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Modi...The dear child of God and a nightmare for terrorist supporters

So you believed everything that's written by that newbee in that opening post?

I never knew he was that credible.
Him being credible is irrelevant. His ideals represent a new majority of Indians it seems as they are now abundant all over social media and otherwise. The very fabric of India is being reshaped that has a very "with us or against us" focus on it from a Hindu religion biased point of view. I purposely not say Hindu culture as that is fluid and intertwined with the entire subcontinent hence the term Hindu-Muslims. But to purposely drag more religion than is needed into the cutlural mix is what is current administration is doing, and is setting the precedent for something not too different than what China is doing in Uighur.

If not the government, these "newbies" will be ones throwing pigs into mosques, attacking Muslim traders.. and pretty soon raping Muslim women; because they see their "god childs" hidden command in it.
Good you realized... but anyway you don't have to bother abt India.
I can do whatever I want. Any attempt to derail the thread with one liners and you wont have to bother about posting here anymore.
Him being credible is irrelevant. His ideals represent a new majority of Indians it seems as they are now abundant all over social media and otherwise. The very fabric of India is being reshaped that has a very "with us or against us" focus on it from a Hindu religion biased point of view. I purposely not say Hindu culture as that is fluid and intertwined with the entire subcontinent hence the term Hindu-Muslims. But to purposely drag more religion than is needed into the cutlural mix is what is current administration is doing, and is setting the precedent for something not too different than what China is doing in Uighur.

If not the government, these "newbies" will be ones throwing pigs into mosques, attacking Muslim traders.. and pretty soon raping Muslim women; because they see their "god childs" hidden command in it.
Excellent remark by a senior moderator... way to go.
Him being credible is irrelevant. His ideals represent a new majority of Indians it seems as they are now abundant all over social media and otherwise. The very fabric of India is being reshaped that has a very "with us or against us" focus on it from a Hindu religion biased point of view. I purposely not say Hindu culture as that is fluid and intertwined with the entire subcontinent hence the term Hindu-Muslims. But to purposely drag more religion than is needed into the cutlural mix is what is current administration is doing, and is setting the precedent for something not too different than what China is doing in Uighur.

If not the government, these "newbies" will be ones throwing pigs into mosques, attacking Muslim traders.. and pretty soon raping Muslim women; because they see their "god childs" hidden command in it.

I'm really curious how you would know more about us than us.

Your narrative seems to be largely colored by what you read on social media and various forums, because surely living in the US and interacting with flesh and blood Indians would not give you this pig chucking baby belly slitting burqa defiling vibe?

The ultra right wing chatter you heard emanating from India is a rebound catharsis for near 6 decades of a lot of crap the polity has imposed upon the country in the guise of so called secularism.

Its been over one and half years now. If a purge were coming, you would have seen the signs by now.

We are not a banana democracy. Or a theocracy.

And we are the unbroken continuum of the Indian civilization.

If that was good enough for my ancestors in the 7th century, its good enough for me today 1300 years later.
If he does not stop worshipping idols, God will certainly throw him into hell.
Him being credible is irrelevant. His ideals represent a new majority of Indians it seems as they are now abundant all over social media and otherwise. The very fabric of India is being reshaped that has a very "with us or against us" focus on it from a Hindu religion biased point of view. I purposely not say Hindu culture as that is fluid and intertwined with the entire subcontinent hence the term Hindu-Muslims. But to purposely drag more religion than is needed into the cutlural mix is what is current administration is doing, and is setting the precedent for something not too different than what China is doing in Uighur.

If not the government, these "newbies" will be ones throwing pigs into mosques, attacking Muslim traders.. and pretty soon raping Muslim women; because they see their "god childs" hidden command in it.

Radicalised men exists in every society , even in Europe, US , even China and are presented in news articles that comes from all around.

With a growing population it will increase so does incidents ...just like more cars on street makes more accidents.

Different faiths dont trust each other and luckily we havent reached any boiling point and a few hundreds who spends considerable online time in adversaries forum or in facebook or click the like button of the ones in a facebook page doesnt do much harm when compared to the atrocities promoted in other parts of the world with blessings from a majority faith based governments.

