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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

It only requires for someone to make a claim on something owned, held or claimed by others to make it disputes. What's the big deal about it? If only Indian government makes a claim on Pakistan, Pakistan too will become a disputes land. Some tense Pak fellows might get offended by simple and clear logics. If being in denial gives you satisfaction, then by all means remain that way.

By the same definition if Pakistan makes a claim against India, so will it become disputed? Kashmir status is disputed territory since the day first and you need a lot to read to understand the case.
Your IQ is through the roof just like your PM who claimed to have used digital camera and email before its advent.:omghaha:

Well you can redicule saying whatever, however you want. You are entitled to your views. But does that change anything??

The matter of fact is Government of India just scrapped J&K special status.
That's to be seen but better it should be.
It is already a blood bath for Kashmiris in their own homeland by occupying Indian State Terrorist Army. 14 Kashmiri civilian deaths in just past few days.
By the same definition if Pakistan makes a claim against India, so will it become disputed? Kashmir status is disputed territory since the day first and you need a lot to read to understand the case.

With all due respect did the status changed?? As far as I know the teritorial integrity of the disputed province is still intact.
I wasn’t ever convinced India would try it but now? I think India is just itching for an excuse
Just don't know what's BJP's ultimate objective but then maybe we aren't supposed to know.
BRO, ALL Pakistan needs to do is ban our airspace to ANYTHING coming in our going out of india for 18 months NO MATTER what and that will have an unprecedented victory for us without a SINGLE loss of life. Why our leadership doesn't do that is beyond comprehension.
Say no to Afghan transit trade for indian goods
The matter of fact is Government of India just scrapped J&K special status.
The Extremist GaoRakshak Hindutwa Indian Government to be exact and all you are celebrating is shameful bloodbath of Kashmiris in their own homeland by butcher occupiers.
Unilaterally. Which itself is technically puts the region at war as in 1948.

When someone can unilaterally cede a part of disputed territory to a third party (Trans-karakoram Tract), what stops India from making changes for mere administrative purpose??

The Extremist GaoRakshak Hindutwa Indian Government to be exact and all you are celebrating is shameful bloodbath of Kashmiris in their own homeland by butcher occupiers.

FYI, I'm a communist. :-)
With all due respect did the status changed?? As far as I know the teritorial integrity of the disputed province is still intact.

Territorial integrity does not mean anything as & when India started to change the demography and suddenly pro India becomes majority and then there is loss of status as well. A long plan but that is not how it is going to end. However, Modi in-fact helped to bring Kashmir to International Forum by doing so but Article 370A fully abolished or not, a disputed territory does not fall under India's constitution hence, India can't enforce lawfully but Military only. As soon as India enforces constitution through Military, it will fuel the Kashmir struggle for right of determination, more than before.
When someone can unilaterally cede a part of disputed territory to a third party (Trans-karakoram Tract), what stops India from making changes for mere administrative purpose??

You can take it to the ICJ again.
Just don't know what's BJP's ultimate objective but then maybe we aren't supposed to know.
Systematic state sponsored ethnic cleansing.

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