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Modi threatens Pakistan with Mother of Nuclear Bombs

Members should go forth to twitter and social media, and let the world know that modi the warmonger, formerly the butcher of Gujarat, has now graduated to nuclear terrorist status.

No need to respond with equivalent threats, point him out instead.
Bring it on!! you mudda fakka then Pakistan will perish you with father of nuke bomb.
Operation Cow storm.
the last person who used terms like "mother of all" blah blah blah ended up like...

^^^ this!

hindus believe in symbols. this is a very ominous symbol for modi! look forward to this similar picture of modi being hanged in new delhi PAKISTAN! 8-)
NaMo has threatened Pakistan with "Mother of Nuclear Bombs" in a speech.
He said he wasn't blackmailed by Pakistan's nuclear threat, saying India possess mother of nuclear bombs, i.e. an indication of India having thermonuclear or hydrogen devices.

Can Pakistan counter Indian's claims!!!

No worries. Pakistan has had thermonuclear/H-bomb capability since at least early 2011:


We have enough nuke yields and firepower to wipe india off the face of the planet forever.
NaMo has threatened Pakistan with "Mother of Nuclear Bombs" in a speech.
He said he wasn't blackmailed by Pakistan's nuclear threat, saying India possess mother of nuclear bombs, i.e. an indication of India having thermonuclear or hydrogen devices.

Can Pakistan counter Indian's claims!!!
Is that bomb namo's fart
Pak successfully killed their conventional power supermacy dream... Now they starts threatening pak with nukes which will exploded itself when they switch on them like they did with spider defence missile which strucked into their own Russian made heli... :enjoy:
What's Indians obsession with attaching mother of or father of with every deal or weapon..
Whatever they like they worship. Hence the Titles of mother and father. Modi may as well put his nukes in a temple and make the priests give it prasad along with its daily pooja of course.
Modi is totaly insane ...hyd. bomb yield not only Finishes Pak but 50% Indian as well...he even doesn't know what he is saying......
How exactly does a cross border and airspace violation validate a nuclear response to begin with?
and when did he say that "india will respond with nukes"?
I dont think i need to remind u how many times pak ministers on the other hand have told india of its nuke power.
What u r looking at here is media twisting headlines to create war hysteria.
I am amazed that pak members on this forum who claim to see conspiracy behind everything on this forum dont see the most obvious one in this.
Just notice how the headline changed from 'calling pak's nuke bluff' to 'we have mother of nuclear bombs'
PS:- Nobody in the indian administration said the latter, everyone said the former the day strikes were carried out. there is a difference.
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