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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)


What's the difference with 370 or without 370?

1 Will Kashmiris stop their armed struggle?
2 Will Pakistan stop it's support in Kashmir?
3 Will Mujahideen from other places will not enter Kashmir?

Nothing has changed.. merely saying that something has been abolished will not make an iota of difference. The parties involved in Kashmir do not recognize Indian Constitution and here Indians are behaving like kashmiris play according to the Constitution. Lol
Yes ispr will issue a statement saying this is a big victory for Pakistan soon
That's what you say. But that's not what the common people on ground say.
Ladakh for long had been demanding to become a UT. Jammu had not been voting for PDP or NC.
It was only Kashmir with less than 15% of total area and even lesser share of total population of state, it had the hold over State legislature and on the seats in lok sabha.
How was this fair?
there are many educated unemployed youth in Pakistan they can easily replace indians in gcc
Oye, with over 23% Indians make up the largest group in UAE. We pretty much own UAE especially people from my state Kerala. The same is true with other GCC nations. Who are they supposed to run their country if they expell all Indian's in once go?

Will Pakistan help them?? LOL :woot:

Kerala Gulf diaspora
In one way, whatever has been initiated today, by India, regarding IOK, appears to me a very positive development, in the sense, that this has brought the issue, out of a strategic stalemate, which was hovering over it since 1948, to a next potential level of agitation and disquiet. Now, India has shown its cards. A new process would ensue consequently, and this may lead to its resolution, one way or other. Agitating and shaking, often, leads to breaking of status quo and emergence of new possibilities and scenarios.
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we should use our influence in gcc arab world to expel indian workers from their country and end economic relations with india.I think this should be done by govt in response to this move
You do realise our major economic relations with them are based on oil right? Do really think they will let go of tens of billions of dollars on the say of Pakistan which imports not even half of what we do?
Stop living in fantasy.

What's the difference with 370 or without 370?

1 Will Kashmiris stop their armed struggle?
2 Will Pakistan stop it's support in Kashmir?
3 Will Mujahideen from other places will not enter Kashmir?

Nothing has changed.. merely saying that something has been abolished will not make an iota of difference. The parties involved in Kashmir do not recognize Indian Constitution and here Indians are behaving like kashmiris play according to the Constitution. Lol
They will settle Hindus and make Kashmir minority
Demographic will change
Nothing will change. An armed struggle with the help of taliban who have already announced their next stop in kashmir is about to begin. Pakistan has effectively kept you out of the peace process so that you guys do not gain any brownie points in front of Taliban
Look it means nothing

The situation has been like this for a long long time

All we can do is support the Kashmiris to fight back against any new arrivals unless they are Indian muslims

Maybe Kashmir as a Muslim majority state can be made more Muslim majority in ready for the partition of india
They will settle Hindus and make Kashmir minority
As if Hindus are coming in numbers. I have told here many times that Hindu as a nation is extremely coward. They will not leave their places and come to live in Kashmir.
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