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Mongol invasions of India

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Kids? Really? Sikhs have always whipped your @ss. They were your rulers.

Another fadget indian that wants to start. :no: I already know how you and your sikh friends are in real life and that's enough for me. You can act all hardcore online but in real life it's diffrent. I went to school with you skinnies all my life and I know how strong you people are. There's no point in arguing with your skinny ***. Now go buzz off. We live in the 21 century, No sikh ever ruled me. Stop living in the past stupid indian and live in the present. Did the mughals rule you? no I didn't think so.
Doesn't matter.

You are still inferior, dark, short, weak, and ugly hindus :rofl:

Only good people in South India are 27 million Muslims of South India...

Still better than born slaves and doormats like punjabi muslims.

Another fadget indian that wants to start. :no: I already know how you and your sikh friends are in real life and that's enough for me. You can act all hardcore online but in real life it's diffrent. I went to school with you skinnies all my life and I know how strong you people are. There's no point in arguing with your skinny ***. Now go buzz off. We live in the 21 century, No sikh ever ruled me. Stop living in the past stupid indian and live in the present. Did the mughals rule you? no I didn't think so.

Pakistanis in US are just a bunch of cab drivers and coolies. We all know that. Your bragging doesn't impress anyone. You guys are nothing. Read up a bit of your shameful, doormat like history. Might open your eyes a bit.
Kids? Really? Sikhs have always whipped your @ss. They were your rulers.

lol what? Sikhs were raped, slaughtered, and butchered by Islamic Mughal Empire...

Heck, their demi-gods gurus were slaughtered, and boiled alive by Mughal Empire :yay:

Pakistan will flatten Amritsar temple, if the need arises. That temple is under our artillery range...lol
Still better than born slaves and doormats like punjabi muslims.

Pakistanis in US are just a bunch of cab drivers and coolies. We all know that. Your bragging doesn't impress anyone. You guys are nothing. Read up a bit of your shameful, doormat like history. Might open your eyes a bit.

I'm definately not a cab driver. My dad is fortunate enough to own his own store and we never have financial problems. Like I said, I know what your bretheren are capable of and what I'm capable of. Who said I was bragging, I'm just responding to that guy with my experiences, you should go look up his posts. Again your living in the past, don't worry about what my ancestors did. I am not my ancestors. I would have fought the british off too unlike you who would just complain. Before you go calling muslims british lackeys like other internet hindus, go read something instead of listening to your swami or guru or whatever the hell you stupid hindus call them. Muslims resisted the british too.
Still better than born slaves and doormats like punjabi muslims.

Doormat? Still better than drinking cow-p!ss like hindus do ..lmao!!!!

Punjabi Muslims stood up for themselves, left the inferior hinduism based on caste, and became a full-fledged nuclear power!!!!!!!!!

Where you went? indian punjabis are sh!thole of hindus hahahha..can't even defend themselves...
lol what? Sikhs were raped, slaughtered, and butchered by Islamic Mughal Empire...

Heck, their demi-gods gurus were slaughtered, and boiled alive by Mughal Empire :yay:

Pakistan will flatten Amritsar temple, if the need arises. That temple is under our artillery range...lol

Only proves that Pakistanis in the USA are even more stupid than the native ones. What are you, a street hoodlum???
Difficult for you to understand that your pathetic country is nothing...nothing compared to India in military strength?? And we dont need to do anything.. The Pakhtuns are handing over your @ss to you, as they have been for centuries.

And you have nothing to do with the Mughals...you are just a bunch of low caste converts.

Doormat? Still better than drinking cow-p!ss like hindus do ..lmao!!!!

Punjabi Muslims stood up for themselves, left the inferior hinduism based on caste, and became a full-fledged nuclear power!!!!!!!!!

Where you went? indian punjabis are sh!thole of hindus hahahha..can't even defend themselves...

Doormat is far worse.... but then it comes naturally to you low caste converts.
Only proves that Pakistanis in the USA are even more stupid than the native ones. What are you, a street hoodlum???
Difficult for you to understand that your pathetic country is nothing...nothing compared to India in military strength?? And we dont need to do anything.. The Pakhtuns are handing over your @ss to you, as they have been for centuries.

And you have nothing to do with the Mughals...you are just a bunch of low caste converts.

Doormat is far worse.... but then it comes naturally to you low caste converts.

thats all you can do, tell pashtuns what punjabis are doing to them and vice versa. :laughcry:
I'm definately not a cab driver. My dad is fortunate enough to own his own store and we never have financial problems. Like I said, I know what your bretheren are capable of and what I'm capable of. Who said I was bragging, I'm just responding to that guy with my experiences, you should go look up his posts. Again your living in the past, don't worry about what my ancestors did. I am not my ancestors. I would have fought the british off too unlike you who would just complain. Before you go calling muslims british lackeys like other internet hindus, go read something instead of listening to your swami or guru or whatever the hell you hindus call them. Muslims resisted the british too.

Your shameful history is for all to see. Zero contribution to the freedom struggle... and you never resisted any invader, unlike the "cowardly" Hindus who did throughout. You guys are just good in street gang fights, and there I give it to you for a civilized man can never match criminals in violence.
Civilized hindus, we all know their history from killing of baby girls, sati and who can forget thugs who killed 2 million innocents on name of Kali mata before british eliminated them. Basically foreign invaders eliminated sati practice, thugs and many other tribal customs of hindus. These guys have always been tribals, only aryans made them some what civilized.

One practice is still widely accepted and that is killing of baby girls. Girl shortage is the main reason for India being rapistan now.
Your shameful history is for all to see. Zero contribution to the freedom struggle... and you never resisted any invader, unlike the "cowardly" Hindus who did throughout. You guys are just good in street gang fights, and there I give it to you for a civilized man can never match criminals in violence.

lol keep living in the past you dipshit. I'm pretty sure a mughal was involved in the 1857 rebellion. You weak ****, I'm done with you. There's no point in arguing with you and your ilk. Don't bother replying because I'm not gonna see it. Welcome to my ignore list dipshit.
lol keep living in the past you dipshit. I'm pretty sure a mughal was involved in the 1857 rebellion. You weak ****, I'm done with you. There's no point in arguing with you and your ilk. Don't bother replying because I'm not gonna see it. Welcome to my ignore list dipshit.

Look at where Indians In the US are, and compare it with the Pakistanis.. You will get your answer.. Street level aggression is not everything in life.

And as for the past, tell that to your countrymen who want to dig up 5000 year old genes to prove their "superiority":omghaha:
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