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Mob lynches man over blasphemy allegations in Nankana Sahib

Dude, relax.

BD has cousin marriage rates of 5% and Pakistan at 70% is the highest in the world I believe.

BD is the fastest growing large developing economy in the world and Pakistan is the opposite.

It is an anomaly in the S Asian region and this is my last post on this topic.
Cousin marriages lol
Economy lol
Wrong thread star wrong thread

Later .
This is what this country has become. An illiterare mob lynching. These masses will often attack others when they have fueds. They have a clear understanding for this. They don't have brain cells that function when the future of their children is at stake.

Pakistan has zero future. Absolutely zero. It's people are dead. This is a dead nation. There is no empathy nor humanity.
It's all about danda police have rifles why were they not used?
Because they are afraid that judges politicans everyone will side against them.
Don’t think to much, better try to leave that country.
It aint that bad bro am planning on leaving for Pakistan forever its my homeland my birth place where i belong idk how people can spend all their lives abroad and not give a crap and have their graves in foreign lands i guess kalay anghrez is a disease.
It aint that bad bro am planning on leaving for Pakistan forever its my homeland my birth place where i belong idk how people can spend all their lives abroad and not give a crap and have their graves in foreign lands i guess kalay anghrez is a disease.
True but if only Pakistan actually had established a proper writ of law and had a competent government.

It feels its own leaders are trying to drag it down and there's no rule of law.

Not exactly a good idea to then leave everything behind and purposefully go there. An honest man will struggle getting by in that environment.
It aint that bad bro am planning on leaving for Pakistan forever its my homeland my birth place where i belong idk how people can spend all their lives abroad and not give a crap and have their graves in foreign lands i guess kalay anghrez is a disease.

Please leave and take the rest of your religious nutjobs with you too so you can play rent a mob in 3rd worldistan.
Dude, I think you are making yourself look a bit foolish here.

In terms of religious tolerance from best to worst in S Asia:

1. BD

Big Gap

2. India

Small gap

3. Pakistan.
You have zero understanding of the region,
- Beef is available in all of the major cities | Menus of all large restaurants openly
What you see is one of case among 1.5 billion people, for your knowledge India is the largest or second largest exporter of beef meet (all legal registered entities, companies pay taxes)

Second do not compare your wild societies with India,
Below are the images where Manusmriti and Ramcharitmanas are burned / teared down on National TV,
No lynching happened there have been FIR and these folks are part of the parliament, some of this happened decades ago, few images are from last week

Talk about tolerance when a person can burn Quran on national TV and stays alive in BD for his life time with out getting lynched | Burned | Hanged | Shot

India is very different from you hillbillis
Please do not come with individual incidents to defend your self, there is a difference between exceptions and generalisations. Individuals can be exception but not society /government / nation



Please leave and take the rest of your religious nutjobs with you too so you can play rent a mob in 3rd worldistan.
3rd world....yutes like him don't step out their gaff once they're in 3rd worldistan not even 1st worldistan trott along kiddo England vich apni marwa tu puttar.

disgrace to his own race i bet u call urself a kala anghrez to right.

We call ur kind coconuts.
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@Path-Finder These people should be in re-educational camps, Pakistan will never see lasting peace until we put everyone in Educational camps if not willingly than by force.

this is too much religion in the society .
Actually this is opposite of Religion in society. You know I have read books on Life of Prophet, even when he was ruling Mecca/Madina people used to blaspheme him, and you would not find his companions lynching a man like we see here, Pakistani's are not Muslims not even close.
ISI pumping out all these parties but can't make a loyal and respectable national party.

Lanat on those beghairats.

ISI is probably compromised in all honesty anyway. Even British intelligence was compromised by the Soviets right till the top and thousands of reports were leaked.

ISI is probably compromised in the same manner, US/India and China probably know the inns and outs of this country and its people.
compromised by whom

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