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“Modi Go Home”: India’s soft power credibility in danger

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Same reason you want to believe a man flew to heavens on a winged horse. Faith.

If things like this are all okay, then sure why not! Flying monkeys all the way!

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We dont worship the horse do we?

But if hindus want to worship cows, rats, monkeys, or pigs then go ahead but why do you want Pakistanis to worship these obscenities just because our ancestors were dum enough to do so?
Same reason you want to believe a man flew to heavens on a winged horse. Faith.

If things like this are all okay, then sure why not! Flying monkeys all the way!

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AYE GENIUS, WE DON'T CONSIDER THE FLYING MONKEYS AS A GOD!!! a flying horse is just another example of the one true God's many many creations. That's all..
If you think Khalistani's and Pakistani's protesting his visit was a sign of soft power decreasing you are terrible mistaken. Keep dreaming buddy....just look at the idiot's sign? How many rapes occurred under Congress with such brutality if not worse.

Unfortunately some nationalist Pakistanis just say thank you jinnah and ignore our plight.

Eventually we will unite. Hindu Buddhism etc are ancient faiths. They should be where they belong.
Museums. Like in Egypt.

Islam is an old religion isn't it, not as old but old none the less. It had to use the sword and murder poll in order to force its religious ideology. Think about it. You think that makes its the best religion? LMAO

So Man Flying on Horse is worshipable and respectable and believable.
And Flying monkey is not.

Thats some arbitrary standards you got there pal.

Does it matter...why do we humans assume God or the all powerful or a higher power will even remotely resemble humans in our present shape and form? We are a speck of dust in the Universe which we have very little knowledge of. Wake up bro..
Islam is an old religion isn't it, not as old but old none the less. It had to use the sword and murder poll in order to force its religious ideology. Think about it. You think that makes its the best religion? LMAO
No Muslim Armies even went to Malaysia and Indonedia and yet, they are majority Muslims. No Muslim Armies when to central China and yet, millions of Muslims there as well. So your point is dead on arrival!
Does it matter...why do we humans assume God or the all powerful or a higher power will even remotely resemble humans in our present shape and form? We are a speck of dust in the Universe which we have very little knowledge of. Wake up bro..
I dont know about Gods.
I do know about humans, quite a few of them are hypocrites.
So "Man Flying on Winged Horse with Human like Face" is worshipable and respectable and believable.
And Flying monkey is not.

Thats some arbitrary standards you got there pal.
who said that We worship either the horse or the Man? respect is a different thing altogether. And yes, we believe in a God who says that we can't even imagine the kinds of creations that he has created LET ALONE imagine what Allah Himself looks like...for He is NOTHING we can ever even remotely imagine. So what do you find so hard about believing that He who created the entire universe can also create horses made of light that can fly...end of the day, a flying horse made of light is JUUUUST another one of his many creations just like you and me. Nothing more, nothing less. Not even REMOTELY close to giving divinity to a flying monkey. Your attempt to mix apples with beef steak has miserably failed.

Islam is an old religion isn't it, not as old but old none the less. It had to use the sword and murder poll in order to force its religious ideology. Think about it. You think that makes its the best religion? LMAO

Does it matter...why do we humans assume God or the all powerful or a higher power will even remotely resemble humans in our present shape and form? We are a speck of dust in the Universe which we have very little knowledge of. Wake up bro..
ooh bbbbhoy...here comes the militant atheist side when all the pro-hindu arguments fail...:disagree:
No Muslim Armies even went to Malaysia and Indonedia and yet, they are majority Muslims. No Muslim Armies when to central China and yet, millions of Muslims there as well. So your point is dead on arrival!

Did you forget Genghis Kahn's ancestors converted to Islam by choice? Once they did, many subjects followed suit. You don't need an army once you conquer an area....its the policies in place that would force ppl to convert....their living conditions, taxes, etc become intolerable and make them miserable.

The Islamic Cham people of Cambodia trace their origin to Jahsh (Geys), the father of Zainab and thus one of the fathers-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Islam was introduced to the Sumatran coast by Arabs in 674 CE. Islam was also brought to Malaysia by Indian Muslim traders in the 12th century AD.

Kiddo there is a lot more you need to read..about Malaysia and Indonesia....Muslims kingdoms dominated the trade and forcefully conquered the other kingdoms there...

who said that We worship either the horse or the Man? respect is a different thing altogether. And yes, we believe in a God who says that we can't even imagine the kinds of creations that he has created LET ALONE imagine what Allah Himself looks like...for He is NOTHING we can ever even remotely imagine. So what do you find so hard about believing that He who created the entire universe can also create horses made of light that can fly...end of the day, a flying horse made of light is JUUUUST another one of his many creations just like you and me. Nothing more, nothing less. Not even REMOTELY close to giving divinity to a flying monkey. Your attempt to mix apples with beef steak has miserably failed.

ooh bbbbhoy...here comes the militant atheist side when all the pro-hindu arguments fail...:disagree:

Im not a atheist. Im agnostic. Im not Hindu either. Im a realist....India deserves to be declared a Hindu nation. No minority ever suffered under Hindu India, at least in the South.
You do believe it exists/existed, right?
And you do believe that someone whom you bow actually flew on it.

Now tell me, how is it any less ridiculous than flying monkey army?

We dont worship it

Nor do I wish to worship any other animal or blue freak or teenage mutant ninja turtle so why so much angst from indians that we want nothing to do with hindu or hinduism and our ancestors made the right decision
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