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Mongolia should hold vote on rejoining China

PAP has openned floorgate. Now SG population is pop-up by immigrants to be able to sustain it. Removing immigrants is impossible. Next step is to maintain racial domination, there is no other way.

I do not see much problem in PRC. Your 2nd generation behave exactly like us. Also you send your kids to our schools. Within a short period of time in Singapore, Indian nationals opened at least 4 international schools.

These Hindu schools are hotbed of caste system education. One of my Indian colleagues mentioned Indians are discriminated in the schools by high caste rather than by Chinese.

I have suggested three new ideas.

1. Entice Mongolia to rejoin China by offering Mongolians a modern way of life. By leveraging Chinese high-technology and a guarantee of $20,000 per year, China will gain breathing space. Also, China will have the physical border with Russia to form a tight relationship and conduct business. If you look at a map and carve out a Mongolia (or four Californias) out of the northern American Midwest, it would be almost impossible for the United States and Canada to transact $700 billion in trade each year. China needs to fix this problem.

2. China should borrow the European Union playbook and start recruiting low-population neighboring Asian countries.

3. China should form a NAFTA-type trade bloc. Russia will become China's Canada. Thailand will become China's Mexico. With high-speed rail linking all three countries, with China at the core as the "Asian United States," trade should boom for the Asian NAFTA.

We live in a competitive world. China needs to form competing institutions to the West. The West is exceedingly strong and growing stronger. If China doesn't start borrowing Western ideas on forming synergies, the Sino-Western competition is already over. I encourage all of you to look for other ideas/institutions that can be leveraged.

The West has controlled the world for five hundred years. Westerners are incredibly smart. They will beat you with technology. If they can't beat you with technology, they will try to control all of the oil supplies. They almost succeeded. If they had not fired everyone in the Baath Party (but merely replaced the head of the snake), Iraq would have become another Saudi Arabia and under Western control.

Today, the West is collecting countries and peoples as it moves toward the western Chinese border. If China doesn't start collecting territories and peoples, it's a sitting duck.
It does seem strange to talk about bringing in new people or having China enter into an Asian Union alliance (modeled on the European Union). The quick and dirty method is to take the European Union rules/chapters and sweeten them a bit as a proposal to neighboring low-population Asian/Central Asian countries.

The fundamental truth is that NATO has only two objectives: Russia and China.

You don't need NATO to fight any other countries. The U.S. carrier battle groups alone can exert full military dominance over Iran, North Korea, any Latin American country, or any African country.

The singular objective of the European Union (and its military arm NATO) backed by the United States is to exert control over Russia and China. Russia is not doing too well at the moment. In ten to twenty years, without allies, China will be surrounded on all sides by NATO or NATO-friendly countries.

Chinese are supposed to be smart and strategic thinkers. If you can't beat them, join them. The only way out is to form China's own version of the European Union. Otherwise, in my opinion, the long-term future for China does not look good.
You are overly pessimistic. For the relationship between countries, allies are not reliable. Only interest is eternal. If China is strong enough and not so aggressive, most of US allies will not follow its step to challenge China for the sake of their interest.

For example, France and Germany strongly opposed the second Iraq war. They did not join in the war and fight with US.
You are overly pessimistic. For the relationship between countries, allies are not reliable. Only interest is eternal. If China is strong enough and not so aggressive, most of US allies will not follow its step to challenge China for the sake of their interest.

For example, France and Germany strongly opposed the second Iraq war. They did not join in the war and fight with US.

The European Union, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are strangling Russia right before our eyes.

As you were saying?
China is a civilization. Raising three million Mongolians to a First World living standard is a minor effort.

China benefits in restoring the Qing Dynasty borders. Also, Mongolia is the size of four Californias. This will give Chinese construction companies more opportunity to build high-speed rail across hundreds/thousands of miles.

Strategically, the goal is to get closer to Russia. China and Europe are in competition for the Russian market. After Mongolia is reintegrated into China, the Chinese border with Russia would have moved into the heart of Asia. This will facilitate trade and cultural exchanges. The ultimate goal is to convert Russia into China's Canada.

Technically CHina should be annexed by Mongolia, not the other way round. It was Ghenghis Khan's progeny that invaded and screwed you, not the other way around.....
Technically CHina should be annexed by Mongolia, not the other way round. It was Ghenghis Khan's progeny that invaded and screwed you, not the other way around.....

There is no difference. Welcome Mongolia to annex China and they will become China.

There are more Mongols in China than Mongolia and none want independence.

India, Russia-- NO WAY. There is no way you guys will become Chinese.
The European Union, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are strangling Russia right before our eyes.

As you were saying?
This is because Russia is too aggressive. Crimea brings Europeans memory to Sudetenland. It's a scary scene for them.
There is no difference. Welcome Mongolia to annex China and they will become China.

There are more Mongols in China than Mongolia and none want independence.

