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Modi thrashes Dig Vijay Singh, a must watch


Wah rey modi....man gaye
I can't believe there are Pakistanis who are more worried about what Modi did or did not do in a state of India 11 years ago, than what is happening in their own country today. No minority, be they muslim or non-muslim are safe from getting shot , butchered or blown up in that country today, yet they are more worried about the "attitudes" of this one Chief minister in India.
I can't believe there are Pakistanis who are more worried about what Modi did or did not do in a state of India 11 years ago, than what is happening in their own country today. No minority, be they muslim or non-muslim are safe from getting shot , butchered or blown up in that country today, yet they are more worried about the "attitudes" of this one Chief minister in India.

bhai sao bato ki ek baat ...per updesh kushal bahutere ....many pakistani posters are so so concerned about indian muslims but forget what muslims are doing to muslims in the land of the pure i guess classic case of misplaced notins and priorties a truli lost genration what a tragedy for pakistanies lolzzzz
You mean he dint find a single muslim who is eligible for MLA? Seriously??


I mean every word I say.

First, I was only translating it for our Chinese Friend.

Second, Yes, I fully agree with what Mr. Modi said.

Third, The question itself of Mr. Singh was wrong, Modi only wanted to say that is RELIGION the only criteria on which every MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister, PM, etc. must be elected (or should i say SELECTED)?? Does modi have to select a muslim to his Cabinet only to prove that he is not against minorities??

This does not mean that I (or he) is saying that no muslim is capable for it (he has also given many muslims tickets in local bodies elections). I am just saying that it sets a DANGEROUS PRECEDENT.

Take the Post of PM for eg.

If muslims who are around 17+ crore in India start demanding a muslim PM just in the name of assessing SECULAR credentials of a Party than this will start a never ending CHAIN REACTION in India, where 3+ crore Christians of India will start demanding the same or 1+ crore Buddhists will say the same & so on....... Thus, the post of the PM will literally become a MUSICAL CHAIR contest.

SECULARISM means Worldly i.e. a State practicing this philosophy sees every citizens as equal & there is no difference on the lines of religion, but what Mr. Singh said was just the OPPOSITE.

BTW, why don't you ask as to why the no. of Congress MLA's went down from 17 to 4 of a sudden?? The most secular party itself is not giving tickets to muslims, than why blame just Modi for it??

I mean every word I say.

First, I was only translating it for our Chinese Friend.

Second, Yes, I fully agree with what Mr. Modi said.

Third, The question itself of Mr. Singh was wrong, Modi only wanted to say that is RELIGION the only criteria on which every MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister, PM, etc. must be elected (or should i say SELECTED)?? Does modi have to select a muslim to his Cabinet only to prove that he is not against minorities??

This does not mean that I (or he) is saying that no muslim is capable for it (he has also given many muslims tickets in local bodies elections). I am just saying that it sets a DANGEROUS PRECEDENT.

Take the Post of PM for eg.

If muslims who are around 17+ crore in India start demanding a muslim PM just in the name of assessing SECULAR credentials of a Party than this will start a never ending CHAIN REACTION in India, where 3+ crore Christians of India will start demanding the same or 1+ crore Buddhists will say the same & so on....... Thus, the post of the PM will literally become a MUSICAL CHAIR contest.

SECULARISM means Worldly i.e. a State practicing this philosophy sees every citizens as equal & there is no difference on the lines of religion, but what Mr. Singh said was just the OPPOSITE.

BTW, why don't you ask as to why the no. of Congress MLA's went down from 17 to 4 of a sudden?? The most secular party itself is not giving tickets to muslims, than why blame just Modi for it??

"Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.".

Correct modi can say anything. He said religion shouldnt be only criteria to elect. but in fact he did not seen to follow it :-).
Ok fine, Based on what he gave ticket? Did he conduct some kind of test? Was there any online test so that every Gujarati could write?.

Your eyes are blind, He doesnt want muslim candidates at all. What can u expect from a man who doesnt accepts gifts from muslims.

Yes, Why congress reduced candidates? because hindus there are so communal that they dont elect them. Yes, they are also not following secularism. They follow "soft hindutva"
@doublemaster, you just made me a MORE BIGGER a fan of Modi with your POST than i was earlier.

"Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.".

Correct modi can say anything. He said religion shouldnt be only criteria to elect. but in fact he did not seen to follow it :-).
Ok fine, Based on what he gave ticket? Did he conduct some kind of test? Was there any online test so that every Gujarati could write?.

How does it matters to you?? As a leader of a Party, he selected candidates whom he wanted to, he din't FORCED it on people, people have N number of choices, they can elect whomsoever they want, did Modi put a GUN on there forehead to get them elected??

Your eyes are blind, He doesnt want muslim candidates at all. What can u expect from a man who doesnt accepts gifts from muslims.

My eyes may be BLIND but ur eyes are OBSESSED of seeing every person based on RELIGION.

