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More recent overt sign of indigenous Hindu terrorism: CRS

No u have made mass murderer cm of state and he is candidate for PM.

First, he can be called a failed administrator not a mass murderer. I am not aware if he went out himself to kill anybody. what ever that was we don't support that at all and the same will not happen again anywhere in India..

You guys jump up and down calling him a mass murderer where more muslims have been murdered on the streets of Karachi..

where as Salman murder as a single murder not mass murder further more Salman's murder is in jail.
There were other people who tried to support minority and were killed as well. That's another story, though.. But after watching a lot of news on the topic and reading comments of lots on this very forum, i got an impression that everyone considered what he did was the right thing to do and even the lawyers instead of denouncing the act, made him a celebrity..
First, he can be called a failed administrator not a mass murderer. I am not aware if he went out himself to kill anybody. what ever that was we don't support that at all and the same will not happen again anywhere in India..

You guys jump up and down calling him a mass murders where more muslims have been murdered on the streets of Karachi..

There were other people who tried to support minority and were killed.. But after watching a lot of news on the topic and reading comments of lots on this very forum, i got an impression that everyone considered what he did was the right thing to do and even the lawyers instead of denouncing the act, made him a celebrity..

So many people died in shining India , we Pakistanis have nothing to say , just quoting facts and figures , read thread title and don't derail it.
How many 'terror' plots have been commited by Hindus?

Samjhauta Express & 2008 Malegaon blasts plus the failed bomb plot which killed the culprits now how many terror plots done in India by muslims?
Washington: The recent developments have shown that militant Hindu nationalist groups are intent on launching domestic terrorist attacks, a US Congressional report has said.
"Even more recent are overt signs that India is home to militant Hindu nationalist groups intent on launching domestic terrorist attacks. In September 2008, seven people were killed by two bomb blasts in Maharashtra's Malegaon, a hotbed of Hindu-Muslim communal strife," said Congressional Research Service (CRS) in its latest report on India.
The 94-page report was released by the CRS, independent and bipartisan wing of the US Congress prepares periodic reports on issues of interest to the US lawmakers, on September 1, a copy of which made public by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) on Tuesday.

By year's end, police had arrested nine members of a 'Hindu terrorist cell' in connection with the bombing, including an active army lieutenant colonel and a Hindu nun with links to the main opposition BJP, the CRS said.
"Thus did 'Hindu terrorism' became a new and highly controversial phrase in India's national dialogue, the CRS report said, adding never before in the country's history had the phrase been so widely used and the development had major and continuing effects on India's national psyche.
"Many Indian observers warned of the danger of a 'militant majoritarianism' among Hindu nationalists that threatens to rend the secular fabric of the nation," it said.
"In late 2010, Hindutva extremist Swami Aseemanand confessed to involvement in a number of terrorist attacks previously blamed on Islamist militants[/B], including the 2006 bombing of a Muslim cemetery in Malegaon that killed 37 people and the 2007 bombing of the trans-border Samjhauta Express, a train linking Delhi and Lahore, Pakistan, that killed 68 people, most of them Pakistani civilians," CRS said.
Aseemanand had said these and other attacks were to avenge Islamist terrorist attacks on Hindu temples.
"The confessions were an embarrassment for law enforcement agencies that had arrested Muslim suspects, and gave credibility to analysts who identify Hindu militancy as a threat to India's security, CRS said.
Increasingly prevalent in India are "Naxalites", Maoist insurgents ostensibly engaged in violent struggle on behalf of landless labourers and tribals.
These groups, most active in inland areas of east-central India, claim to be battling oppression and exploitation in order to create a classless society, it said
More recent overt sign of indigenous Hindu terrorism: CRS - World News - IBNLive

These type of articles make Pakistani members feel safe and happy :lol: and they are start to think that they are not alone in this bushiness :lol:

One advice..... dnt bring religion in terrorism otherwise you are the one who feel embarrassment
How many 'terror' plots have been commited by Hindus?

Samjhauta Express & 2008 Malegaon blasts plus the failed bomb plot which killed the culprits now how many terror plots done in India by muslims?

Again detailing , you cant stop trolling ? we are not denying other form of terrors .... read thread title then post some thing relevant refute or accept allegations on basis of arguments.

Why are you advocating Hindu Terror?

One advice..... dnt bring religion in terrorism otherwise you are the one who feel embarrassment
Stupid comment what makes you think that we fail embarrassment on stupidities done by some extremists. Further more your doing good job on trolling.
You believe or not but Hindu terrorism is a reality and Hindu terrorism is growing much faster rate in India.

