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Modi disrespects Russian national anthem

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What are you going to prove with this?


What are you trying to imply by posting the above? If I understand correctly

1) Anyone who has made a crore is corrupt or criminal?

I would say absurdity has no limits.

2) Ministers have criminal cases and hence not clean.

Reponse is in the below post. India now has a law that would disqualify the MPs & MLAs the minute they are convicted. The fact that ministers with criminal cases are continuing implies that they have not been convicted yet or got a reprieve before this law took effect.

Modi disrespects Russian national anthem | Page 2
what a load of crap, these people are so desperate
View attachment 281693

What are you trying to imply by posting the above? If I understand correctly

1) Anyone who has made a crore is corrupt or criminal?

I would say absurdity has no limits.

2) Ministers have criminal cases and hence not clean.

Reponse is in the below post. India now has law that would disqualify the MPs & MLAs the minute they are convicted. The fact that ministers with criminal cases are continuing implies that they have not been convicted yet or got a reprieve before this law took effect.

Modi disrespects Russian national anthem | Page 2

Why has Modi "selected" criminally accused people as his ministers, and not untainted or unblemished ministers from all the BJP parliamentarians that there are?
Where is Modi's Moral high ground?
What role model he wants to play for younger generation of India?
It is not the question on legality but morality.
Modi is imprudent, unwise & careless this way!
It's a Minor/No issue and can be because of Language barrier. Why so much fuzz.. :sick:
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PM Modi's huge protocol gaffe, kept walking during national anthem in Moscow - Janta Ka Reporter


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday night committed a huge protocol gaffe causing him considerable embarrassment.

Upon arrival in the Russian capital Moscow, Modi was to take the guard of honour, which started with the playing of Indian national anthem.

However, as required by the protocol, Modi didn’t stand in attention until the completion of the national anthem and he kept walking.

It took two local officials’ intervention to remind him that he needed to stand. One official was seen pulling the prime minister holding his hand.

Modi then returned and stood in attention.

This will be seen as a huge lapse by Modi as standing in attention during the national anthem is a common knowledge and for him to commit this gaffe at a foreign soil is even more embarrassing.

More to come:

He will be laughing stock of the world.

What else do you expect from a crude chaiwalla whose major contribution has been massacre of Muslims in Gujarat? Add this to the joker who is the Def Minister. He doesn't know how to dress attending a formal military parade / function.
Why not 29 states and 6 UT of India?

We have job cut out to question the PM of India who is able to make or break India.

Why should I care about Diu & Daman administrator?
Or Dadra Nagar havelli?

Why compare AK with PM?
Who is CM AK against PM?
You are obfuscating the issue by drawing the parallels with AK.
AK? Against the PM of India?

View attachment 281697
Who called pm a psychopath & coward?FYI In WB,Delhi,Tamilnadu or Bihar BJP would never win as its a trend from past decades.Don't need to show data again & again like #AAP twitter warriors..The people had voted for mamata banerjee might had voted for Manmohan too.That doesn't mean all of them hate pm..You people sustain on blaming others..How many had you guys blamed!Make a list.
But intentional blaming which never includes congress,your father.
States & UT was before Kejriwal too but not such degraded politics,as people used to obey PM or court or had meaningful parliament session..Kejri implemented jokepal that has given power to lokayukta to act against PM but offended by raid himself.On the other side same guy was against amendment of Juvenine act in Rajyasabha but now the tone has been changed....Hypocrite..How many time only him ( from 29 states & 6 UT demanded ) asked for pm resignation?LOL joker party joker followers
It's a Minor/No issue and can be because of Language barrier. Why so much fuzz.. :sick:

There is a clear cut protocol, whenever Modi visits a foreign nation. This is not a first Non English speaking country that he visits. Modi does not know European languages. But he behaved well there in this context. So your explanation is NOT tenable my friend.
Add this to the joker who is the Def Minister. He doesn't know how to dress attending a formal military parade / function.
Do we need to discuss on jamati body language about what we have never been interested?Don't try to insult yourselves.Your army size it nothing compared our's which he is managing by himself..
Do we need to discuss on jamati body language about what we have never been interested?Don't try to insult yourselves.Your army size it nothing compared our's which he is managing by himself..

Sorry, this joker must be your uncle!
Who called pm a psychopath & coward?FYI In WB,Delhi,Tamilnadu or Bihar BJP would never win as its a trend from past decades.Don't need to show data again & again like #AAP twitter warriors..The people had voted for mamata banerjee might had voted for Manmohan too.That doesn't mean all of them hate pm..You people sustain on blaming others..How many had you guys blamed!Make a list.
But intentional blaming which never includes congress,your father.
States & UT was before Kejriwal too but not such degraded politics,as people used to obey PM or court or had meaningful parliament session..Kejri implemented jokepal that has given power to lokayukta to act against PM but offended by raid himself.On the other side same guy was against amendment of Juvenine act in Rajyasabha but now the tone has been changed....Hypocrite..How many time only him ( from 29 states & 6 UT demanded ) asked for pm resignation?LOL joker party joker followers

Whenever PM is in trouble one or the other way.
You digress the attention on AK.
Who is not even a CM of any state.


I know very well why this is happening.
And you too. So do not try to be smart Aleck and produce a "word jugglery" circumlocution & cavil to misguide others here.

These tactics are well known to pre-empt your opponent with deception.

I have given you few example as to how Modi has erred in the past.

So here too, no big deal. Just do not be Modi's diaper for nothing - He stinks here on this matter.

People make mistakes; Like BJP during Bihar elections thought they are winning and prematurely ordered Ladoos & fire crackers. Only to be returned later. That was shameful.

So take it easy. Do not behave like a fish without water.

You don't look good here this way. Protect your dignity.
Modi is here, he wont be tomorrow, someone will have to replace him eventually.

Love your country and not politicians who come & go as Mark Twain has said.

Understand my friend?

Why has Modi "selected" criminally accused people as his ministers, and not untainted or unblemished ministers from all the BJP parliamentarians that there are?
Where is Modi's Moral high ground?
What role model he wants to play for younger generation of India?
It is not the question on legality but morality.
Modi is imprudent, unwise & careless this way!

You should ask BJP & Modi what they did and why.

Having said that Politics is a dirty game. You need power to get into power. Winnability trumps all other considerations. I am a realist not an idealist.
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