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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

This thread provide me to see the several dimension of Islam and its controversy between different sect..
Nice thread..

I does not belief on the supernatural forces.. and only say one thing at the end...

"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided".
{Verse 103 Surat 'Āli `Imrān }

If the Muslim don't follow this law than we did even see the situation of Afghanistan and Iraq and in future the Iran than Pakistan facing the difficulties...
Hey israeli ...... first : its a bit late you had better go and wash your teeth then go to your bedroom and sleep. second : your country wont attack us be sure!! (so you don't need to be afraid of being killed in the war) .third : when Mahdi (pbuh) appeared we will see what will happen and who will eat dirt.(but if your politicians are too stupid we will see it sooner)
A mature response as always. Don't get so emotional if you are so sure in your victory.

Are you really an Arab? How could you say something like that?
The only one the Arabs hate more than Israelis are Iranians, i thought this was beyond saying.
well the shock wave tend to travel through air rather than earth , Its reports of trinity explosion a 20Kton nuclear bomb
Bunker buster bombs can produce underground shockwaves. Do some digging in this regard.


and this is the picture from ground zero and thats simple sand not Concrete that is rated 60000PSI
Here is a video of a small US bunker buster bomb in action:

This is hard ground. Sand is much less resistive. Do not get fooled by those PSI ratings.

the blast might be stronger than an earth quack but that blast is useless against the centrifuge deep inside ground you need the earth quack effect to disrupt them and a bomb provide very little in that department compared to a natural earth quack.
MOP has been developed for a reason.

In fact, USA have a far deadlier EPW in its arsenal in comparison to even MOP.

You guys are extremely misinformed on your sense of security vis-a-vis USA.
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Don't worry about it, twilight. There are many nations surrounding you, eager to see you eat dirt.

nope ... most of them are scared that one day they would become our food , so they are barking from behind of USA .... one of them is Zionist regime ...
Iraq has no issues :)

Attack will be carried out from multiple directions from land and sea. Plus only air stick isn't going to make much difference.
So stratagic option is heay bombing and para dropping minimum 20000 soldiers. This war will be mess for both sides with Iran suffering most. This operation if come in reality will never be hit and run senario. It will be longer. Minimum 3 weeks to max 2 months. Israeli toll would also be high. This will be the First war for F22 rafter. Let's see does it really that stealth and can fool Russian air defence systems.
Many war doctorins will change after this war

Dude...War is not only about macines and technology...Donot write off Iran so easily...I beleive Israel knows it better than the way you have presented.....If by any chance war happens...The collateral impact will be very huge for India...Ultimately India will be looser as both are friends of India...So pray god that War should never happen,,
The only one the Arabs hate more than Israelis are Iranians, i thought this was beyond saying.

But joining with the USA to attack a fellow developing country? :confused:

I've seen the polls, and the countries in the Middle East are more anti-American than anywhere else.
A mature response as always. Don't get so emotional if you are so sure in your victory.

The only one the Arabs hate more than Israelis are Iranians, i thought this was beyond saying.
Of course we do not need Arabs' love about Iran.They'd better stay near their masters.Both of you are our enemies(Zionists and most of Arabs) so it's better for you to stick together and calm each other down by repeating these sentences:Iran will not win-We will defeat Iran-We won't let Iran have nukes-US will support us....:lol:
And yes we are so sure of our victory that you can not even imagine.
We should coordinate a triple assault: Israel, US and Saudi Arabia:guns:
Wow what a strategist you are!!!You really impressed me!!!I see there are two professional armies in your statement but can you just explain it to me why you put such an amateur army(Saudi Arabia) among them?Can you even use your equipment?I'm not sure!
well.......Ummm......I believe whatever happens in the war you genius have suggested,there would be no Saudi Arabia army at all in a way that your king will probably hit his head to the wall and regret about fighting us!
Wow what a strategist you are!!!You really impressed me!!!I see there are two professional armies in your statement but can you just explain it to me why you put such an amateur army(Saudi Arabia) among them?Can you even use your equipment?I'm not sure!
well.......Ummm......I believe whatever happens in the war you genius have suggested,there would be no Saudi Arabia army at all in a way that your king will probably hit his head to the wall and regret about fighting us!

is this a story to read before you hit the bed :lol: what r u trying to say
Right we hate both of you guys iranian more than Zionists >>>>>> this is a fact
Don't worry,as you hate us,we hate you too.And yes this is indeed a fact.And if you try to help anyone in the probable confrontation with Iran,you'll see what happens to you lovely arabs.

is this a story to read before you hit the bed :lol: what r u trying to say
I am trying to make it clear for you: Don't try to show your stupidity for being upgraded by your masters!
Don't worry,as you hate us,we hate you too.And yes this is indeed a fact.And if you try to help anyone in the probable confrontation with Iran,you'll see what happens to you lovely arabs.

I am trying to make it clear for you:Don't try to show your stupidity for being upgraded by your masters!

:blah::lol: get a sleep

Don't worry,as you hate us,we hate you too.And yes this is indeed a fact.And if you try to help anyone in the probable confrontation with Iran,you'll see what happens to you lovely arabs.

I am trying to make it clear for you:Don't try to show your stupidity for being upgraded by your masters!

:blah::lol: get a sleep
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