India, Russia-- NO WAY. There is no way you guys will become Chinese.

It is the curious thing about the Chinese, in their definition, if a piece of land was a part of their country at any point of time in the past, they automatically claim it. Most modern states don't follow that. Indian dynasties have ruled Indonesia, Afghanistan etc. in the past. The modern republic does not make any claims on them at all.
It is the curious thing about the Chinese, in their definition, if a piece of land was a part of their country at any point of time in the past, they automatically claim it. Most modern states don't follow that. Indian dynasties have ruled Indonesia, Afghanistan etc. in the past. The modern republic does not make any claims on them at all.

You guys claim Manipur, South Tibet...etc all outside any Indian dynasty since Asoka. The reason for your existence is British imperialism.
This is because Russia is too aggressive. Crimea brings Europeans memory to Sudetenland. It's a scary scene for them.

No. The EU insisted on Ukraine joining NATO, which threatens Russia's security.

Russia thought it was safe, because it has a large stockpile of nuclear weapons. Russia was wrong.

With western sanctions, sooner or later, there will be new leadership in Russia. Even if the West has to wait until Putin dies of old age, ten or twenty years are a minor hiatus. The West will absorb Ukraine.

Western determination is quite frightening. Also, the power of the West on display should be awe-inspiring. Russia made the mistake of doing nothing. China is currently making the same mistake.

You have to copy the Western model. You have to build alliances and institutions. Since China is willing to copy Western military weapons due to their effectiveness, why not copy Western alliance building? They are equally important. They are both force multipliers.

Let's look at the current match-up.

West: $38 trillion nominal GDP (US $17 trillion, EU $18 trillion, Canada $2 trillion, Australia $1.4 trillion)
China: $10 trillion

Western Land: USA, Canada, Australia, Europe+New Zealand+Ukraine eventually = about 4 China
China: only one China and not growing due to lack of alliance building

It should be obvious to everyone that the status quo means China is a sitting duck.
No. The EU insisted on Ukraine joining NATO, which threatens Russia's security.

Russia thought it was safe, because it has a large stockpile of nuclear weapons. Russia was wrong.

With western sanctions, sooner or later, there will be new leadership in Russia. Even if the West has to wait until Putin dies of old age, ten or twenty years are a minor hiatus. The West will absorb Ukraine.

Western determination is quite frightening. Also, the power of the West on display should be awe-inspiring. Russia made the mistake of doing nothing. China is currently making the same mistake.

You have to copy the Western model. You have to build alliances and institutions. Since China is willing to copy Western military weapons due to their effectiveness, why not copy Western alliance building? They are equally important. They are both force multipliers.

Let's look at the current match-up.

West: $38 trillion nominal GDP (US $17 trillion, EU $18 trillion, Canada $2 trillion, Australia $1.4 trillion)
China: $10 trillion

Western Land: USA, Canada, Australia, Europe+New Zealand+Ukraine eventually = about 4 China
China: only one China and not growing due to lack of alliance building

It should be obvious to everyone that the status quo means China is a sitting duck.
Ukraine wants to join into EU is the result of Russia being weak in economy. That only tells us the fact that your allies will betray you if you are poor and weak. As long as you are strong, you will be safe. Allies are not so important.
I don't know what OP is thinking (or Smoking??)

If Buying an allies (Like the OP suggest, giving them $20000 GDP per capita) can work on joining a Certain Country, then would this world would only have 2 country left?? USA and Japan??

You cannot bought allegiances, you have to have them feel they are part of you to begin with. To a Mongol, they feel that they are Central Asian more than they are South East Asian, if they have to vote and join someone, that someone would be a fellow country in Central Asia or Even Russia, don't forget Mongolia fought In Soviet Union side during WW2 but not the Chinese Side, there is a reason why they did so.

If China really pay each Mongol $20,000 GDP per capita, at best they will say thank you and run off with your $20,000 GDP...
I don't know what OP is thinking (or Smoking??)

If Buying an allies (Like the OP suggest, giving them $20000 GDP per capita) can work on joining a Certain Country, then would this world would only have 2 country left?? USA and Japan??

You cannot bought allegiances, you have to have them feel they are part of you to begin with. To a Mongol, they feel that they are Central Asian more than they are South East Asian, if they have to vote and join someone, that someone would be a fellow country in Central Asia or Even Russia, don't forget Mongolia fought In Soviet Union side during WW2 but not the Chinese Side, there is a reason why they did so.

If China really pay each Mongol $20,000 GDP per capita, at best they will say thank you and run off with your $20,000 GDP...

The USA bought their allies with Marshall plan. Other than European version, there are Asian, middle east version as well.
The USA bought their allies with Marshall plan. Other than European version, there are Asian, middle east version as well.

Dude.....Marshall plan is use a common fear to unite as an Allies, not what the OP is talking about, the OP is talking about revert sovereignty and have Mongolia revert back to China.
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