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‘Modi is a robot of the RSS, programmed to hate Muslims’

That is what I call Hindutva. Making excuses for murderers

There is nothing do to with hindhuva. It just a riot the victimis are Muslims tht's it, even many people died in several caste clashes ,Nagas tribal groups killing each other , during language protest many people died in Tamilnadu those are few examples ,so u can't generalize everything.So Your point is muslim should not be a victim in any kind of clashes or riots???. Go and drink water
Brother, Riots during a persons tenure as CM can be always arrond him. but sure the CM is not responsible for initiating the riot and the world knows this.
The recent LONDON riots took a weak to subside, but Gujarat riots was brought down in 3 days and yet people say that he was inefficient. Did any of the Congress ruling neighbouring states send in their force to assist MODI in even speeding up the actions of the government to bring down the riot. NO. So Congress has a equal responsibility.

What kind of a statement is that? Do you think other states have the mandate or authority to send in their "forces" to gujarat? Those are police forces, not expeditionary armies. The only other police force that has the mandate to restore law and order in a state other than the state police is the CRPF, which was also under BJP control.

Have you ever heard of neighbouring states rushing in their forces to another state at any time before in India?

But on topic, Modi is a man that many people just seem to want to hate. All the independent commisions of enquiry and courts (including the supreme court appointed commitee) have cleared him of any involvement. And yet people think it is all right to keep calling him a terrorist.
wow look at all these pple defending this sick blood thirsty muslim-hater. u pple always bow down to the US and their verdicts so why dont u accept why they rejected the visa of this hitler-wannabe. and now he calls for relaxing visa rules for pakistanis to visit ajmer sharif. we all know thats where the next massacre will happen wen he becomes ur pm. i love sane indians. but any1 supporting this genocidal maniac is sick and quite obviously a hindu extremist/supremist. there is MORE than enough evidence against him. and for u to call it congress propaganda proves ur rss brainwashed minds. this video makes me sick to the stomach.
the fact that this #1 chutiya self-admitted mass-murderer bajrangi is freely roaming ur country makes me 100% skeptical of ur so-called "progressive, secular, democracy"

U r skeptical abt this?I wonder what u ll do if u r equally rational and honest about pakistan?
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Brother, Riots during a persons tenure as CM can be always arrond him. but sure the CM is not responsible for initiating the riot and the world knows this.
The recent LONDON riots took a weak to subside, but Gujarat riots was brought down in 3 days and yet people say that he was inefficient. Did any of the Congress ruling neighbouring states send in their force to assist MODI in even speeding up the actions of the government to bring down the riot. NO. So Congress has a equal responsibility.

The picture is far more complicated. The London riots did not involve mass murder, therefore heavy force was not justified. Gujarat riots of 2002 were appalling; unlike some here, I make no excuses. The riots were appalling enough for the PM to publicly admonish Modi, who was then just a medium level politician. This particular fact, almost every time, goes uncontested simply because no easy explanation can be given for A B Vajpayee's anger. Surely, if you claim that Modi did all that he could, then ABV as PM would have no particular reason to be upset over his own party man's behaviour?

A lot of facts lie buried & will probably remain buried. Too many police officers have accused the Gujarat government of inaction/complicity & it won't be easy to tarnish all of them as being agents of Congress. However much one may wish to forget this particular blot on our country, it will be one that will always rankle many including myself that innocent fellow Indians were killed (irrespective of their religion) with so much impunity & that the Chief minister under whose watch the events happened still does not see fit to express remorse for those events. Modi culpability or the lack of it will never be proved but the failure to control the situation & therefore bearing responsibility as the leader of the state is indisputable. Modi will forever be tarnished by those events. It is undisputed that Modi's election victory of 2002 was based on a vicious communal polarisation campaign (he might have lost the election otherwise because he was CM for just a few months & the BJP had lost its way) . Modi's subsequent years involved much of the good work for which he is rightly being praised now. Nothing however can erase those ghastly events that happened under his watch.
MOdi did a fantastic job. He was a CM for less than a efw months when this happened. Imagine you guys spending just a few days after a promotion at office and then all hell breaks loose, and you fix the problem and limit the damage. You will get great appreciation and bonuses.
Exactly what Modi did. he was new as CM, this problem happened, rioting started, within 3 days he curbed it. Imagine 11 terrorists from pakistan had whole of mumbai captured for 3-4days before all kinds of black cats subdued them. here thousands of mobs both hindu and muslims rampaging throughout the state and within 3 days, he killed hundreds of hindu mobs and qulled the violence and made Gujarat the envy of the world. HATS OFF TO YOU SIR. you are ilke a God!!

