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Modi is a Thief. Former French President. Indian opposition demands clarification Rafale Scam

LOL! Nobody gives a damn about you, unless we want to slander them. You're a dirt we throw at our politicians or they throw each other. Also, speaking of third party, need I remind you how you lot call Nawaz an Indian spy. It's our shit and we're dealing with it. We are free to throw some more dirt. Don't worry.;)

You are that level of stinking cr@p that we even spare our worst political opponent to throw at. Coz if we do, we ourselves get tainted. Hence India doesn't matter in our elections. Shoo now. :D

Everything u need to know the "Scam" :D
Chinese are worried by a 4th gen platform :rofl:india can spend billions and divert resources to that aircraft, so carry on.

Very predictable.

When caught in the act, use bizarre laugh to make light of the crime.

But guess what, the tango between our pappu, who makes mid night visits to Chinese Embassy without anyone noticing and his Bar Stripper mommy running to Russia and other countries, has not gone unnoticed by us Indians.

Oh Oh, how can we forget Congress Clowns going to our neighbour and asking U to remove our PM.

Hilarious alright.

But, we all know the truth.

You are that level of stinking cr@p that we even spare our worst political opponent to throw at. Coz if we do, we ourselves get tainted. Hence India doesn't matter in our elections. Shoo now. :D
You are tainted. OBL is the name that's gonna stick forever, among other things. :D And yeah maybe that's why IK was gloating about his fantasies during the campaign and Modi never once mentioned the name of Your nation once in his campaign. Now jog on kid you're wasting time.:D
You are tainted. OBL is the name that's gonna stick forever, among other things. :D And yeah maybe that's why IK was gloating about his fantasies during the campaign and Modi never once mentioned the name of Your nation once in his campaign. Now jog on kid you're wasting time.:D

Screw OBL, some random Arab, here we talking about YOU, the whole bloody nation of morons. Modi not using Pakistan to gather votes? HAHAHA. what a moron! Forget Modi, you all sh|tholes are obsessed with Pakistan because its YOU as voters who vote in your obsession with Pakistan.

Fk off rat, we already got plenty of infestation on this forum from rat-Indians.
Modi not using Pakistan to gather votes? HAHAHA.

Perhaps you don't watch the news properly.

Mani Iyer, a Dhongi Congi goes to Pakistan, says Pakistanis have to remove Modi.
Your ex minister few days back tweets Pappu is the next PM.
Doggy Raja, Mentor to Pappu raja says Syed saab is a great humanitarian.

BJP & Modi does not have to bring in Pakistan into equation. The opposition itself is doing this work spectacularly well.

Btw, read about Pappu meeting Chinese Ambassador, first claiming he did not meet and then admitting to meeting him.
Do you know where the Italian Bar Stripper is RIGHT NOW? :D

Stop thinking average Indian is a fool. We all know the truth. Many of us vote for our parties in spite of the truths and many vote because of.
Perhaps you don't watch the news properly.

Mani Iyer, a Dhongi Congi goes to Pakistan, says Pakistanis have to remove Modi.
Your ex minister few days back tweets Pappu is the next PM.
Doggy Raja, Mentor to Pappu raja says Syed saab is a great humanitarian.

BJP & Modi does not have to bring in Pakistan into equation. The opposition itself is doing this work spectacularly well.

Btw, read about Pappu meeting Chinese Ambassador, first claiming he did not meet and then admitting to meeting him.
Do you know where the Italian Bar Stripper is RIGHT NOW? :D

Stop thinking average Indian is a fool. We all know the truth. Many of us vote for our parties in spite of the truths and many vote because of.

Its not just Modi, you rats in east cast vote to anyone who utter non sense against Pakistan. I am not talking about just one individual or an instance. Just google yourself.

Says the guy who just elected a PM who sells buffalo and cars to survive.:lol:

Atleast you have admitted that IK was elected not "selected".
Cars, buffaloes, opening up governors houses, living simple life, these are all symbolical gestures. Hard for punny Indian mind to grasp. Specially when you got a tea seller as PM who still think from his tea seller mind set when he said "Indian ruppee patla horaha hai". :omghaha:

Stop acting like a triggered monkey. Nobody mentions your country for votes, by the looks of it, you're lot keep waiting for when we mention the failed nation and believe you lot are some important, in reality you're in news ffor all the wrong reason around the world.:lol:

We don't associate with monkies, it is your national animal, just like those mythical hunuman Indian soldiers. :D

Your whole nation is going ape atm because your Hindu terrorists regime wants to gather votes in upcoming election. Says a lot about you as collectives. Dangerous mindset though, who knows what kind of repercussions it will bring on your nation.
guess these semantics are new to you lot. Lol! Tea seller PM made Indian inflation down to 4% and implemented a unified tax system, also initiated cleaning projects, digital schemes at an unprecedented level. While the ullu buffalo seller is tweeting jokes to second-tier diplomats. Even they ignored the buffalo salesman.

