the intervening period? Those "Mujahideen" were killing each other and the ordinary Afghans which had nothing to do with USA or any infidels.

Are you really serious? Where is the Queta Sura? Where are the Haqqanis based? What is happening in North Waziristan?

Where is Mulla Umar hiding? Where was OBL hiding? Where did all the AQ and Taliban terrorists flee to?

You really need to get your facts correct. Mullah Umar, Haqqani, almost all the terrorists that are part of the Taliban today were part of the Mujahideen. So yes, the US was responsible for the creation all the terror groups, which includes the AQ, Taliban, Northern Alliance, Hizb-e-Islami Gulbideen, IMU & others.

Again, how does that show the ISI is supporting these groups? The Mehsuds, Molvi Faqir Mohammed, Abdul Wali, Qari Zia Rehman, Mangal Bagh of Lashkr-e-Islam, Maulana Fazlullah, Mullah Nazir & others are all comfortably living in their safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan; the NATO Forces specifically abandoned their outposts & let terrorists recapture districts in Kunar. Does that mean that the NATO/US Forces/ANA support these terrorists?

The Taliban have denied Mullah Umar is in Pakistan, read the reports man before spewing baseless claims. When false reports came out in the media about Mullah Umar being killed, the Taliban denied it straight away, & said Mullah Umar wasn't even in Pakistan; he was in Afghanistan, & has been in Afghanistan the whole time. That just rubbishes all the speculation you're mentioning.

The heartland of the Taliban is Kandahar, Mullah Umar lives there, they infiltrate into Pakistan with impunity, which is why you see attacks in Quetta in Balochistan all the time. Is it a coincidence that 470 Taliban were pretty much let go in the Kandahar prison a few months ago, under everyone's nose? Does that mean the NATO/US Forces support the Taliban?

The Haqqanis have their base in Khost & Paktia in Afghanistan. In North Waziristan, the border is porous between Khost & North Waziristan, so the Haqqanis infiltrate into both regions quite a lot. All the AQ & Taliban terrorists have fled into Afghanistan, you really need to update yourself man instead of regurgitating your baseless propaganda.
and if we ask the americans to leave the country at this moment, there will be again huge bloodshed and loss of civilians lives and civil war, as a result we not only lose all what we have achieved in the last decace, but it will be reveresed brutally and the country once again go nose diving with countless number of peopole losing their lives, so their stay is vital-not because we are in love, but because of necesity.

ahmed, there will blood shed, yes, but ask yourself, wasnt there a blood shed when northern alliance like a rat killed all the ruling bodies, and killed like animal, times are changing my friend, now northern alliance should either flee from afghanistan or else they will suffer the same crime they did 10 years ago!!

i weeped when i watched a video in which the northern alliance killed people by gathering them in a container and shooting them like dogs

such is the wy they betrayed afghanistan and helped the invaders
You really need to get your facts correct.

That honor is all yours my friend. We have seen it repeatedly.

Mullah Umar, Haqqani, almost all the terrorists that are part of the Taliban today were part of the Mujahideen. So yes, in a way, the US was responsible for the creation all the terror groups, which includes the AQ, Taliban, Northern Alliance, Hizb-e-Islami Gulbideen, IMU & others.

What does "in a way" mean? USA helped these people oust the USSR by helping them with money and weapons. It went back when the joint purpose was achieved. It never took their responsibility for a lifetime!

What they do after the honeymoon was over and the common goal was achieved is their own responsibility.

Also, some of the Taliban leaders may be the same but the bulk of the rank and file came from Madressas in Pakistan's tribal areas and many of them had never fought with the USSR.

It was Pakistan that created Taliban, that supplied and supported Taliban and that even sent its military officers with them. This is all well documented.

Again, how does that show the ISI is supporting these groups? The Mehsuds, Molvi Faqir Mohammed, Abdul Wali, Qari Zia Rehman, Mangal Bagh of Lashkr-e-Islam, Maulana Fazlullah, Mullah Nazir & others are all comfortably living in their safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan; the NATO Forces specifically abandoned their outposts & let terrorists recapture districts in Kunar. Does that mean that the NATO/US Forces/ANA support these terrorists?

The responsibility to guard your own borders is yours, not NATO's or USA's. They have a limited force from a great distance.

The ANA is pretty week and can't control that "porous border" but yours is a million plus force on it's own territory. You don't have an excuse.

The heartland of the Taliban is Kandahar, they infiltrate into Pakistan with impunity, which is why you see attacks in Quetta in Balochistan all the time. Is it a coincidence that 470 Taliban were pretty much let go in the Kandahar prison a few months ago, under everyone's nose? Does that mean the NATO/US Forces support the Taliban?

The Taliban have denied Mullah Umar is in Pakistan, read the reports man before spewing baseless claims. When false reports came out in the media about Mullah Umar being killed, the Taliban denied it straight away, & said Mullah Umar wasn't even in Pakistan; he was in Afghanistan, & has been in Afghanistan the whole time. That just rubbishes all the speculation you're mentioning.

The Haqqanis have their base in Khost & Paktia in Afghanistan. In North Waziristan, the border is porous between Khost & North Waziristan, so the Haqqanis infiltrate into both regions quite a lot. All the AQ & Taliban terrorists have fled into Afghanistan, you really need to update yourself man instead of regurgitating your baseless propaganda.

Before the OBL operation you would have said the same thing about OBL as well. You are in denial.

Taliban's denials don't count for too much.
So the verdict is out . THE AFGHANS want them to stay and I am sure the US is listening . Hmm. Not good news for the Afghan Taliban and their supporters , the NATO will be at their arse for years to come.
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