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DIG Vanzara quits, indicts Modi

Vanzara accused Narendra Modi government of having failed to protect the jailed police officers who fought against "Pakistan inspired terrorism".

Suspended Gujarat Deputy Inspector General of Police D. G. Vanzara, allegedly involved in four fake encounter cases and lodged in a Mumbai jail for nearly seven years, on Tuesday tendered his resignation as an IPS officer accusing the Narendra Modi Government of framing police officials in encounter cases while protecting ruling party politicians close to the Chief Minister.

A main accused in the chain of fake encounters in Gujarat, Mr. Vanzara released a 10-page letter of resignation.

Mr. Vanzara was arrested by the Gujarat Police in April 2007 in connection with the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case and then picked up in July 2010 for the Tulsiram Prajapati fake encounter case and later in Ishrat Jahan murder case as well, besides in Sadique Jamal case.

In his resignation letter, Mr. Vanzara accused the State government of trapping the arrested policemen in various fake encounters and added that the, “Gujarat CID/ Union CBI had arrested me and my officers in different encounter cases holding us responsible for carrying out alleged fake encounters. If that is true, then the CBI investigating officers of all the four encounter cases of Sohrabuddin, Tulsiram, Sadique Jamal and Ishrat Jahan have to arrest the policy formulators also as we, being field officers, have simply implemented the conscious policy of this government which was inspiring, guiding, and monitoring our actions from very close quarters. By this reasoning, I am of the firm opinion that the place of this government, instead of being in Gandhinagar should either be in Taloja Central Prison at Navi Mumbai or in Sabarmati Central Prison at Ahmedabad.”

Launching a blistering attack at Amit Shah, his co-accused in Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case, Mr. Vanzara claimed he had maintained his “graceful silence for such a long period” only because of his “supreme faith and highest respect” for Narendra Modi, whom he used to “adore like a God,” but added that his “God could not rise to the occasion under the evil influence of Shri Amitbhai Shah who usurped his eyes and ears and has been successfully misguiding him by converting goats into dogs and dogs into goats since the last 12 years.”

“His unholy grip over the State administration is so complete that he is almost running the government of Gujarat by proxy,” Mr. Vanzara alleged. “The resultant criminal negligence of this government on one hand and wilful acts of omissions and commissions by Shri Amitbhai Shah towards the fate of 32 jailed police officers on the other are so nauseating that it may take this government to the cremation ground sooner or later,” he added.

“Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat has very rightly been talking of repaying his debt which he owes to Mother India. It, indeed, is the sacred duty of every citizen to do it. But, it would not be out of context to remind him that he, in the hurry of marching towards Delhi, may kindly not forget to repay the debt which he owes to jailed police officers,” Mr. Vanzara wrote in his letter addressed to Additional Chief Secretary, Home.

But Mr. Vanzara did not admit that the encounters were fake and said that the killings followed a “conscious policy of the government,” in the wake of rising ****** terrorism after the Godhra train burning and subsequent riots, when the government had adopted a “proactive policy of zero tolerance for terrorism” at the highest level.

I hate it when other political parties accuse BJP of communalism, unsecular, playing religious politics, indulging in violence etc Bloody Hypocrites
He has shown contempt for all those who identify themselves with their religion first and then their nation.

He has consistently stuck to his stand against all odds. That is integrity and character. Unlike Advani who suddenly discovered Jinnah was secular.

What did those people in relief camp did against the nation to call them breeding ground of Muslim population.. He was not consistent in any thing.. Do read about his hypocracy from the above post I posted.

Its pretty much the same for Hindus too ...........When they put nation before religion. :azn:

Then its not a problem for you guys to built Masjid instead of a temple to show real patriotism and secularism..
What did those people in relief camp did against the nation to call them breeding ground of Muslim population.. He was not consistent in any thing.. Do read about his hypocracy from the above post I posted.

1. That was a election speech in the aftermath of Godhra incident in a polarized Gujarat. Post election he has never demonstrated any bias. Unlike others who grasp at straws, I measure a man by his actions more than his words.

2. The only hypocrisy I sense is from you. Vanzara is a die hard disciple of Asaram and when Modi spoke against Asaram and did not support him, Vanzara quit the next day. You can Google it up.

Then its not a problem for you guys to built Masjid instead of a temple to show real patriotism and secularism..

What has that got to do with patriotism ? Does building the masjid have some strategic and tactical value that will defend the nation against external attack ? :coffee:
That was a election speech in the after math of Godhra riots in a polarized Gujarat. Post election he has never demonstrated any bias. Unlike others who grasp at straws, I measure a man by his actions more than his words.

Election speech?? Its the best you can come up with?? Indian future PM trying to gain votes by communal speech.. How nice of him..
2. The only hypocrisy I sense is from you. Vanzara is a die hard disciple of Asaram and when Modi spoke against Asaram and did not support him, Vanzara quit the next day. You can Google it up.

