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Modi trying in Kashmir Israeli-style settlements

India is showing the world it is a state that sponsors terrorism in Pakistan - it also is a oppressive regime that is involved in carrying out acts of terror on innocent Kashmiri population as well as commit mass human rights violations which the world will see...
India is showing the world it is a state that sponsors terrorism in Pakistan - it also is a oppressive regime that is involved in carrying out acts of terror on innocent Kashmiri population as well as commit mass human rights violations which the world will see...
Oh my god a Pakistani guy talks about mass human rights violations? You're exactly like the "Palestinians"! explain to me why do you live in the UK, and not Pakistan?
Oh my god a Pakistani guy talks about mass human rights violations? You're exactly like the "Palestinians"! explain to me why do you live in the UK, and not Pakistan?
Lool, we don't get boycotted from international forums for gross human right violations nor we have to secure speicalmwaiver in UK for our foreign ministers
Oh my god a Pakistani guy talks about mass human rights violations? You're exactly like the "Palestinians"! explain to me why do you live in the UK, and not Pakistan?

Immigrants ≠ Refugees

But, even if your logic is correct India by far has one of the largest expat populations in the world, so there must be some really bad human rights violations there to make everybody leave.
Pakistan is providing unconditional support to Kashmir cause. On Palastine issue its own neighbor and arab countries has sold the cause for money.
........ post something sanctimonious about a 'policy' they have no idea about, of international law they are not acquainted with, of 'human rights violations' that they have neither seen or experienced and about a region whose legal position is beyond their grasp.

Please tell us what is the legal position of the region in question ? Kashmir is an unresolved international dispute on the agenda of the UN Security Council since January 1949 ... The UN Resolutions on Kashmir are still valid ... No ?
Please tell us what is the legal position of the region in question ? Kashmir is an unresolved international dispute on the agenda of the UN Security Council since January 1949 ... The UN Resolutions on Kashmir are still valid ... No ?
For Indian its not, but rest of the world, international forums and resolutions may be discussing Kashmir on Jupiter.
Please tell us what is the legal position of the region in question ? Kashmir is an unresolved international dispute on the agenda of the UN Security Council since January 1949 ... The UN Resolutions on Kashmir are still valid ... No ?

It was and is, a legal dispute.

Prior to 1971 the dispute was the subject matter of a UNSC resolution (1948) that recommended a three step plebiscite. The steps and conditions it laid down would be unpalatable for nearly all Pakistanis who swear by it today.

[Note: UN resolutions are not binding but I mention that only to distinguish them from binding international law (such as ICJ rulings or ratified treaties - which both India and Pakistan have generally enforced, such as Sir Creek, Bay of Bengal maritime boundary with Bangladesh, etc.).]

After the war Z. Bhutto agreed to resolve the issue bilaterally as a concession in the Simla Agreement - in exchange for repatriation of POWs, other lands, etc. You are welcome to see the text of that document.

What form that bilateral agreement will take is anybody's guess. Personally I believe the most politically acceptable route (at least in India as of today) would simply be to convert the LOC into a border. I had a series of posts with one of the more-informed PDF members a week ago on the feasibility of this - you can see that in my posting history.
He can't. Most of these ex-pats wouldn't fare too well in their country of birth. Nearly all would cheerfully swap their nationality to desperately get out of Pakistan yet are adept at working themselves into a rage and post something sanctimonious about a 'policy' they have no idea about, of international law they are not acquainted with, of 'human rights violations' that they have neither seen or experienced and about a region whose legal position is beyond their grasp.

it would suit you better not to talk about "most of these ex-pats " as you yourself are seated in America as you was so desperate to give up your nationality to get out of India it does not suit talking about others when one starts to appear as a hypocrite himself... bear that in mind in future when you begin to assume about other people.
it would suit you better not to talk about "most of these ex-pats " as you yourself are seated in America as you was so desperate to give up your nationality to get out of India it does not suit talking about others when one starts to appear as a hypocrite himself... bear that in mind in future when you begin to assume about other people.

Well I'm not the one making sanctimonious posts about what's going on in a conflict zone thousands of miles from where I am. I accept news stories by media on both sides as unreliable, refrain from getting into a frenzy based on such reports and unlike you, do not let my emotions run unchecked. And while I am in no position to prove or disprove specific facts or occurrences as reported I can agree that given the fact that both countries have stationed tens of thousands of troops on their side of Kashmir for a long time now it is inevitable that civil-military clashes take place on both sides.

That's why I limit myself to commenting on strategic issues - which is quite possible from an armchair. I'm all for a political solution and happy to discuss views on that.
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Well I'm not the one making sanctimonious posts about what's going on in a conflict zone thousands of miles from where I am. I accept news stories by media on both sides in unreliable, refrain from getting into a frenzy based on such reports and unlike you, do not let my emotions run unchecked.

That's why I limit myself to commenting on strategic issues - which is quite possible from an armchair. I'm all for a political solution and happy to discuss views on that.

I am entitled to my opinion as are you regarding issues around the world. I do not need advice from anyone as to what I should and shouldn't post on and how it may seem emotional to you it does not concern me how you perceive it - but when you take it upon yourself to discuss issues regarding ones nationality or how somebody you don't even know gave up their nationality that's where it seems like your more interested in personal attacks rather than discussing political solutions so please take your own advice when you don't know something its best you don't assume :closed:
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