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Modern destroyers air defence assessment


Aug 18, 2010
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Arleigh Burke class (USA)



SPY-1D 4 face S-Band PESA for detection and tracking.
3 SPG-62 for illumination of passive missiles.

ESSM - 50 km (passive homing)
SM-2MR - 165 km (passive)
SM-2ER - 240 km (passive)
SM-3 - anti ballistic missile (active)
SM-6 - 240-370 km (active)

- Extremely long range (with SM-2ER and SM-6)
- Excellent anti ballistic missile capabilities (with SM-3 USA, Japan)
- 4 face PESA radar provides instant picture update
- Recent active homing missile introduction
- Low radar elevation against skimming missiles (~24-25 km detention range)
- Only 3 simultaneously attacked targets for passive missiles
- Very expensive

Similar layout:
1) Kongo and Atago classes (Japan)
2) King Sejong the Great class (South Korea)
3) Alvaro de Bazan class (Spain)
4) Hobart class (Australia)

Type 45 class (UK)


SAMPSON rotating (2 face at 30 rpm) multifunctional AESA
SMART-L long detection

Aster-15 - 30 km range (active homing)
Aster-30 - 120 km range (active)

- Very high radar elevation against skimming missiles (~32 km range)
- Active homing missiles (unlimited number of simultaneous attacks, over horizon capability with external targeting)
- Medium range
- Radar rotation is not good for fast skimming targets

Similar layout:
Horizon class (France and Italy)

Sachsen class (Germany)


APAR 4 face multifunctional AESA for detection tracking and illumination
SMART-L long range detection

ESSM - 50 km (passive homing)
SM-2MR - 165 km range (passive, range limited by APAR illumination by less than 150 km)

- Good elevation against skimming missiles (~29 km range)
- 4 face multifunctional AESA provides instant picture update and illumination vs. large number of targets simultaneously
- Medium range
- Passive missiles

Similar layout:
De Zeven Provincien class (Netherlands)
Iver Huitfeldt class (Denmark)

Kolkata class (India)


MF-STAR 4 face multifunctional AESA
Thales LW08 long range detection

Barak-LR - 70 km (active homing)
Barak-ER - 150 km (active)

- Good elevation against skimming missiles (~29 km range)
- 4 face multifunctional AESA provides instant picture update
- Active homing missiles (unlimited number of simultaneous attacks, over horizon capability with external targeting)
- Medium range
- Limited anti ballistic missile capability (LW08 lacks ABM mode)
Burke: don't forget about CEC
Sachsen: Dutch Seven Provincien is the original for the radar fit Smart-L and Apar
How come ABM-capable 7Provincien/Sachsen/Huitfeldt ARE included but F100 Álvaro de Bazán class isn't (eventhough selected by Australia as Air Warfare Destroyer)? And what about Horizon class? (all are frigates)
The italian fremm ?
The FREMM ("European multi-purpose frigate"; French: Frégate européenne multi-mission; Italian: Fregata europea multi-missione) is a class of multi-purpose frigates designed by DCNS/Armaris and Fincantieri for the navies of France and Italy. Italy has ordered six general purpose variants and four anti-submarine variants; the last two Italian general purpose FREMMs will have anti-aircraft warfare, anti-ballistic missile and surface attack capabilities. France has ordered six anti-submarine variants, and two air-defence variants.

I.e. we have to be version specific here.

Originally, 3 variants of FREMM were proposed; anti-submarine (ASW), general-purpose (GP), and land-attack (AVT).

Another variant of FREMM - for anti-air warfare - was proposed by DCNS in repose to the French FREDA requirements for an air-defence frigate (FREDA is short for "FREgates de Défense Aériennes" i.e. "Air defence frigate").
  • As of 2009, the design for FREDA featured a more powerful version of the Thales Herakles passive electronically scanned array radar and 32 cells of SYLVER A50 in place of the 16 cells of A43 and 16 cells of A70. The SYLVER A50 would allow it to fire the 120 kilometres (75 mi)-range Aster 30 missile. A towed array sonar would not be fitted.
  • At Euronaval 2012 DCNS showed a new concept called FREMM-ER for the FREDA requirement, again based on the FREMM, but specifically mentioning the ballistic missile defence mission as well as anti-air. FREMM-ER has a modified superstructure replacing Héraklès with the new Thales Sea Fire 500 radar, whose four fixed plates resemble those of the US Navy's AN/SPY-1. However unlike the Héraklès and the SPY-1 (both using passive electronically scanned array technology), the Sea Fire 500 has active electronically scanned array antennas.
All FREMM-ITs (Italian FREMM) will have extended AAW capabilities, with SAAM-ESD CMS and Aster 30 (& Aster 15) missiles for extended area defence. SAAM-ESD CMS use Selex ES MFRA, a 3D active radar (AESA), an evolved version of the Selex ES EMPAR PESA radar (previously embarked on Horizon-class destroyers and the aircraft carrier Cavour).

The production numbers 9 & 10 of the Italian FREMM (FREMM-IT) will have AAW & ATBM capabilities and A70 VLS for cruise missiles. The Selex ES MFRA 4FF (EMPAR's evolved version, destined for the 9th and 10th FREMM) will have four flat radar sensors, with three times the original range and full ATBM capabilities.

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