I am happy you are getting education while you are on this forum and each reply is more inline with reality. I am glad that you do recognise that Pakistan is a democratic nation where we elected the incumbent PM. However, your Indian establishment is selling your gullible lot that IK was brought in power by military NOT by power of vote of Pakistani citizens.

Hold your horses son, IK haven't even completed a month in office yet he has already secured huge strategic investment which will shape the future of world. And as I said , buffaloes, cars are all symbolic jesters which punny Indian mind do not have capacity to comprehend.

Which tweet you are talking about?

Those rapists are getting prisoned while you lot are busy finding 4 witnesses. LOL! So imagine, how many such cases are underreported. Such a backward shithole where people suffer from polio (polio spreads through eating fecal matter) even sub-saharan countries eradicated polio. No wonder you lot eat shit and talk shit.

Woo are we not going completely tangent here you rat-IndIan? Rapist? Where did I mention Rape? Is cow piss and dung excluded from the cause of polio infestation? Or eating rats cure polio? Sub Sahara people are well off then majority of Indian population.
Woo are we not going completely tangent here you rat-IndIan? Rapist? Where did I mention Rape? Is cow piss and dung excluded from the cause of polio infestation? Or eating rats cure polio? Sub Sahara people are well off then majority of Indian population.
Keep running. Can't digest reality heh! All I said is the reality of Pakistan.

Hold your horses son, IK haven't even completed a month in office yet he has already secured huge strategic investment which will shape the future of world. And as I said , buffaloes, cars are all symbolic jesters which punny Indian mind do not have capacity to comprehend.
When Modi took office, the investment to India alone raised 30% in 2014 alone. Which keeps increasing YoY. Your hoooge strategic investment is zilch in reality. Just some promises and nothing on papers. Selling stuff is not symbolic but a failed PR stunt, it could've been done without much hoopla. But again, his tweet suits himself, small men taking big offices.
Keep running. Can't digest reality heh! All I said is the reality of Pakistan.

When Modi took office, the investment to India alone raised 30% in 2014 alone. Which keeps increasing YoY. Your hoooge strategic investment is zilch in reality. Just some promises and nothing on papers. Selling stuff is not symbolic but a failed PR stunt, it could've been done without much hoopla. But again, his tweet suits himself, small men taking big offices.

Kid, I am talking about reality of India.

But I am glad you are getting your education and recognising a democratic Pakistan. You lot are living under extreme propaganda environment where Indian establishment is feeding you gullible lot some high level garbage.

October is just around the corner, just wait and watch. Your itch will soon be cured.
Kid, I am talking about reality of India.

But I am glad you are getting your education and recognising a democratic Pakistan. You lot are living under extreme propaganda environment where Indian establishment is feeding you gullible lot some high level garbage.

October is just around the corner, just wait and watch. Your itch will soon be cured.
Son, you failed to make a point. You do not even know who is making these statements. The reality of India? LOL! A Pakistani talking about Indian democracy and its system is like North Korea complaining about South Korean democracy.

Hmmm! We are not a bunch of dummies who believe there are 7lakh troops in Kashmir. How's that for propaganda. Hopefully, you lot stop having the stuff that spread polio:Dthinks.
Son, you failed to make a point. You do not even know who is making these statements. The reality of India? LOL! A Pakistani talking about Indian democracy and its system is like North Korea complaining about South Korean democracy.

Hmmm! We are not a bunch of dummies who believe there are 7lakh troops in Kashmir. How's that for propaganda. Hopefully, you lot stop having the stuff that spread polio:Dthinks.

My illegitimate child, you are not only losing your marbles but honking absolute non sense with no link whatsoever to what was said previously.

Where did I mention about Your democracy? Why would I be least interested in your democracy where a known Hindu terrorist is elected as your head of state. Na keep that rubbish to yourself. I am only pointing out to your acknowledgement that Pakistan is a democratic country where its citizens elected IK, a welcome admission from someone from a pathetic nation whoes establishment is constantly feeding the propaganda that IK was brought into power by its military.

I hope you spend more time in educating yourself then running about fields in India chasing rats like your comrades do. :D

My illegitimate child, you are not only losing your marbles but honking absolute non sense with no link whatsoever to what was said previously.
Kid, don't embarrass yourself. Whatever I have said is not a lie. You can ask a link for anything that I mentioned. Or you can google yourself. Maybe you shouldn't unless you want to see what a pathetic state your nation is in.
Where did I mention about Your democracy? Why would I be least interested in your democracy where a known Hindu terrorist is elected as your head of state. Na keep that rubbish to yourself. I am only pointing out to your acknowledgement that Pakistan is a democratic country where its citizens elected IK, a welcome admission from someone from a pathetic nation whoes establishment is constantly feeding the propaganda that IK was brought into power by its military.
Oh well, you were looking for approval by reinstating Pakistan is a democracy glad I accept it. LOL
Rest is your usual bs. Ignored.
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