Hmm.. Hindu terrorism... how bad...?? Tch Tch...
So what you think we Hindus should do about it ..???
I got a solution, how about everyone converts to Islam.
Will this end the bloodshed?
Of course not!
Despite the fact that hundreds of millions of people have been killed by Muslims during the history, this number thwarts in comparison to the number of Muslims that have been put to death by fellow Muslims of other sects.
Muslims kill more Muslims than they kill non-Muslims.
If ever the world is converted to Islam, these bloodsheds over whose interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith is correct will only augment and mankind will be ushered into an era of perpetual killing and mayhem.
This means the end of civilization and return to barbarity
We can clearly see that Islamic countries are barbaric. However, the West still exerts a powerful influence on them and holds them from reverting to totalbarbarity. They want to impress the West and therefore they feign civility.
To them, image is everything.
Once the whole world becomes Islamic, this planet will become the planet of apes. The extremists will be emboldened and the insanity that now is reigning in Islamic countries will be magnified a hundred fold, civilization will end and dark ages will begin. Imagine the entire world ruled by invigorated Taliban! They were the only Muslims who did not care about the opinion of the world. Since there is no possibility of dissent in Islam and learning any knowledge contrary to the Qur’an is strictly prohibited, the dark age will never end. The Islamic mentality of might is right will disallow and this planet will be doomed. :hang2: :hang2:
You believe or not but Hindu terrorism is a reality and Hindu terrorism is growing much faster rate in India.

Its only a matter of time they cross borders.

Be afraid, very afraid :azn:

I guess this thread is a proof of yours Unity and ur version of Diversity.

U have to accept the facts India is a hub for Hindu/Saffron Terrorism

India can never be a true democracy if it is not rooted out

I see Khalistanis were kicked out & they are whining here at PDF :azn:
Operation blue star was a Delbert act of Terrorism a part of Hindu Terrorism

Boooya Khalistani...You terrorists were kicked so hard by Sikhs of the Indian Army themselves that you fled India to other places. Keep whining from where you are. Sikhs in India are as patriotic towards India as anyone and that cannot be exemplified better than the Sikh who is the Prime Minister of India. So go get a life troll :laugh:
Why do pakistani terrorist have sympathy for fake khalistani terrorists? Such inhuman behavior and lack of ethics is responsible for the growing terrorism in pakistan.

Probably the same reason why most of your flag bearers are on here spreading horse manure and trolling at every given oppertunity possible. Not nice is it? Imagine 20 threads a day where there are swarm of Indian flag bearers doing the same. Shows you how tolerant we are. Respect others as you would expect them to respect you.
You are one of the guys that normally hides his trolling - i would be grateful if you stop being off topic - its about Hindu terrorism - nothing to do with Pakistan
Probably the same reason why most of your flag bearers are on here spreading horse manure and trolling at every given oppertunity possible. Not nice is it? Imagine 20 threads a day where there are swarm of Indian flag bearers doing the same. Shows you how tolerant we are. Respect others as you would expect them to respect you.
You are one of the guys that normally hides his trolling - i would be grateful if you stop being off topic - its about Hindu terrorism - nothing to do with Pakistan

So when are you proving how Hindu terrorism is on the rise, or are you just venting your frustrations still, even after so many pages? At the beginning I asked for some examples of this growing Hindu terrorism, rapidly growing BTW, so where is it? And those voices in the head don't count.

BTW I aspire to be overt in trolling like you bros!
So when are you proving how Hindu terrorism is on the rise, or are you just venting your frustrations still, even after so many pages? At the beginning I asked for some examples of this growing Hindu terrorism, rapidly growing BTW, so where is it? And those voices in the head don't count.

Fateh71 - im looking at your post and it reeked of annoyance because someone had dared to raise the issue of Hindu terrorism. Normally you are a sensible poster yet today its agitated you. I am merely stating imagine being on an Indian defense forum and a bunch of moronic morons constantly jumping on the band wagon and attepting to slag your nation, and troll at every possible moment? You wouldnt like it would you - thats what Indians have been doing on here regularly in the last few days. When you get a bit of your own medication back it rattles your cage? Calm down and think before you post.
Extremism and terrorism is a terrible thing that we must attempt to eradicate out of ALL society. India is no different to others. Its a small minority spoiling life for the vast majority. Lets pray we remove it everywhere.
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