You will sense many things from me.. So leave it at that.. Suspended Gujarat Deputy Inspector General of Police D. G. Vanzara, allegedly involved in four fake encounter cases and lodged in a Mumbai jail for nearly seven years quit and accused Modi just because Modi was speaking against Ashram.. What an incredibly believable story..
What has that got to do with patriotism ? Does building the masjid have some strategic and tactical value that will defend the nation against external attack ? :coffee:

Why not? If you can test their level of patriotism by their loyalty towards Modi, then why not this as a criteria for Hindus??
Election speech?? Its the best you can come up with?? Indian future PM trying to gain votes by communal speech.. How nice of him..

I don't have to come up with anything expect the facts. Are you now claiming it was not a election speech ? :coffee:

But I find your sheer shamelessness amazing .......you have no problem with Nitish kumar calls a terrorist 'bihar ki beti' or when Rajiv Gandhi overturn SC in shah bano or when Manmohan singh says muslims have first right over resources. And All that when it was not even election time!!!! ....not even a fig leaf ... in a manner of speaking.

That is not communal as per your logic. You disgust me.

You will sense many things from me.. So leave it at that.. Suspended Gujarat Deputy Inspector General of Police D. G. Vanzara, allegedly involved in four fake encounter cases and lodged in a Mumbai jail for nearly seven years quit and accused Modi just because Modi was speaking against Ashram.. What an incredibly believable story..

This is as per your own post

“God could not rise to the occasion under the evil influence of Shri Amitbhai Shah who usurped his eyes and ears and has been successfully misguiding him by converting goats into dogs and dogs into goats since the last 12 years.”

So your logic is that Modi is guilty of converting Goats into Dogs and visa versa ? :cuckoo: ....... how desperate can one get.


......Vanzara is a long time follower of Asaram Bapu and shared a deep guru-shishya relationship with the controversial spiritual leader. The former cop was open about his faith in Asaram and used to describe his guru as his "saviour". While he was lodged in Sabarmati jail in Ahmedabad, Vanzara is said to have written many poems in praise of his spiritual guide. The close relationship between the two was also laid bare in the Ishrat Jahan chargsheet, wherein police constable Amarsinh Vanzara told the CBI that he and two other policemen had brought cow milk for the IPS officer from Asaram's ashram in Motera on June 15, 2004.

Following the arrest of Asaram, Vanzara is reported to have told his relative, "My god (Modi) could not save my guru. How will he save me?"

If Modi did not have integrity and character he could have support Asaram and ensured vanzara's support. Modi chose otherwise. That is stuff real men are made off.

Why not? If you can test their level of patriotism by their loyalty towards Modi, then why not this as a criteria for Hindus??

Because the bigots oppose Modi because he is a Hindu Nationalist. Hindus who do not support Modi's are the 'secular' kind ....not too different from bigots, just fanatics of a different kind.
CEO confidence survey: Almost three fourths back Narendra Modi; less than 10% want Rahul Gandhi as PM - The Economic Times

CEO confidence survey: Almost three fourths back Narendra Modi; less than 10% want Rahul Gandhi as PM

BJP is yet to formally anoint Narendra Modi as its prime ministerial candidate, but an overwhelming chunk of the country's top business leaders is convinced he's the best man for the job.

Almost three-fourths of 100 honchos polled in the 'ET CEO Confidence Survey' want Modi as PM. Rahul Gandhi is way behind — just 7% back him. India Inc's leaders are sending two clear and separate messages — one on national leadership and another on politics. The first is this: After a long policy drought, CEOs are impatient for strong leadership, intent, decisions and action.

Modi, they seem to think, has more to show than Gandhi on all these counts. But India Inc's big vote for Modi, this survey also suggests, is not necessarily an endorsement of his politics, but only a thumbs-up for his leadership. While 74% believe Modi will be a better PM than Gandhi, 58% are fine with either a Congress or BJP government as long as it's stable. And that's the second message: leadership and stability matter more than party colours.
Face of Secular UP

Two boys killed in communal clashes in western Uttar Pradesh - News Oneindia

Muzaffarnagar, Sept 6: In an inhumane act of violence, two Hindu boys were beaten to death by a group of Muslims last Thursday in western Uttar Pradesh. According to reports, two Hindu boys, Sachin and Gaurav, were brutally beaten up by a Muslim Mob in the Muzzafarnagar district of western Uttar Pradesh.

The inhumane incident happened after both boys opposed molestation of a girl by a Muslim boy named Shahnawaz. One of them was reportedly the brother of the girl and other was her relative. Both Sachin and Gaurav where chased and gruesome attack continued on them for at least 25 minutes till they breathed their last. Another report said that three people have been killed and many injured in the western UP town after an alleged sexual harassment of a girl led to communal clashes. Yesterday, the police arrested 54 people in connection with a clash that erupted in Shamli district of UP, in which a youth was killed.

Secularism zindabad :coffee:
Ohh your nation like you got in dowry :omghaha:

More then 2000 people lost their lives and one of the systematic killing of the minority with the help of government of BJP and MOdi AS chief minister yes he is terrorist .

court let him go free what we expect from a nation where sikh still waiting for the court to punish the congressii for massacre of sikh in 80"s.

