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Modi threatens Pakistan with Mother of Nuclear Bombs

Only loser talks about nuclear bomb. Cos they cant beat you in conventional warfare. :enjoy:
Modi is so funny why you guys take him seriously,a joker can make only jokes
By the way if india has such a bomb then remember Pakistan is its father in this technology
NaMo has threatened Pakistan with "Mother of Nuclear Bombs" in a speech.
He said he wasn't blackmailed by Pakistan's nuclear threat, saying India possess mother of nuclear bombs, i.e. an indication of India having thermonuclear or hydrogen devices.

Can Pakistan counter Indian's claims!!!
Modi is so funny why you guys take him seriously,a joker can make only jokes
By the way if india has such a bomb then remember Pakistan is its father in this technology

India has no such bomb, where is the test footage?

If you fire such a weapon, where are the energy signatures?

Where is the radiation test of the zone?

You cannot enter a radiation zone for centuries for the weapon they claim, where did they test it?

no such thing.

Indians are lairs, they claim a nuclear weapon was fired here:

That is not possible. You know after a nuke goes off the radiation will kill all life in the area for centuries.

Then why are they walking into death zone? And come back alive? Nonsense.

Bull crap India. You couldnt spell nuclear.

Plant life proves no nuke.
Its devils like this that gets elected, it speaks a lot about india
The reason why you are on PDF is to perpetuate a fraud.

Can you understand diplomatic language @Chhatrapati

take a hint. hes not speaking english
haha, come on don't try to deflect.

Please tell me how Nuclear tests wipe out the entire vegetation in the region. I like to read more into it.:enjoy:
that's funny, it was widely known that India's hydrogen bomb test was a failure and did not reach fusion. If I can recall, Indians later admitted that as well too.

A successful hydrogen bomb or thermonuclear fusion device, will produce a yield of at least 1 Megaton. By this standard, even the North Korean hydrogen bomb test was a failure, although it produced yield much larger than any Indian or Pakistani nuclear test.

If going by the logic that Pakistan has helped North Korea in its Nuclear program, How it is possible not to have better technology than theirs?
@Chhatrapati tell me why because of the long-lived radiation in the region surrounding the former Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the area won't be safe for human habitation for at least 20,000 years

but when india fires a nuke, the same day you go for a picnic

India fakes its self to project a defense image that is not one thousandth of its reality
Lol, now air *violation* is meagre?
There was a time when Pak would talk of using nukes on ceasefire violation incidents....
this is exactly what 'calling a bluff' looks like...

You are mentally retarded if you think an air violation it validates nuclear response. They are last option in an all out war.

Lol, now air *violation* is meagre?
There was a time when Pak would talk of using nukes on ceasefire violation incidents....
this is exactly what 'calling a bluff' looks like...

Those weren't a threat to simply cease fire agreements. Its always been concern that when border activity increases, it might greatly escalate, it was a threat to that.
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