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Modi has come, India-Pakistan friendship is shattered: Hafiz Saeed

Even if the chances are very less, could it be that Hafiz Saeed is a member here under another name (as every body here) and we are talking to him? ........:cheesy:
There is as much proof to jail Modi as their is to jail Hafeez,

Frankly their is more proof against Modi

Quite frankly that is BS. The Supreme COurt would have hung Modi if it had the chance. Congress, SOnia and Rahul were witch hunting the biggest rival they had. It's ridiculous to balme a Chief Minister for the actions of a mob.
Hafiz Saeed says Modi’s victory shattered Indo-Pak friendship; bans export of terrorists to India

Islamabad. Reacting sharply to Modi’s victory in Indian Lok Sabha elections, eminent Pakistani leader Hafiz Saeed has said that the rise of communal forces in India has shattered Indo-Pak friendship.

To protest this unpleasant development, Saeed has announced that his organization will stop export of quality terrorists to India.

“You can’t always expect us to be so big hearted. If India wants us to continue the export of highly skilled manpower, they need to create friendly environment. With people like Modi in power, the conditions are turning very hostile for us to carry on our selfless service,” said Hafiz Saeed sending out strong signal to the newly elected party across the border.

“It’s over between us”

Saeed also said that, the kind of anti-Pakistan rhetoric BJP leaders had resorted to throughout the election campaign has hugely upset his boys.

“Earlier boys used to feel at home in India, but now it seems they are not welcome. Now I’m afraid that I’d have to start new motivational classes for them,” Hafiz Saeed revealed.

“But for the time being, no friendly terrorist services to India,” he added.

Hafiz Saeed’s open threat has sent shock waves across India, especially in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Many separatist leaders have expressed their concerns about its impact on J&K tourism.

“I will urge Hafiz Ji to reconsider his decision, as a lot of people here in Kashmir who are dependent on them for their livelihood,” said separatist leader Shabir Geelani making an emotional appeal to Hafiz Saeed.

A section of intelligentsia in India too is unhappy with the proceedings. They have called it first attack on India’s secular image because of Modi’s rise.

“Earlier they used to infiltrate and we used to condemn, and now they are condemning while people like Giriraj Singh are asking us to infiltrate. India is the new Pakistan!” a self proclaimed intellectual concluded.

Meanwhile, Pak PM Nawaz Sharif has asked Modi not to worry about Hafiz’s ban on supply of terrorists.

“I am inviting Modi Ji to Pakistan, and promise that I will send Pak army soldiers as a compensation for Hafiz’s men unwillingness to go to India,” said Nawaz Sharif while inviting Modi to Pakistan.

Hafiz Saeed says Modi’s victory shattered Indo-Pak friendship; bans export of terrorists to India | Faking News
From today war lords like him will talk about friendship. The previous government has fed you enough briyani this government is not weak.
Indians are hypocrites ....... They have elected an anti Muslim / anti Pakistan Hindu extremist as their PM , and they have problems with Hafiz Saeed`s ideology . Hafiz Saeed is just a Pakistani counterpart of Narendra Modi when it comes to terrorism/extremism !!!
Talk about hypocrisy? When did modi come to pakistan or staged attack on pakistan? HS is completely supported by your government and u guys are talking.
Talk about hypocrisy? When did modi come to pakistan or staged attack on pakistan? HS is completely supported by your government and u guys are talking.

Modi is a "good terrorist" for Indian Hindus as he kills Muslims only . Hafiz Saeed is a "good terrorist" for Pakistanis as he kills Hindus only ...... There is no difference between them
Modi is a "good terrorist" for Indians as he kills Muslims only . Hafiz Saeed is a good terrorist for Pakistanis as he kills Hindus only ...... There is no difference between them

is there any proof about Hafiz saeed ..none.he never kill anyone, although he wishes for...on the other hand Modi is renowned terrorist and whole world knows what he didi in gujraat even Us refused to give him visa...
is there any proof about Hafiz saeed ..none.he never kill anyone, although he wishes for...on the other hand Modi is renowned terrorist and whole world knows what he didi in gujraat even Us refused to give him visa...
Dont u find that little stupid? where is the proof? He is elected leader of a country. U like him or not we dont care. Where as your HF S can be anything who gives a shit.... Go ask fellow members who is HS
there never was a friendship so not sure what he's going on about :laugh:

what we all know is how "well" this bodes for the Muslims of india. But hey - they are indian citizens and unless communalism reached a level of no return we can do little for them unfortunately.
he is a punk and a troll
he is celebrating the possibility of hostilities between Pakistan and India which keeps him relevant

back in the days, LeT tried to start a war between India and Pakistan and they have much better chance now.

to be honest - as of late its hard to find anything he has said that is wrong

loud-mouth - sure that he is.

as for hostilities - we should be prepared for them at any time. Preparedness is better than being unprepared for any eventualities - especially with a larger foe

Hahaha... Very amusing to see them burning... They are looking at yet another martial law BTW...

the only people during election time i personally saw burning were modi supporters whenever any negative coverage came in the media

Muslims and Christians would obviously be wary about it - given previous attacks by right wing hindu zealots. Natural reaction.
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