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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional Coup Whose Aftereffects Will Linger a Long Time
It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation.


A security personnel stands guard in Kashmir. Photo: PTI


Manoj Joshi
The Centre’s proposal to revoke Article 370 of the Constitution and demote Jammu and Kashmir’s status from a state to a Union Territory is nothing short of a Constitutional coup. It is a surprise and it is not.

This contradictory observation can be explained this way: the BJP and its predecessor organisations have never concealed the fact that they consider the need to abrogate the article as a foundational philosophy of their party. So it is not a surprise.

But it is one so, considering that it is a drastic and dramatic step which can have consequences both internal and external for India. Presumably, and indeed, hopefully, the government has thought through the consequences of this action.

Also Read: Live: BSP, BJD, AAP, YSR Congress, TRS Support Centre’s Resolutions on J&K

In itself, this is a deeply undemocratic action in that it has been done without the consent of the governed. It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while using the police and the army, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation. It is disturbing because the argument used by the government to suppress Kashmiri opinion can be used for any other part of the country.

A symbol of Kashmir’s uniqueness

By itself the proposal will not mean much. Over the decades, Kashmiri autonomy promised under Article 370 had become a myth. It had been eroded under the government of Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed and Syed Mir Qasim and did not even recover after the Beg-Parthasarthy agreement of 1975 restored Sheikh Abdullah to the mainstream. Indeed, between 1954 and 1995, the Union government had passed nearly 200 constitutional orders to take away the exclusive powers of the state under its own constitution.

Article 370 was, however hollow, a symbol of Kashmir’s uniqueness to the Indian scheme of things. It may have been neutered, but it still remained a significant symbol of Kashmiri identity. Now Amit Shah and Narendra Modi have struck it down and it cannot but have immediate psychological consequences and even a prolonged period of political unrest.


Home minister Amit Shah, with PM Narendra Modi in the background. Photo: PTI

The demotion of the status of the state is an egregious insult. Far from upholding the state as a unique one in the Indian system, one that was once run by its own prime minister, it has been reduced to the status of a half-state, run by a Lt Governor. Here again, there is the de factoreality that J&K has been more or less run by the Union government since the 1990s, but there was an important veneer of local political activity under parties like the National Conference and the People’s Democratic Party that made for stability.

By its actions, the government is force-feeding what it believes is bitter medicine to the Kashmiris, and the chances are that its impact will last generations. On the other hand, it could be the beginning of a new process which will tell Kashmiris, “Guys, grow up, the world of UN resolutions and Pakistan is long past. Kashmir has been and will remain a part of India and it would be a good idea if you get used to it.”

Also Read: Jammu and Kashmir: Decoding Article 35A and Article 370

The legal issues surrounding Kashmir’s accession to India are in themselves quite intricate. The constitutionality of the move itself is suspect, since Article 370 can be abrogated by the president, but under clause 3, he can only do so following the recommendation of the state’s constituent assembly, which was itself dissolved in 1956. So some mechanism is needed through which this clause can be satisfied. No doubt, the matter will figure in petitions to the Supreme Court soon.

The international community

Internationally, too, there is an issue. No country in the world recognises Kashmir to be a part of India. They all view it as a disputed area whose final status needs to be worked out through negotiations between India and Pakistan. More important, the UN resolutions of April 1948 underline this point since they argue that the final status of the state needs to be determined through a reference to its people. No one has bought India’s view that the participation of the people of the state in successive elections constitutes an expression of that view.

At the same time, international law means little to powerful states. In the words of Thucydides, “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” Countries like the US can trash international agreements like the JCPOA with Iran; Russia can occupy Crimea; China can scoff at the UNCLOS and claim a maritime jurisdiction by force or place millions in “re-education” camps; Israel can militarily occupy another nation. So, India can insist on having its way in J&K and the international community will not get their knickers in a twist. But, let’s be clear, they will not endorse India’s undisputed title over the state, at least as of the near term.

There is no doubt that the decision will generate wholesale alienation in the Valley and will almost certainly give a fillip to separatism in the short term. The most dangerous aspect of this could be the reaction of the J&K police forces, who play a cutting-edge role in countering militancy today. If the sense of alienation extends across sections of society, we could see counter-militant activity become more difficult.


The J&K police forces, who play a cutting-edge role in countering militancy today. Credit: PTI.

Is this an opportunistic move or a planned one? At one level, it is the fulfilment of the BJP’s long-standing demand for abrogating Article 370. At another, it takes advantage of the times where the global hegemon is itself shaking the international system and is unlikely to get involved in the region it is trying to leave. Further, the change in the American position on Jerusalem and the recognition of the annexation of the Golan Heights could well have been examples that inspired the government.

A leap in the dark

Like many dramatic political moves, it is a leap in the dark, and probably its authors are aware of this. But in the scale of politics they are playing, their approach has been “nothing venture nothing gain”. In that scale, their ambition is to go back in time and reverse engineer India’s political and cultural trajectory. So yes, they have been responsible for disasters like demonetisation, but maybe they have taken a deliberate decision to gamble with the state with the belief that move will be hailed by the constituency that really matters to them – the majority Hindus.

Also Read: Historically, UTs Become States. Now the Centre Is Reversing That Trend in J&K.

