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Modi has come, India-Pakistan friendship is shattered: Hafiz Saeed

Pakistan failed the UN resolution on Kashmir and now also not following UN resolution against Hafeez Saeed.

Stop lying ...... this stupid claim has been refuted a million times , but you Indians never give up ....!! And which UN resolutions against Hafiz Saeed are you talking about ??

the political party is even cleaner than your mainstream political parties like PPP, ANP and MQM involved in killing thousands of people in Karachi. You better stop making bizarre and funny comparison.

Yes , those parties are corrupt ,, may be criminal too .... But unlike your BJP and Modi , they are not terrorists who kill others for their religion !!
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Told you many times before , telling you once again ..... Massacre of innocent Muslims is not considered terrorism in India ... Criminal silence of your media (and general public) over killing of innocent Muslims in IOK , Modi killing Muslims in Gujarat etc. , and then your courts doing nothing against the culprits and now the election results ........ You guys are extremists and support terrorism !!

I have asked this question several times, shall ask once again......

1) What caused Gujarat Riots?
2) Who killed Muslims?
3) What was Modi's role in it?

Note : I am not a modi fan btw
Stop lying ...... this stupid claim has been refuted a million times , but you Indians never give up ....!! And which UN resolutions against Hafiz Saeed are you talking about ??

Yes , those parties are corrupt ,, may be criminals too .... But unlike your BJP and Modi , they are not terrorists who kill others for their religion !!

your are very good at twisting the logic. :wacko:
Lolz, so what you called massacre of Hindus?? Self defense?? It is our media that bought this things to general public.. You have no idea what you are talking about.. I think you misunderstood your judiciary and media with ours where terrorists in publict threatens judges and Scots free. Already court ordered inquiry against Modi and SIT gave him clean chit.. Not every country have a weak judiciary and spineless media as yours. We elect him to get rid of a corrupt government which looted us.. BJP able to get majority in Muslim dominated areas shows that we the people of India were fed up with a corrupt government which looted us for a decade..

Before boasting about your judiciary and Media , you should be knowing that Your civil court system ranks 90th among 99 , and you rank 140th on the Press Freedom Index 2013 .....!!!
@Irfan Baloch, these are the news of so called gathering of 300 dumb fuch madrassa idiots..

Hafiz Saeed leads mass rally in Islamabad - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Am not sure the picture shows only 300 madrassah dumb fucks


Before boasting about your judiciary and Media , you should be knowing that Your civil court system ranks 90th among 99 , and you rank 140th on Press Freedom Index .....!!!

Haha.. still better than your country where Judiciary let go terrorist because of death threats :haha:
Extremists/terrorists have never been able to secure more than 4-6 % of total votes through out the history of Pakistan ....

Only Indians can elect terrorists !! You guys are extremists ...

All Pakistani governments, elected or not, have supported terrorism actively as a state policy. And we all know the situation of minorities in Pakistan under each and every government. Hence, you do not have any moral right to preach whatever you are preaching here.
Before boasting about your judiciary and Media , you should be knowing that Your civil court system ranks 90th among 99 , and you rank 140th on Press Freedom Index .....!!!

@Azlan Haider,

A bit off topic here, but assuming that you are some sort of think tank material i would expect you look at things objectively rather than posting the hot blooded semi literate typical Pakistani posts that you seem to have descended to...

Do the Indian Muslims care what Pakistani's have to say about Gujarat?
Do the Indian Muslims care about the scores of Pakistani's that are being killed on a daily basis in Pakistan for a variety of reasons? Do they even bother to comment when thousands of Pakistani's are blown up?
Do the Indian Muslim want any help from Pakistanis?
You screaming "blue murder" from your minars against Modi will not amount to anything because it does not have anything to do with you - it's Indians who should be concerned with what happens to Indians of any religion and they are - the outcome may be good or bad but it does no concern Pakistani's at all.
Now, assuming and acknowledging your hatred for Modi and Indians.
Does Hafiz Sayed your hero bring value to Pakistani's compared to Mr.Modi to India? Will your hero's future actions in Pakistan bring value to Pakistan compared to what Mr.Modi brings on the table? now let me know who will come out winners in the end - Pakistani's or Indians.
If they support hafiz saed , they support boko haram too
All Pakistani governments, elected or not, have supported terrorism actively as a state policy. And we all know the situation of minorities in Pakistan under each and every government. Hence, you do not have any moral right to preach whatever you are preaching here.

Well .. All Indian governments have supported/carried out state terrorism in Kashmir , and have supported terrorism against Pakistan ...... But here we are talking about "General Public electing terrorists" ...... It has never happened in Pakistan .... But now it has happened in India .... It is a undeniable fact ..... Rest of your rants/opinions are unimportant and carry no weight ...

@Azlan Haider,

A bit off topic here, but assuming that you are some sort of think tank material i would expect you look at things objectively rather than posting the hot blooded semi literate typical Pakistani posts that you seem to have descended to...

Do the Indian Muslims care what Pakistani's have to say about Gujarat?
Do the Indian Muslims care about the scores of Pakistani's that are being killed on a daily basis in Pakistan for a variety of reasons? Do they even bother to comment when thousands of Pakistani's are blown up?
Do the Indian Muslim want any help from Pakistanis?
You screaming "blue murder" from your minars against Modi will not amount to anything because it does not have anything to do with you - it's Indians who should be concerned with what happens to Indians of any religion and they are - the outcome may be good or bad but it does no concern Pakistani's at all.
Now, assuming and acknowledging your hatred for Modi and Indians.
Does Hafiz Sayed your hero bring value to Pakistani's compared to Mr.Modi to India? Will your hero's future actions in Pakistan bring value to Pakistan compared to what Mr.Modi brings on the table? now let me know who will come out winners in the end - Pakistani's or Indians.

I don`t have time to reply your stupid and irrelevant rants
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