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More Leopard 2PL tanks to be inducted in Polish army


Apr 28, 2011
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The formal acceptance process for the next batch of Leopard 2PL main battle tanks ended ast week, in Zakłady Mechaniczne Bumar - Labedy S.A. The modernized tanks will be inducted in the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade, Tadeusz Kościuszko reports.
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Leopard 2PL for the Polish army (Picture source: PGZ)

The PGZ consortium, implementing the contract concluded with the Armament Inspectorate for the modernization of Leopard 2A4 tanks to the 2PL standard, delivered another batch of modernized vehicles to Wesoła, where the 1WBPanc is stationed. This year, the acceptance process have already concerned more than 11 tanks. More are waiting for the completion of procedures.

The consortium is working intensively on the next batches of Leopards. Elżbieta Wawrzynkiewicz, President of the Management Board of Zakłady Mechaniczne Bumar-Labedy S.A., said : "If we manage to quickly close the ongoing talks, we will be able to deliver another 7 vehicles modernized by the domestic industry this year. At the same time, we are working with our foreign partner on 6 other tanks currently modernized in Germany to have them reach the Polish Armed Forces as soon as possible".

The modernization of Leopard 2A4 tanks to the 2PL standard includes the replacement of hydraulic gun stabilization and turret drive systems with electric ones, improvement of the Rh-120 L44 smoothbore gun and its adaptation to new types of ammunition, including programmable, while maintaining the possibility of using domestic ammunition. Leopard 2PL is also equipped with new optoelectronic systems: 3rd generation KLW-1 Asteria type thermal imaging cameras in the commander's and gunner's observation and aiming devices. The turret of the tank was equipped with additional armor modules and anti-fragmentation mats. Inside, the vehicle has new fire and explosion protection systems. The scope of the service applies to all tanks and is carried out mainly by the forces of the Polish defense industry.

The works are carried out by the Consortium formed by PGZ - Zakłady Mechaniczne Bumar-Labedy". Other entities from the group are also involved in the modernization of the Leopards : PCO, Wojskowe Zakłady Motoryzacyjne from Poznań, Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów, Research and Development Center of Mechanical Devices OBRUM and Rosomak. The foreign partner is Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH.

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