The fact that the move has been welcomed by a clutch of parties ranging from the Biju Janata Dal to the YSR Congress party, and even the Aam Aadmi Party, is an indicator of the political dividend that the BJP can reap from the action. There should be no doubt that the move will be hailed across India, since a certain amount of Kashmir fatigue already afflicts the country and the attitude is that “Things have not worked for 70 year, maybe it’s time for some drastic measures”.

But it will be some time before people realise that such “killer moves” like bank nationalisation or demonetisation, usually come with a price that is not apparent at the outset. More than that, when people are involved, change through a measure of consent is usually a better way out than the secretive process through which it has been brought about.

Manoj Joshi is a distinguished fellow, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi.

India has been trying to convert Kashmir into Rape heaven like the rest of India...now they will use ethnic cleansing and all subhuman tools of violence in the name of national integration.

Now the filth from all over India will be encouraged to over run Kashmir and that's why they have carved out the vally from ladakh/jammu to make people of those parts happy and play on their fears to keep them supressed...but the pundits of Kashmir will themselves rise against infiltration of Indian filth into Kashmir. The Kashmiris of the valley will be butchered and brutally suppressed because their identity will be snatched from them and they will be made minority.
No Kashmiris are getting butchered. Why are you spewing this nonsense?
india will end also 100 nukes are enough for wiping out whole continent so india is not much larger than continent that it will survive our nuclear attack
No, to destroy 50% of delhi city, you will need 100-150 nukes of 200kT. To desttoy entire India, you will need hundreds of thousands if not more nukes. Nukes aren't some magic item. Otherwise, USSR would never have disintegrated or India not used it to wipe out Pakistan in 1970s itself when India developed nukes while Pakistan didn't.

Don't live in fool's paradise believing that nukes solve the problem. If nukes was one stop weapon, why do you think countries are building 5th generation planes, AEWACS and other high end military technology?
No Kashmiris are getting butchered. Why are you spewing this nonsense?

India as systematically made a boogeyman out of Kashmiris.
They are being stereotyped all over India by all sections of society as planned exploiting religious and social divide of the community to carry out this heinous genocide.
No Kashmiris are getting butchered. Why are you spewing this nonsense?
14 Kashmiri deaths by occupation forces in the last few days and of course you don't call that butchering because The Butcher of Gujrat is your:sniper::taz: PM, nothing beats that.
No it's time we make our moves on here, I don't want them anymore on here. Expect a thread on the board soon and I will write to the collective community.
Seriously..... Thought the mods would have greater wisdom than general folks giving random silly suggestions. Anyway, the admin rights are supposed to be used when deemed necessary by them.
No, to destroy 50% of delhi city, you will need 100-150 nukes of 200kT. To desttoy entire India, you will need hundreds of thousands if not more nukes.
Did you take your meds dear? And plz don't miss your next appointment.:taz:
Not practical at this point of time. Over 1 Million forces, Army, Paramilitary and local forces deployed there ATM.

Invasion is simply impossible unless ready to take heavy casualties on either side and an all out war. :no:
Path to kashmir passes through Indian punjab. Cut off 1 million indian soldiers and we might even get dehli.
Completely callous reaction from Imran Khan and the PTI govt so far. Apparently the FM Qureshi has left for Hajj. The PM thinks the tree plantation drive requires more of his attention today than this.

Are they just incompetent or ...?
All for what??

Just because India brought about a legislative change in a disputed territory that we administer without changing the status quo of the dispute maintaining the territorial integrity?

If this is illegal, that what will you call Pakistan ceding a part of the very same disputed territory (Trans-karakoram Tract) to a third party unilaterally years back??

And on topic. I'm happy that 370 and 35A were revoked making Kashmiri's normal Indians like us. But personally I didn't liked the idea of bifurcation.
Seriously the mods are also full of hate from inside with just one goals I realise now. Love friendship means little. Power is supreme, although possible with love too, hate blinds everyone.
Completely callous reaction from Imran Khan and the PTI govt so far. Apparently the FM Qureshi has left for Hajj. The PM thinks the tree plantation drive requires more of his attention today than this.

Are they just incompetent or ...?
Kindly keep your local political animosity and hatred out of it and for another thread.

Seriously..... Thought the mods would have greater wisdom than general folks giving random silly suggestions. Anyway, the admin rights are supposed to be used when deemed necessary by them.
Rants something or someone with only 32 posts, :rofl:.
you know nothing as compared to scientists in u.s who have confirmed lethality of nukes and their effect.ussr broke down due to economic reasons and not due to invasion so they not used nukes and u.s would have responded with equal nukes if they used nukes against u.s and as result they would have been ended completely.In cas of ussr actually there was a proxy war and not a direct confrontation.It is good for us that india misjudges the power of nukes and remain ignorant so that it is easy for us to end them in a surprise attack
No, to destroy 50% of delhi city, you will need 100-150 nukes of 200kT. To desttoy entire India, you will need hundreds of thousands if not more nukes. Nukes aren't some magic item. Otherwise, USSR would never have disintegrated or India not used it to wipe out Pakistan in 1970s itself when India developed nukes while Pakistan didn't.

Don't live in fool's paradise believing that nukes solve the problem. If nukes was one stop weapon, why do you think countries are building 5th generation planes, AEWACS and other high end military technology?
Kindly keep your local political animosity and hatred out of it and for another thread.

I have no political animosity towards the present government. Indians on this thread are a least concern of mine.

How Imran Khan reacts to this will guide Kashmiri street opinion towards this matter. If he has the "Mitti Pao" approach than don't expect Kashmiris to carry out agitation against such overwhelming odds.

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