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Modi is not BJP PM Candidate

Baniya nation fell in the trap of muslim.by making pakistan and bangladesh they made permanent enemy and the height of stupidy the baniya did was to let the muslim to live in india and let them multiply now they are more then combine pakistan and bangladesh in population.

Get ready for part two of disintegration of mother india.:sniper:

And dumb a$$es retards like you will disintegrate the country. You retard$ a$$holes will reach the same $hitty place your brothers like Ajmal kasab and other terrorists have reached. Wait another brother of yours Yasin Bhatkal will soon be on the flight to the same place. Wanna join him?
Its indian tradition when family break they get their share we are ready to negotiate :coffee:
Lemme know

Why don't you go to India and discuss directly with the people? You will get much more than what you ever can think of, I am sure!!
This nation belongs to all inhabitant and not only for hindus if they talk about babri masjid and ram rajya then we talk about partition once again .

so you say its ok to kill innocent muslim who have nothing to do with Godhra incident is justified ,2000 muslim for 40 hindus.

I told you before that Congress is suffering from ED they cannot Fcuked their Bitc$$$ [RSS,Bajrang Dal] .and you guys are fcuked from eternity .:smitten:

I want BJP to announce Modi as PM candidate so we all will be bless to see end of BJP as a big force.

India belongs to all its inhabitants, not to pakistanis who pretend to live in the US :lol:

You can always talk of a new partition again ...........but this time No one is going to listen to you. Gandhi is long dead, remember ? ....instead you will find a backlash of such magnitude that you and your kind will either convert or escape to find new taliban haven.

I am perfectly OK in teaching a predatory community a lesson burnt into their collective memory that will forever remind them of the repercussions of burning Hindu pilgrims, women and children in India. I am pretty sure such a incidence will NOW never take place again in India. Is this a perfect solution ? NO.....but then again we do not live in a perfect world.

Modi will be declared PM candidate in 1 week, so your wish will be granted :devil:
Election speech or not.. A person who is counting on communal vote to become a CM or PM, than how is he going to be any better than the congress?

Because real life is MUCH LARGER than election speech. Judge Modi by his actions POST elections, not by his election speech. One especially made post godhra in a seriously polarized Gujarat caused by the trauma of burning the train.

And I find it amazing that how you come to the conclusion that I dont have an issue with it? Just because I criticize Modi, you assumed that I am a congress supporter?? Stop putting words in my mouth or find my posts where I support these.. You are just making up things as usual to support your arguments..

Cause in this particular time, its a simple case of with us or against us. I am not a BJP supporter, I am a Modi supporter.

BJP is a poorer version of congress, but Modi is a class apart. He has no peers. He is the agent for change, a one man army who will fight for India and our collective fate. BJP can still sell India for petty gains, Modi at the helm will stem that. No one else in BJP has either the stature or character to play that role.

Great!! :omghaha: you think its my words?? Dude read that post again..

I said its your 'post' not your 'words' ........you need to read my post again. Are you saying its NOT your post ? :coffee:

Lolz, what intergrity are you talking about?? Modi started to take action because he was accused of not taking action against Ashram over the judicial report of killing two boys.. Have a good read about his intergrity.. He cannot take any chances now.. Thats why he has taken action against Ashram.. Not because he wanted to but because he had no choice.. Otherwise he would have done it a long time ago..

Modi is not a cop to start taking action against anyone, he is the CM who's role is the set the policies and ensure they get implemented.

So far no one has seen any policy that specifies extra judicial protection for religious leaders. You are as usual clutching at straws.

In any case, those two kids who died were also Hindus, so now unless you are now claiming that Modi is also Anti-Hindu, your argument holds no substance.

Digvijaya targets Modi, Sushma over Asaram - Hindustan Times[/QqOTE]

By this logic same can be told against people who do not support Owasi clown too..

You are seriously quoting Diggy the dog a.k.a Diggy the clown ? :cheesy:.......the man under who's rule GDP of MP actually shrank !! :hitwall:

Owaisi has clearly stated that he puts Religion ABOVE Country ....... how is it the same ? :azn:

...........Modi is on record stating that his very definition of Secularism is Country ABOVE Religion. From where I stand, he actually appears to the direct OPPOSITE of Owaisi.
I think he is crooked and do anything to find its way to power.. He had shown many times his contempt for Muslims.. But we are too blind with this modimania that we tend to forget it..