It is clear this Modi character is at the very least controversial and It would appear that on his watch atrocities have occurred. It puts to bed any justification that India has to be called secular
It was during the watch of Jinnah , gandhi and nehru the atrocities of partition happened, shall we call them criminals?
The picture is far more complicated. The London riots did not involve mass murder, therefore heavy force was not justified. Gujarat riots of 2002 were appalling; unlike some here, I make no excuses. The riots were appalling enough for the PM to publicly admonish Modi, who was then just a medium level politician. This particular fact, almost every time, goes uncontested simply because no easy explanation can be given for A B Vajpayee's anger. Surely, if you claim that Modi did all that he could, then ABV as PM would have no particular reason to be upset over his own party man's behaviour?

A lot of facts lie buried & will probably remain buried. Too many police officers have accused the Gujarat government of inaction/complicity & it won't be easy to tarnish all of them as being agents of Congress. However much one may wish to forget this particular blot on our country, it will be one that will always rankle many including myself that innocent fellow Indians were killed (irrespective of their religion) with so much impunity & that the Chief minister under whose watch the events happened still does not see fit to express remorse for those events. Modi culpability or the lack of it will never be proved but the failure to control the situation & therefore bearing responsibility as the leader of the state is indisputable. Modi will forever be tarnished by those events. It is undisputed that Modi's election victory of 2002 was based on a vicious communal polarisation campaign (he might have lost the election otherwise because he was CM for just a few months & the BJP had lost its way) . Modi's subsequent years involved much of the good work for which he is rightly being praised now. Nothing however can erase those ghastly events that happened under his watch.
Every one regrest the riots, but had that riot not happend we MUSLIMS and HINDUS would have not known the value of co exiting.
its like the power of a nuclear weapon, now both know if some one initiates a riot then its a chain reaction and loss of life is large. so is the reason that HINDUS and MUSLIMS in INDIA have stopped spiting venom on each other.
Though the cost was heavy that the leasons learnt on both the sides will stay for a long time.
wow look at all these pple defending this sick blood thirsty muslim-hater. u pple always bow down to the US and their verdicts so why dont u accept why they rejected the visa of this hitler-wannabe. and now he calls for relaxing visa rules for pakistanis to visit ajmer sharif. we all know thats where the next massacre will happen wen he becomes ur pm. i love sane indians. but any1 supporting this genocidal maniac is sick and quite obviously a hindu extremist/supremist. there is MORE than enough evidence against him. and for u to call it congress propaganda proves ur rss brainwashed minds. this video makes me sick to the stomach.
the fact that this #1 chutiya self-admitted mass-murderer bajrangi is freely roaming ur country makes me 100% skeptical of ur so-called "progressive, secular, democracy"
This is a false accusation of a video . No one in India, not even the Modi haters like Teesta Javed has used it to file a case. Give 100 Rs and a bottle to these kind of guys and you can make them say anything.

Which it is not if an official of the state is making anti-specific-religion policies and carrying on with hate speech.
Show me one such politician in India

Hi asim ..great to see you...now please delete the thread. Thanks.
No only threads which praise Modi are deleted. such is the blind hatred for Modi in pak.
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Which it is not if an official of the state is making anti-specific-religion policies and carrying on with hate speech.