Yes, Why congress reduced candidates? because hindus there are so communal that they dont elect them. Yes, they are also not following secularism. They follow "soft hindutva"

Now, you have to preach every Gujarati of whom they have to elect, right?? Isn't this there DEMOCRATIC RIGHT to elect whomsoever they want, now you will even question them on who they elect?? Did they do anything (legally) WRONG by electing the MLA or Modi?? JUST STOP THIS BS of yours.

As far as your Hindus are communal claims goes, lets see an eg., Hyderabad is a muslim majority region, we can't expect a hindu winning from there, 7 MLAs & 1MP from Hyderabad are from MIM, who were once part of the Nizam's regime which was on KILLING spree.

When it comes to VOTE-BANK politics in India, every person knows what is it about.


P.S. My Friend, GOD knows that i don't see any INDIAN based on his/her RELIGION, for me, they are all Indians first, sorry, but you forced me to write the above lines.

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@doublemaster, you just made me a MORE BIGGER a fan of Modi with your POST than i was earlier.

How does it matters to you?? As a leader of a Party, he selected candidates whom he wanted to, he din't FORCED it on people, people have N number of choices, they can elect whomsoever they want, did Modi put a GUN on there forehead to get them elected??

My eyes may be BLIND but ur eyes are OBSESSED of seeing every person based on RELIGION.

Now, you have to preach every Gujarati of whom they have to elect, right?? Isn't this there DEMOCRATIC RIGHT to elect whomsoever they want, now you will even question them on who they elect?? Did they do anything (legally) WRONG by electing the MLA or Modi?? JUST STOP THIS BS of yours.

As far as your Hindus are communal claims goes, lets see an eg., Hyderabad is a muslim majority region, we can't expect a hindu winning from there, 7 MLAs & 1MP from Hyderabad are from MIM, who were once part of the Nizam's regime which was on KILLING spree.

When it comes to VOTE-BANK politics in India, every person knows what is it about.


P.S. My Friend, GOD knows that i don't see any INDIAN based on his/her RELIGION, for me, they are all Indians first, sorry, but you forced me to write the above lines.


1. How does it matters to me how he has elected? One side you are saying that religion should not be reason for electing a candidate, Another side it clealy shows that he did not elect candidates surely based on religion. I am not saying he should elect muslim candidate. But atleast he should not take the credit 'secular' even though being communal. That is the only reason i jumped in.

2. Yes, Agreed hyderabad muslims voting MIM because they communal. You are really correct. I wish atleast this time he would lose.

Finally you are on the track, Vote bank politics on India....Yes you are right, Modi targeting Hindu vote..thats what i am trying to say.

You are polite in your answer, Those lines are fine :-). We are brothers.

What gift was denied by him from Muslims, and the gifts accepted from Hindus?

What he has accepted from others, u can check in google images.
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@arp2041 its a genuine question that doublemaster has raised. Its not required that muslims are given seats just to placate them. But it is indeed required that they get significant representation for their own community's growth. Now such representation should not be like owaisis who want to keep muslims ghettoised, so what better option than to get the representation from mainstream parties???

@doublemaster, its confusing that no muslim was given a ticket for assembly, but many were given for local elections. I hope this genuine concern is addressed as Modi (IMO) has a chance of fixing the wounds of 2002. Even you will admit that he has managed to keep peace in Gujarat. It will be great if he is able to include all sections of society.
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1. You yourself said that what Official figures, they are Modi given statistics.

2. We are talking of Communal Riots. Religion will be the main focus for obvious reason.

I see desperation in you.

gujarat riots were more politically motivated. Modi wanted to please RSS bosses to secure himself, and so tried to prove himself a champion rightist with the riots (it worked). What you don't remember is that the modi of 2002 is not the same as the man of today. he was a nobody with no credentials at all who had been suddenly brought in because keshibhai patel & team seemed to be in endless crisis. all the BJP political bigshots in gujarat resented him and activaly conspired to get him thrown out- they probably would have succeded. Modi's solution was to circumvent all state politicians and get his base strenghthend with the RSS. that's what he achieved.
@arp2041 its a genuine question that doublemaster has raised. Its not required that muslims are given seats just to placate them. But it is indeed required that they get significant representation for their own community's growth. Now such representation should not be like owaisis who want to keep muslims ghettoised, so what better option than to get the representation from mainstream parties???

@doublemaster, its confusing that no muslim was given a ticket for assembly, but many were given for local elections. I hope this genuine concern is addressed as Modi (IMO) has a chance of fixing the wounds of 2002. Even you will admit that he has managed to keep peace in Gujarat. It will be great if he is able to include all sections of society.

Mate, I 100% agree with you.

What I am saying is that criteria for judging Modi should not be based SOLELY on whether he gives ticket to minorities or not, by that way we are just showing how narrow minded bunch of people we are.

India being a Secular country, should give any POST (literally) to the desired candidate, his religion should never be asked.
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