I wish BJP annouce him as PM candidate and we will see the end of BJP .:cheers:

Quite expected line...
Ohh your nation like you got in dowry :omghaha:

More then 2000 people lost their lives and one of the systematic killing of the minority with the help of government of BJP and MOdi AS chief minister yes he is terrorist .

court let him go free what we expect from a nation where sikh still waiting for the court to punish the congressii for massacre of sikh in 80"s.

I wish BJP annouce him as PM candidate and we will see the end of BJP .:cheers:

It is not me who got in Dowry rather people like you who got in dowry because of politician like Nehru ....Dowry are received by the outsiders..not the owner...People are killed in India since the partition...How many times people like you were judgemental to all the riots? ....Just to be noted....to make myself very clear...Modi is definitely responsible for not controlling the riot in Gujurat....No one denies it.....But do you have the same criteria applies to Tarun Gogoi of Congress where muslims are massacred in Assam and Assam CM did not do anything for innocent people to be killed too?...Do you still feel the same sympathy for the Sikhs who have been killed by the Congress people too?....Do you people feel any sympathy for Sikh people when human right violation was at pick to curb terrorism in Punjab too?....

I am not a fan of BJP....Day by day they are pretending as a B team of Congress....but again...whoever justified Congress, I always disagree with them...That is i feel on my nation..who sees Congress as saviour of the country...
This nation belongs to all inhabitant and not only for hindus if they talk about babri masjid and ram rajya then we talk about partition once again .

so you say its ok to kill innocent muslim who have nothing to do with Godhra incident is justified ,2000 muslim for 40 hindus.

I told you before that Congress is suffering from ED they cannot Fcuked their Bitc$$$ [RSS,Bajrang Dal] .and you guys are fcuked from eternity .:smitten:

I want BJP to announce Modi as PM candidate so we all will be bless to see end of BJP as a big force.

NOP....our Nation that we got in 'partition' (along Hindu - Muslim lines, as explicitly demand by Indian muslims), not dowry.

Systematic, planned and pre mediated murder in Godhra, of Hindu pilgrims 25 women, and 17 children deserved an action that will forever put an end to such predators, least they forget the repercussions of such acts.

If BJP comes to power you will see the congressii go to jail for the sikh killings. Congress has tried its best to put Modi behind bars, but Satyamev Jayate.

You wish BJP will make Modi PM Candidate, We wish BJP makes him PM candidate, so what's the problem ? :azn:

Now all you need to do is convince seiko and guynextdoor :coffee:

:lol: ..............the baniya screwed your lots in Gujarat and you were wailing a little while back about it. Are you sure you want to experience that again ? :azn:
You are absolutely right india is not going anywhere only hindus are going to migrate to nepal the only Hindu Rashtra .

Masturbation is not allowed in islam but fcuking Halal hindu girls is .:angel:

Do not bring the religion in here.. You are just insulting your own religion here.. People like you are disgrace for every religion..Your own justification of rape is pathetic showing how you bought up in your family.. You think you are going to do a great service to Allah by insulting other religion.. But you are just allowing his name to be insulted in public.. Great going..
I don't have to come up with anything expect the facts. Are you now claiming it was not a election speech ? :coffee:

Election speech or not.. A person who is counting on communal vote to become a CM or PM, than how is he going to be any better than the congress?

But I find your sheer shamelessness amazing .......you have no problem with Nitish kumar calls a terrorist 'bihar ki beti' or when Rajiv Gandhi overturn SC in shah bano or when Manmohan singh says muslims have first right over resources. And All that when it was not even election time!!!! ....not even a fig leaf ... in a manner of speaking That is not communal as per your logic. You disgust me.

And I find it amazing that how you come to the conclusion that I dont have an issue with it? Just because I criticize Modi, you assumed that I am a congress supporter?? Stop putting words in my mouth or find my posts where I support these.. You are just making up things as usual to support your arguments..

This is as per your own post

“God could not rise to the occasion under the evil influence of Shri Amitbhai Shah who usurped his eyes and ears and has been successfully misguiding him by converting goats into dogs and dogs into goats since the last 12 years.”

So your logic is that Modi is guilty of converting Goats into Dogs and visa versa ? :cuckoo: ....... how desperate can one get.

Great!! :omghaha: you think its my words?? Dude read that post again..
Modi did not have integrity and character he could have support Asaram and ensured vanzara's support. Modi chose otherwise. That is stuff real men are made off.

Lolz, what intergrity are you talking about?? Modi started to take action because he was accused of not taking action against Ashram over the judicial report of killing two boys.. Have a good read about his intergrity.. He cannot take any chances now.. Thats why he has taken action against Ashram.. Not because he wanted to but because he had no choice.. Otherwise he would have done it a long time ago..

Digvijaya targets Modi, Sushma over Asaram - Hindustan Times

Because the bigots oppose Modi because he is a Hindu Nationalist. Hindus who do not support Modi's are the 'secular' kind ....not too different from bigots, just fanatics of a different kind

By this logic same can be told against people who do not support Owasi clown too..
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