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Moed Yusuf: In Foreign Policy, Pak is Punching Way Beyond It's Weight!!!

This is a discussion that is not for me to participate in with the environment that is enforced on PDF, as @araz knows.
I can understand where you are coming from. But I would still like a different point of view to be allowed on the forum. Maybe you can some how get your point accross without tripping on some sensitivities?
I can understand where you are coming from. But I would still like a different point of view to be allowed on the forum. Maybe you can some how get your point accross without tripping on some sensitivities?

May be. But why risk it? :D
I remember listening to Dr Moeed Pirzada, talking about how it's relatively easy to talk and put your point across to Indians then to western diplomats who basically acts as robots and ignore what you have to say.

ISI, ISI, ISI.......as if all these people opposite to Moeed were given an agenda to talk about and not paying any attention to his replies. I forgot how many times he had to repeat himself. At times like these, there has to be counter strike to put these kind in cornor. Why we shy away from the role of CIA, MI6, BND etc in Afghanistan for last two decades, where under their nose a massive terrorist campaign was launched against Pakistani citizens in which 80k plus died.
What does one expect from The Three Stooges? :D

Lol, the US would never stand for Mexico or Canada or other countries in its "near abroad" to be under the control or influence of a strategic rival, lol for Cuba you and your yank friends were willing to start ww3.
Lol, the US would never stand for Mexico or Canada or other countries in its "near abroad" to be under the control or influence of a strategic rival, lol for Cuba you and your yank friends were willing to start ww3.

Yes, and Pakistan of course is equally entitled to control its "near abroad" as it wishes - if it can. Sure.
Yes, and Pakistan of course is equally entitled to control its "near abroad" as it wishes - if it can. Sure.

Glad we are on the same page, nation states are inherently ruthless in protecting its interests, for example the US violated every treaty it signed with its native inhabitants, because they served its interest.

It got into bed with fascists, religious extremists and communists when it needed to.

It pardoned and gave homes to Nazi scientists who were war criminals and had committed crimes against humanity.
Glad we are on the same page, nation states are inherently ruthless in protecting its interests, for example the US violated every treaty it signed with its native inhabitants, because they served its interest.

It got into bed with fascists, religious extremists and communists when it needed to.

It pardoned and gave homes to Nazi scientists who were war criminals and had committed crimes against humanity.

I have no problems in acknowledging that ALL states have the EQUAL right to pursue their own respective national interests, as best as they can. Some are able to do it better than others, but that is no reason to be unfair or jealous.
I have no problems in acknowledging that ALL states have the EQUAL right to pursue their own respective national interests, as best as they can. Some are able to do it better than others, but that is no reason to be unfair or jealous.

Correct, it may be cynical and nihilistic but this is the way the world has always been.
Correct, it may be cynical and nihilistic but this is the way the world has always been.

Religion and morality always and only belong in the personal domain, and never in international geopolitics. It is not cynical to accept that fact.
Religion and morality always and only belong in the personal domain, and never in international geopolitics. It is not cynical to accept that fact.

Correct, Prince Cem an Ottoman Prince who was exiled wrote to his brother Sultan Bayezid and tried to appeal to him as a brother.

His reply sums it up, "There are no ties of Kinship between Princes".

And this was in fact also true in the 1st World War, when the Kaiser, Czar and the King of England tried to annihilate each other.
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The following 11 years old interview with the former ISI boss leaves nothing to imagination about what to occur!!! Pak would be "flying like a butterfly and stinging like a bee", as the great Muhammad Ali used to do, all over the ring delivering right/left hooks, punches etc. at the opportune moments while absorbing the powerful blows! And, the objective is to knock out the opponent in a slow, steady and patient manner...

*Notice his body language, eye movements/keenness/sharpness, facial expressions etc., and the way he's discarding and disparaging the Ehl-i Sheyatin...

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