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China wants its warships in Indian waters to search for plane : India declines permission

Please, if it was okay for your government to deny Indian helicopters flown by Indian pilots to assist your people after the 2005 Earthquake citing security concerns then it is perfect legitimate for India to deny this when there is a precedent for PLAN SIGNIT vessels disguised as fishing trawlers to enter close to India. Especially considering these waters have already been searched BY INDIAN FORCES, the most up to date info has all but ruled out the A&N islands as being the location of the plane and these islands are known to be home to a huge sensitive Indian military presence. The Chinese are simply taking the pi$$....

Bang right it is ...!

Indians had very good access to earthquake hit Azad Kashmir ...thousands could have been saved if Pakistan had allowed Indians to assist in SAR in aftermath of 2005 earthquake ...

where were these humanitarian grounds then ?

India's apprehensions are valid and China's request was quite unrealistic ...

Good decision by GOI not to allow Chinese warships in Andaman sea .
Bang right it is ...!

Indians had very good access to earthquake hit Azad Kashmir ...thousands could have been saved if Pakistan had allowed Indians to assist in SAR in aftermath of 2005 earthquake ...

where were these humanitarian grounds then ?

India's apprehensions are valid and China's request was quite unrealistic ...

Good decision by GOI not to allow Chinese warships in Andaman sea .
Agreed on all points....

Maybe it's too cynical to say the Chinese are being opportunistic and using this situation to gain access to highly controlled Indian waters, but at the very least they are being very naive and foolish to make such a request..
They are allowed to enter Indian waters, but then who will search for the missing chinese ships?
Will Pakistan allow the IN warships to enter Pakistani waters to search for Indian fishermen lost at sea?

No point speculating on hypotheticals.

Will China allow the IN to enter Chinese waters for providing humanitarian aid to Vietnam?

Delivering aid is not the same as searching for missing persons.
Since these are 150 Chinese nationals, it makes sense that China would want to double check.

India's apprehensions are valid .
what 4 Chinese warships are going to add after extensive search by Indian Navy ?

As I mentioned above, it is reasonable that China should want to double check -- especially since this is looking more and more like a hunt for debris, not survivors, and debris can be missed.

If India has reservations, then the Chinese ships can be trailed by IN and restricted from sensitive areas around Andaman.

Please, if it was okay for your government to deny Indian helicopters flown by Indian pilots to assist your people after the 2005 Earthquake

Those were Pakistani civilians whose lives were at risk. If Indian civilians were stranded and Pakistan refused, then the situation would be comparable.
imperial pak navy
I take my words back, now I am really scared.
Cause it's Indian waters, as in exclusive Indian waters, not the rest of Indian ocean. street is public, your house is yours.

Is it a way of telling us that we are not capable to look into "our" water? Sorry, you are not required and you know that.
Those were Pakistani civilians whose lives were at risk. If Indian civilians were stranded and Pakistan refused, then the situation would be comparable.
Please address all my other points or take back your comments about this being "disgraceful" or just say everything India ever does to you is disgraceful...
Agreed on all points....

Maybe it's too cynical to say the Chinese are being opportunistic and using this situation to gain access to highly controlled Indian waters, but at the very least they are being very naive and foolish to make such a request..

If we are to believe Sun Tzu 's " Art of war" teachings then ....I think it's not cynical to assume that they are using the opportunity to have glimpse at India's military assets ..

Their curiosity of Andaman region is well known ....

apparently Andman has magnetic powers that attracts their fish trawlers regularly ...

Delivering aid is not the same as searching for missing persons.
Since these are 150 Chinese nationals, it makes sense that China would want to double check. .

exactly delivering aid or rescuing those alive but stranded is far more important than looking for debris ....

As I mentioned above, it is reasonable that China should want to double check -- especially since this is looking more and more like a hunt for debris, not survivors, and debris can be missed..

There is vast ocean around that is still to be checked ..once we are done with whole area of interest ..may be then we can think of double checking ....

China should concentrate in rest of the pacific ocean ....if it is really interested in searching jet ...
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US has the best satellites in the world. Why do you think they are using ships and airplanes to search?

It's one thing to see something 'possible' from satellite; it's another to go take a close look.

On topic, this is a very disgraceful move by India. Almost as bad as Thailand holding back radar data for 10 days and saying 'no one asked us'.

There are 150 Chinese civilians involved and this would have been a good gesture from India to allow Chinese ships.

Are you saying IN is not capable to search even its own water? Territorial waters are not that huge area. Or they are not already doing it?
On topic, this is a very disgraceful move by India. Almost as bad as Thailand holding back radar data for 10 days and saying 'no one asked us'.
I disagree that it is a disgraceful move.
India has already put resources into the search as soon as asked, out of respect for the situation.

The A&N archipelago is simply too sensitive an area to allow foreign surveillance ships to enter. In case you did not know, it hosts the Tri-Services Command.

China can send any locations to India for surveillance and India will be more than happy to oblige. India does have the resources - ranging from satellites to high end reconnaissance aircrafts to fulfill the request. I would wager that India has better recon capability than China on account of our assets.

If India did not have the capacity to undertake the mission effectively and then denied China, then Yes, I would agree that it was disgraceful.
That is not the case however.
Cause it's Indian waters, as in exclusive Indian waters, not the rest of Indian ocean. street is public, your house is yours.
can you say same for South china sea....?

No point speculating on hypotheticals.

Delivering aid is not the same as searching for missing persons.
Since these are 150 Chinese nationals, it makes sense that China would want to double check.

As I mentioned above, it is reasonable that China should want to double check -- especially since this is looking more and more like a hunt for debris, not survivors, and debris can be missed.

If India has reservations, then the Chinese ships can be trailed by IN and restricted from sensitive areas around Andaman.

Those were Pakistani civilians whose lives were at risk. If Indian civilians were stranded and Pakistan refused, then the situation would be comparable.
your point is valid...
as chinese people on board ... china is party in it.
but IN is capable to do same operation.
looking Chinese behavior in past.. no neighbor county will allow it.. exa. Huwai equipment telecommunication
thats why you need to in good terms with neighbors..
IN never said no for mission but it will not allow anyone in its SEZ/EEZ
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can you say same for South china sea....?

We claimed South China sea, if you claimed Indian ocean we can dispute it, but it would be an INDIAN Ocean.

Despite what you or others think we claimed it and it is ours. No Indian have came out and said the Indian ocean is Indian's.

So no, not the same.
We claimed South China sea, if you claimed Indian ocean we can dispute it, but it would be an INDIAN Ocean.

Despite what you or others think we claimed it and it is ours. No Indian have came out and said the Indian ocean is Indian's.

So no, not the same.
you dont claim thing which is always yours
its name is INDIAN OCEAN.. want more proof?
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