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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

Not bothered. Your 10× bigger india is still too scared to mess with Pakistan even after the humiliation of 27/02/2019........:azn:

By the way, your "economic" credentials are highly suspect considering the fact that india is the country which contains the greatest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor......:azn::




Let me guess-
You’re going to post sausage size surveys next and suggest to have relations with family members of Indian posters?
As India turns more hindutva both indian muslims let alone Kashmiris feel grievous outrage at indias union

So they passed
Legislature in their parliament?

We support Kashmiris and we support their right to self defence and to clear their state of foreign hindus

We will help the Kashmiris save themselves :pakistan:
The problem is not their special permit. But the politicians double speak on issues. Politicians in Ladakh and Jammu were very clear in wanting 370 to go and wanting to be Indians. Shias, Pro-India Sunnis and Kargilis are pro India who were suffereing due to Sri Nagar politicians. Kashmir itself was divided into 3. And the third part supports BJP even in Kashmir. They want terrorism to end by any means possible. Even if by abolishing 370. Its complex issue. Terrorism is in only 3 districts. And their targetting Hindu pandits didnt support their cause. BJP's mandate was abolishing 370 which they are doing.

That's what you say. But that's not what the common people on ground say.

What's the difference with 370 or without 370?

1 Will Kashmiris stop their armed struggle?
2 Will Pakistan stop it's support in Kashmir?
3 Will Mujahideen from other places not enter Kashmir?

Nothing has changed.. merely saying that something has been abolished will not make an iota of difference. The parties involved in Kashmir do not recognize Indian Constitution and here Indians are behaving like kashmiris play according to the Constitution. Lol
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What's the difference with 370 or without 370?

1 Will Kashmiris stop their armed struggle?
2 Will Pakistan stop it's support in Kashmir?
3 Will Mujahideen from other places will not enter Kashmir?

Nothing has changed.. merely saying that something has been abolished will not make an iota of difference. The parties involved in Kashmir do not recognize Indian Constitution and here Indians are behaving like kashmiris play according to the Constitution. Lol
Demographic will change

What's the difference with 370 or without 370?

1 Will Kashmiris stop their armed struggle?
2 Will Pakistan stop it's support in Kashmir?
3 Will Mujahideen from other places will not enter Kashmir?

Nothing has changed.. merely saying that something has been abolished will not make an iota of difference. The parties involved in Kashmir do not recognize Indian Constitution and here Indians are behaving like kashmiris play according to the Constitution. Lol
India now has legal authority to purchase lands in Kashmir, move its people and businesses there.
Not bothered. Your 10× bigger india is still too scared to mess with Pakistan even after the humiliation of 27/02/2019........:azn:

By the way, your "economic" credentials are highly suspect considering the fact that india is the country which contains the greatest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor......:azn::




even if i agree with you for a 0000.1 second .. fact is you have no money.. we have. Boom !!
now i cant wait to buy a piece of land in laddakh !! go visit there on summer.. enjoy the view with beer in hand... dreams are indeed coming true..
gotta go.. ciao.. happy crying !
we should use our influence in gcc arab world to expel indian workers from their country and end economic relations with india.I think this should be done by govt in response to this move

Oye, with over 23% Indians make up the largest group in UAE. We pretty much own UAE especially people from my state Kerala. The same is true with other GCC nations. Who are they supposed to run their country if they expell all Indian's in once go?

Will Pakistan help them?? LOL :woot:

Kerala Gulf diaspora
You just failed to see broad picture.. we are not jumping like you... we are cool.. thanks for your post
Oh But you are jumping up and down calling it history in the making and what not. India can do whatever it likes, the rest of world however does not agree with it and for them it will remain a disputed territory. Kashmiris will fight back and we will continue our support to the fullest.
to be fair sir . Pakistan cant start war . second international community cant do any thing . India wind today . i appreciate their effort . we were all talk but practically we were zero

Pakistan did as much as we could. You have to tread carefully in a nuclear world. But the fact will remain that we still have protected the other half of Kashmir and its people, and that India cannot touch ever.
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