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China wants its warships in Indian waters to search for plane : India declines permission

I think Indian navy is very capable of searching in this region, India declined China cause they don't want China taking opportunity to collect hydrologic data and recon around A&N. Our relationship is not good enough to get a 'YES' from India..
yes . you are right..
more concern is on data ..
as A& N is sensitive as defense tri command center and much more(which may not be in public forum)
we are not g8 terms with china..
but no country allow other to go near its sensitive defense installation
do china allowed india or any other country to come near there key defense area.
as there are no permanent friends and enemy in world...
every nation is there for its own
Will India permit it if the same request was brought up by USN?
as i said no permanent friends or enemy.
same USN which is todays our one of best alley was against india in 1971

we did not decline not only because its china .. but also because we dont want anyone near our sensitive places.. anyone
Will India permit it if the same request was brought up by USN?

You are perfectly correct in mentioning the point about trust. I think, with the USN too it would have been denied, but, an option of joint search would have been made, since the IN has had more exercises with the USN than any other navy. Its simply a matter of trust.
why should be reveal the choke points for subs in our own backyard ?
Yeah as if we don't have a navy. Why note just tell us the details.? Its A civilian flight for heaven's sake.
And I want to be Prime Minister of India :rofl:
You don't always get what you want ;)
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