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Moscow hopes to build more warships for Indian Navy


Jul 6, 2009
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Moscow hopes to build more warships for Indian Navy | idrw.org

Moscow and New Delhi are negotiating the construction of more frigates for the Indian Navy, Anatoly Isaikin, director general of Russia’s biggest arms trader, Rosoboronexport, said here on Tuesday at the 18th international exhibition of internal state security Milipol 2013.

“We hope to sign a new contract for the construction of project 11356 frigates for the Indian Navy,” he said. “So far, there is none. But we hope for such a contract, and time will show in which format. It could be a joint production, or supplies of ready-made products.”

By now, Russia has built and handed over to the Indian Navy six project 11356 frigates, in two batches. The three frigates of the second batch were equipped with the BraMos Russian-Indian missile system, whereas the first three frigates of the 11356 project were equipped with the Russian-made missile systems Club.

The six project 11356 frigates were highly assessed by the Indian military.
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