That is your opinion admin, not backed by facts.

SO while it may hold true inside the confines of PDF it usually goes into the dustbin outside.
The picture is far more complicated. The London riots did not involve mass murder, therefore heavy force was not justified. Gujarat riots of 2002 were appalling; unlike some here, I make no excuses. The riots were appalling enough for the PM to publicly admonish Modi, who was then just a medium level politician. This particular fact, almost every time, goes uncontested simply because no easy explanation can be given for A B Vajpayee's anger. Surely, if you claim that Modi did all that he could, then ABV as PM would have no particular reason to be upset over his own party man's behaviour?

A lot of facts lie buried & will probably remain buried. Too many police officers have accused the Gujarat government of inaction/complicity & it won't be easy to tarnish all of them as being agents of Congress. However much one may wish to forget this particular blot on our country, it will be one that will always rankle many including myself that innocent fellow Indians were killed (irrespective of their religion) with so much impunity & that the Chief minister under whose watch the events happened still does not see fit to express remorse for those events. Modi culpability or the lack of it will never be proved but the failure to control the situation & therefore bearing responsibility as the leader of the state is indisputable. Modi will forever be tarnished by those events. It is undisputed that Modi's election victory of 2002 was based on a vicious communal polarisation campaign (he might have lost the election otherwise because he was CM for just a few months & the BJP had lost its way) . Modi's subsequent years involved much of the good work for which he is rightly being praised now. Nothing however can erase those ghastly events that happened under his watch.

Just two points:

You speak as if this was the first religious riot in India

And you speak as if this was the worst religious riot in India.

It was neither of that.

Just tell me what you people expect a man, a first time CM who had hardly found his bearings with a typical Indian police force to do when 60 Hindus were burnt alive in one of the most communally polarised state in India..(yeah Gujarat was not the garden of eden even before 2002)...?

Kandhmal occurred in Patnaik's watch..but still no one haunts him...."why Modi alone" is the question..?

And what should he express..? Apology over something that he was not responsible for..? He stopped the riots from spreading to other districts immediately and calmed the ground zero in 3 days..The best anyone can do in such situations..

There is no question of pre-empting such riots given the provocation and given how communally polarised Gujarat was always...atleast the Indian police/bureaucracy has no reached such levels..its a question of how many days you control it in and he did a credible job in that.
We should appreciate modi for his efforts in stopping the riots of that magnitude so quickly and saving the lives of many more people
If Mr. Modi is to be blamed for the death of muslims then he should be equally be blamed for the death of hindus, so I guess that must make him secular.
If Mr. Modi is to be blamed for the death of muslims then he should be equally be blamed for the death of hindus, so I guess that must make him secular.

But that makes him a murderer so why India allows him to hold elected office. lol
But that makes him a murderer so why India allows him to hold elected office. lol
can we consider this as the best troll post of the day?

Brother, what happened to you?, soppose your son tomorrow kills some one and because you were responsible for him can any one call you a murderer. This is what you are doing.
can we consider this as the best troll post of the day?

Brother, what happened to you?, soppose your son tomorrow kills some one and because you were responsible for him can any one call you a murderer. This is what you are doing.

Thank you Ashokbhai. Yes I would consider myself being vicariously responsible
Thank you Ashokbhai. Yes I would consider myself being vicariously responsible
then if you consider yourself responsible for some thing that you did not have control of sure you are bound to become a patient who will need help from a physiatrist.
MODI did not initiate the riot, he did what was in his capacity to stop the killing in 3 days.
During the time of Jihan, Nehru, Gandhi only the partition happened and during the time the border of INDIA and PAKISTAN burned more than what happened during post Godra riot, the loss of life and property was more in 1947, yet we call those who were responsible for the deaths as the father of our respective nations and the first PMs, etc.
and why is this Hipocracy?
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