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Modi...The dear child of God and a nightmare for terrorist supporters

ya right so does it means in pakistan there are diffrent rules for mobile internet users form stationarry internet users :azn:

sounds interesting so if MODS sir allow me can i post youtube links regarding what pakistanies said about when indian army chief asked indian nation to be ready for limited wars with pakistan

@waz @Oscar
Yes why not you post your's and i will post mine in response.
@SipahSalar Can you explain where Idol Worshiping fits in your reply ?
English is hard. Don't blame yourself.
He gave him life, gave him food, shelter. He made him rich. He made him a king. He gave all that to someone who associates others with God, which is the biggest sin and lie possible. Is that not mercy? As for throwing him in hell, that will be his own doing. God has already sent us the warning, whether he heeds to it or not is his own fault.
Dear Child of God!! That sounds interesting. When Indian constitution was being written, one of the finest political thinkers of India warned the new born democracy of few challenges it must prepare to face in future; He warned quoting Stuart Mill who said not to 'lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or to trust him with powers which enable him to subvert their institutions.' Bhakti or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation and to eventual dictatorship.

People made this very mistake time and time again in the past which led them to fatal and cataclysmic socio-economic disaster and its disheartening to see OP has fallen uneviably in the same trap of historical blunder.
Don't worry..majority of hindus only care about development..if he fails to live up to the expectations people will throw him out...Hindus generally are least bothered about religion.
And when a Pakistani sees an Indian in relation to himself (or herself) and puts him in the negative corner (hate, violence, belly slitting, baby burning, burqa ripping, etc.), he sees a Hindu, because regardless of the fact that he or she has no real love or attachment to an Indian Muslim, they would still not wrap their head around an Indian Muslim slitting their bellies, burning their babies, or ripping their burqas.

Hope that clarifies.
Unfortunately, in this case the Pakistani has blood relations within India with whom regular discussions are undertaken on facebook. Their apprehensions whilst nit so extreme, are still there; there is a genuine fear about them. Especially considering that some of these relations also have the term "shri" attached to their name and yet give away hints of worry.

Dear Oscar,

Followers of every religion of this world but for Vedic one believe, that bigots are bound for gas chamber.

Only followers of one religion of this world accept that every religious path takes you to your intended Goal

For Hindus everything sacred to anyone is sacred. We Hindus are crazy people :crazy:
This has little to do with what Hinduism actually teaches as compared to what is being taught in the name of Hinduism.
your post seems to have been stuck in moderation... it appeared only now.

but must be adapted to Indian sensibilities and its constraints loosened.

partly true... though there are globally common elements of socialism, it also is flexible to be adapted to local societies.

If you look at most developed countries today then they are almost socialist in their policies like welfare and social security at the same time retaining their capitalistic core.

i would say, compared to present china, usa is more socialist, and this has to do with early american experimentation... you can read of this in various wikipedia pages about socialism.

Regarding the Americanization of Indian youth in form of modern recreational activities like pubs, team sports and increased adoption of american F words, rise of ultra-feminism, casual sex in cities etc my view is ambiguous. It does seem an affront to my natural instincts which would like nothing better than a quite walk in the park, chatting at Cal - Adda's at Park Street or Dalhousie over every topic under the sun, I have equally learned to enjoy sharing a drink and smoke with a girl at my Bandra Flat, having one/two-month relationships and cheering Chelsea or Manchester United at a Sports Bar at Gurgaon.

while i would never understand when someone in gurgaon or goregaon would cheer for a english football team but short-term romantic dalliances are fine. :agree:

though i will disagree with the necessity of drinks and smokes. :D

and i didn't know that dalhousie also has adda culture... must be nice to chat over hot tea while the outside is snowing.

I have relatives at my native place in Jharkhand who are ultra-nationalists BJP Bhaks and colleagues in Delhi who are AAP members and friends in Mumbai who don't know who is current CM of Mahrashtra (really!!!)

My point is we are powerless against the cultural zeitgeist and it is better to swim with the tide and rather than against it. This may make a lot of things easier to digest.

I know I am way off-topic but it is a unsolicited though well intentioned advised given through hard-earned experience.

i have unformed thoughts on this, so when they are concrete i will reply. :)
Unfortunately, in this case the Pakistani has blood relations within India with whom regular discussions are undertaken on facebook. Their apprehensions whilst nit so extreme, are still there; there is a genuine fear about them. Especially considering that some of these relations also have the term "shri" attached to their name and yet give away hints of worry.

How did this thread suddenly reappear?

Wasn't this where I told you where I stood vis a vis the Hindu Muslim thing?

Or oh sorry, I wrote out a reply and when I hit send the thread had been taken down or locked.

Anyways, some other time. The moment has passed. For now.
How did this thread suddenly reappear?

the thread reappeared because of spectre's reply to me... seems that his reply on september 5th had been stuck in moderation until some minutes back.
the thread reappeared because of spectre's reply to me... seems that his reply on september 5th had been stuck in moderation until some minutes back.

Yes it does appear so, coz Oscar replied to my post which I thought never made it across. Funny ...
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