I dont know if there is only one angle to see things. We see things from a POV which we think is right according to a situation we are in with our values...

While we say he has shown his contempt for muslims I guess he has chosen the bad ones....and when we say bad it can be us too and if he does so I will stand by that...

This is a very tricky road Seiko, either its a friendly offer or a hostile take over...
I hope you can read between the lines.
Psycho did you read the comment for which i replied go and do it .it will help you to sleep well.

Do not bring the religion in here.. You are just insulting your own religion here.. People like you are disgrace for every religion..Your own justification of rape is pathetic showing how you bought up in your family.. You think you are going to do a great service to Allah by insulting other religion.. But you are just allowing his name to be insulted in public.. Great going..
"Dumb" ,"A$$es","retards",$hitty" i do agree with the title given to your family by Bandar sena keep on using it .:omghaha:

And dumb a$$es retards like you will disintegrate the country. You retard$ a$$holes will reach the same $hitty place your brothers like Ajmal kasab and other terrorists have reached. Wait another brother of yours Yasin Bhatkal will soon be on the flight to the same place. Wanna join him?

I am in India mumbai and working on it .if want to join the revolution please join us on 10:00 Am sharp in Shivaji Park Dadar.

Why don't you go to India and discuss directly with the people? You will get much more than what you ever can think of, I am sure!!
So you got the Authority to decide who is inhabitant of india .:disagree:

We prefer to die then live in slavery like you guys living from eternity dreaming about Raj Rajya :coffee:

By killing 2000 innocent muslim is not going to shut 35 Crores of them it will help them to continue the mission of disintegration on religion lines .

I wish very good luck for MODI the Butcher to win Election with majority then we see the start of the revolution which will change the map of india :sniper:

India belongs to all its inhabitants, not to pakistanis who pretend to live in the US :lol:

You can always talk of a new partition again ...........but this time No one is going to listen to you. Gandhi is long dead, remember ? ....instead you will find a backlash of such magnitude that you and your kind will either convert or escape to find new taliban haven.

I am perfectly OK in teaching a predatory community a lesson burnt into their collective memory that will forever remind them of the repercussions of burning Hindu pilgrims, women and children in India. I am pretty sure such a incidence will NOW never take place again in India. Is this a perfect solution ? NO.....but then again we do not live in a perfect world.

Modi will be declared PM candidate in 1 week, so your wish will be granted :devil:
So you got the Authority to decide who is inhabitant of india .:disagree:

We prefer to die then live in slavery like you guys living from eternity dreaming about Raj Rajya :coffee:

By killing 2000 innocent muslim is not going to shut 35 Crores of them it will help them to continue the mission of disintegration on religion lines .

I wish very good luck for MODI the Butcher to win Election with majority then we see the start of the revolution which will change the map of india :sniper:

tsk: tsk: Pakistani.:rofl:

2000*_ _ _ _=170000000.

Fill in the blank and do care to contribute.:rofl:
i thought you killed your self because of your Flop C-grade south indian movie .:omghaha:

tsk: tsk: Pakistani.:rofl:

2000*_ _ _ _=170000000.

Fill in the blank and do care to contribute.:rofl:
i thought you killed your self because of your Flop C-grade south indian movie .:omghaha:

Ragpicker:rofl::rofl: no need to share your orgies of working in x-grade movies, just offer your prayers and ask your allah to grant you 72 virgins in afterlife.:omghaha:
We are so bless in this world as well in hereafter we get virgins every where we go.:cheers:

Not like you Slave generation ,who ever [Aira gaira nathu khaira ] come and fcuk the slave girl and a whole nation come in to effect Akhand Bharat.:cheesy:

Staring Surya :cheers:

[/url] greenshot download[/IMG]

Ragpicker:rofl::rofl: no need to share your orgies of working in x-grade movies, just offer your prayers and ask your allah to grant you 72 virgins in afterlife.:omghaha:
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