"The good to know" reference is not apt, it implies "you' just came to know about it after this thread started.,
or is it?
Dear Child of God!! That sounds interesting. When Indian constitution was being written, one of the finest political thinkers of India warned the new born democracy of few challenges it must prepare to face in future; He warned quoting Stuart Mill who said not to 'lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or to trust him with powers which enable him to subvert their institutions.' Bhakti or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation and to eventual dictatorship.

People made this very mistake time and time again in the past which led them to fatal and cataclysmic socio-economic disaster and its disheartening to see OP has fallen uneviably in the same trap of historical blunder.
I can do whatever I want. Any attempt to derail the thread with one liners and you wont have to bother about posting here anymore.
What abt your oneliner..and derailment of thread by such lewd comment..
Good to know India is for HIndus and the rest are bound for gas chambers.
It marked a new chapter in the history of india..After years of rule by various sickulars who were more than willing to bend over backwards to appease the terrorist sympathisers,to even amend the constitution to favour them, a common man,a humble being who would put his country above his family,who was proud of calling himself a hindu nationalist became the prime minister of india.It infused new life into 1 billion hindus all over the world who were treated as second class citizens in their own country.

I hit like button for this para ........... Last para is simply exaggeration....
"The good to know" reference is not apt, it implies "you' just came to know about it after this thread started.,
or is it?

Think of it as a sad observation rather than the usual jibe one sees. All it takes is these facebook ideas translating into real life for such optimism to die in seconds.

ISIS and their madness started off as a scholarly discussion in a tent in Arabia. A "facebook" if you will.

I'm really curious how you would know more about us than us.

Your narrative seems to be largely colored by what you read on social media and various forums, because surely living in the US and interacting with flesh and blood Indians would not give you this pig chucking baby belly slitting burqa defiling vibe?

The ultra right wing chatter you heard emanating from India is a rebound catharsis for near 6 decades of a lot of crap the polity has imposed upon the country in the guise of so called secularism.

Its been over one and half years now. If a purge were coming, you would have seen the signs by now.

We are not a banana democracy. Or a theocracy.

And we are the unbroken continuum of the Indian civilization.

If that was good enough for my ancestors in the 7th century, its good enough for me today 1300 years later.

Purges dont start overnight, European anti-Semitism took a while to get hold before it finally raged.
What abt your oneliner..and derailment of thread by such lewd comment..
Good to know India is for HIndus and the rest are bound for gas chambers.

It called sarcasm with a hint of sadness at human idiocy. More intelligent and less Pakistani hating minds would have understood. Not your kind.

wow that was a great thought from Mods Sir :agree:

Keep your "mod" q-tiaypa to yourself. My moderatorship is when I kick the trolls from your country out of this forum.Sadly, people with a less than astute mentality as seems common with PDF Indians cannot understand the sadness in that post.
Think of it as a sad observation rather than the usual jibe one sees. All it takes is these facebook ideas translating into real life for such optimism to die in seconds.

ISIS and their madness started off as a scholarly discussion in a tent in Arabia. A "facebook" if you will.

Facebook users with 'this' attitude in India precede ISIS and has more users , it hasn't translated much and wont be translating much outside the world wide web.

The sad observation is not of today's , you as a moderator has been facing and dealing with these sort of Internet chest thumpers from India for a loong time now.
What a joke after killing muslims in gujrat how he is claiming nightmare for terrorist

He is evil for islam and muslims and humanity

Biggest terrorist in india can become pm very very good
Read the below excerpts which qualifies to same category as for Modi.....

How exactly was Jinnah “inspiring” people? A letter Jinnah received from the Himalayan town of Mussoorie, written by a young man called Zulfi Bhutto, gives us an idea. “Hindus,” it read, “are the deadliest enemies of our Koran and our Prophet.” Did Jinnah believe that preaching hate would beget love? By 1946, Jinnah was issuing calls of “India divided or India destroyed.” In 1946, Jinnah called for a Direct Action Day. Riots erupted in Calcutta, capital of the sole province then in control of Jinnah’s party, the Muslim League. Corpses lined the streets of that great multicultural city.

Jinnah’s response to this butchery precipitated by his own baleful stemwinders? “I’m not going to discuss ethics.”
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