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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

Supported by every Indian except the people in Kashmir to whom the land belongs. Sad. This won't rid you of your Kashmir problem. It will backfire.

Land belonged to Kashmiri Pandits too, but i didn't see you people complaining when they were kicked out and butchered from their own homes.

Hopefully shame of our Sovereign Union of India can be lessened. Nothing can compensate for their decades of misery but hopefully healing process can be commenced and soon they can return to their homes.

It was never the Pakistan which stopped us till now but cowardice of our Political Leadership. If this step was taken in '65 then Kashmir issue would have been done and dusted with.
Yes ispr will issue a statement saying this is a big victory for Pakistan soon
Don't know about ispr, revoking or not revoking anything from a document that's not accepted by any party involved doesn't make any difference.
The real mess up would be if India tries to do anything about AJK and GB. That is not territory India holds.
Pakistan is now free to declare Galgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir its provinces. Pakistan is now under no obligation to give these areas special status.
Land belonged to Kashmiri Pandits too, but i didn't see you people complaining when they were kicked out and butchered from their own homes.

Hopefully shame of our Sovereign Union of India can be lessened. Nothing can compensate for their decades of misery but hopefully healing process can be commenced and soon they can return to their homes.

It was never the Pakistan which stopped us till now but cowardice of our Political Leadership. If this step was taken in '65 then Kashmir issue would have been done and dusted with.

1. It was also home to many, many more Muslims massacred in '47, to change demographics and make ascension with India easier. Where are your condolences for that!?

2. As equally wrong it was, it's important to look at cause of the Pundit exodus. India meddling in Kashmir affairs is what caused it!

3. Changing what's written on paper doesn't change the will nor the allegiance of the people. Their allegiance lies with Kashmir.
Money, money, money. We provided them something you cannot put a price on. And time will tell how this is approached.
Oh god, again with this.....Time has told you again and again and infact your own country is practicing it with China. So if you believe that, good for you.
Don't bore others with this line of thought. Its not household matter, its about geo politics, it doesnt work on the basis of emotions.
In one way, whatever has been initiated today, by India, regarding IOK, appears to me a very positive development, in the sense, that this has brought the issue, out of a strategic stalemate, which was hovering over it since 1948, to a next potential level of agitation and disquiet. Now, India has shown its cards. A new process would ensue consequently, and this may lead to its resolution, one way or other. Agitating and shaking, often, leads to breaking of status quo and emergence of new possibilities and scenarios.

Suggestion- Quickly integrate your part of Kashmir with Pakistan as a province.
The ONLY logical way out of this mess is to Recognise Pakistan Kashmir as the 6th Province of Pakistan with the "option" of adding Indian Occupied Kashmir to the 6th Province once it is liberated from India. Any delay in doing this will be nothing short of a huge disaster.
This move will like testifying the Indian attempt of changing legal status of IOK by Government of Pakistan officially .....

So be patient nothing on ground has changed other than increase of occupation forces of India in Kashmir; recall the massacre of Muslims in 1948 in Jammu region and what those events led to, this time same may occur in Kashmir Valley they can't keep whole population under Martial Law for indefinitive period, people will eventually come out and clashes with security forces will erupt as the natural progression of current events now its all depends on people of Indian Occupied Kashmir. Its Time for them to decide do they still want political struggle for their cause or want something more than just some political speeches something Practical

Pakistan stance should remain the same as it was from DAY-1 "Kashmir is a DISPUTED TERRITORY until its final settlement as per the WISHES and FREE WILL of Kashmiri people"
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Is Taliban bigger than your army? A bunch of gun wielding yahoos are not going to do anything. They were at your disposal since a long time during the Afghan civil war and they couldn't move a finger then. Now you are hoping Talibs would come to your rescue. What a pathetic situation will that be?
They don't play by the rules. They took over Afghanistan with pakistan's help in 90s. They have effectively maintained their presence after NATO attacked them (with pakistan's help). Now their next stop, as they have already announced, is Kashmir.

Revoking this article 370 or whatever is an attempt of India in frustration or desperation to change the demographics and do the voting before Kashmir struggle gets out of control.

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