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Mistreatment of women in India

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so Indian toilet is not happening anymore?

Nopes ...Chinese are busy doing this these days....

China hides shame over orgy

Alarmed at the damage done to its international image by lurid tales of a mass orgy, China has ordered a crackdown on its rampant sex industry.
The orgy, allegedly involving about 400 Japanese tourists and 500 Chinese prostitutes, took place last month at a luxury hotel in the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai.

Since details came to light, police have rounded up many of those involved, including more than 50 prostitutes, a nightclub madame and several pimps, according to a local newspaper.

But local journalists say they have been told to restrict their reporting of the orgy for fear of giving the wrong impression of life in the new, freewheeling China.

Publicly, the government is blaming Japan for the three-day orgy, and has demanded that it take steps to "educate" its citizens about how to behave abroad.

The Foreign Ministry in Beijing expressed its "utmost indignation" to Tokyo over what it called the "odious" incident, which coincided - intentionally or otherwise - with the anniversary of Japan's invasion of north eastern China in 1931.

Tens of thousands of Chinese internet users also took out their fury on the Japanese, calling them "animals" and recalling such wartime atrocities as the Nanjing Massacre, or Rape of Nanking, in which an estimated 300,000 Chinese were killed and 20,000 women raped.

A number of elderly Chinese women are still seeking compensation from Japan for having been forced to become sex slaves, or "comfort women".

But this time, some Chinese are saying that their own country should be feeling just as ashamed as Japan.

Unless China wants to acquire a reputation as a sleazy haven for sex tourists, they say, it should be learning something from the latest incident itself rather than blaming foreigners.

Japanese men are not the only ones at fault here", according to Wei Hui, a Shanghai-based novelist. "They may have a bad reputation abroad as womanisers but, after all, it takes two to tango.

"Like everything else these days, sex is a matter of supply and demand."

The free-market reforms of recent years have brought a proliferation of sex workers from poor outlying provinces to China's booming eastern cities.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China hides shame over orgy

N wonder Chinese Men are sexually frustrated.....

China: Sexual Frustration Causing Social Problems

hence their attraction to sex and rape cases abroad....this gives them kick ...as they feel satisfied ...while they hunt and read such stories.....
Nopes ...Chinese are busy doing this these days....

China hides shame over orgy

Alarmed at the damage done to its international image by lurid tales of a mass orgy, China has ordered a crackdown on its rampant sex industry.
The orgy, allegedly involving about 400 Japanese tourists and 500 Chinese prostitutes, took place last month at a luxury hotel in the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai.

Since details came to light, police have rounded up many of those involved, including more than 50 prostitutes, a nightclub madame and several pimps, according to a local newspaper.

But local journalists say they have been told to restrict their reporting of the orgy for fear of giving the wrong impression of life in the new, freewheeling China.

Publicly, the government is blaming Japan for the three-day orgy, and has demanded that it take steps to "educate" its citizens about how to behave abroad.

The Foreign Ministry in Beijing expressed its "utmost indignation" to Tokyo over what it called the "odious" incident, which coincided - intentionally or otherwise - with the anniversary of Japan's invasion of north eastern China in 1931.

Tens of thousands of Chinese internet users also took out their fury on the Japanese, calling them "animals" and recalling such wartime atrocities as the Nanjing Massacre, or Rape of Nanking, in which an estimated 300,000 Chinese were killed and 20,000 women raped.

A number of elderly Chinese women are still seeking compensation from Japan for having been forced to become sex slaves, or "comfort women".

But this time, some Chinese are saying that their own country should be feeling just as ashamed as Japan.

Unless China wants to acquire a reputation as a sleazy haven for sex tourists, they say, it should be learning something from the latest incident itself rather than blaming foreigners.

Japanese men are not the only ones at fault here", according to Wei Hui, a Shanghai-based novelist. "They may have a bad reputation abroad as womanisers but, after all, it takes two to tango.

"Like everything else these days, sex is a matter of supply and demand."

The free-market reforms of recent years have brought a proliferation of sex workers from poor outlying provinces to China's booming eastern cities.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China hides shame over orgy

You are trolling, this news is a news in 2003 and it is nothing about rape foriegn tourist. Can you stay on topic??
Russian rape case: Goa CM blames victim: Rediff.com India News

In an interview to CNN-IBN on Wednesday, Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat obliquely blamed the Russian girl, who was allegedly raped by local politician John Fernandes, for the incident, saying she should not have gone out with male acquaintances late in the night. Excerpts from the interview:

The Russian lady has alleged that the Goa police forced her to file a complaint of alleged rape as opposed to rape

See, after this incident came to light, I had a discussion with the home minister and the director general of police. We found that there was a lot of difference in what was being published and what was said. The fact told to me by the DGP was that when this lady came to the police station, she brought a complaint in writing, in which she had said she had been molested.

Subsequently, when she came back again, she said she had been raped or an attempt has been made to rape her. The DGP said that since the incident concerned a foreign lady and since some doubts had been raised, he did not want to take chances and so the case was immediately given to the Crime Branch. They asked the Goa Medical College to form a team of three doctors and send this lady for medical examination. They are investigating all the possibilities.

In between -- the accused -- they all say he is senior politician. For the record, he contested one election which he lost. Otherwise, I don't think anybody had heard his name in the political field. Whoever he may be, we have given an absolutely clear mandate to the police that no mercy should be shown to anybody who indulges in such types of acts, especially against women. The police have already taken a decision to go in for an appeal against the anticipatory bail that has been granted to the accused.

The police have already decided to give her a security cover so that there is no threat to her life.

Do you believe that Goa's image has taken a beating by this incident? This is not the first such case. Do you believe Goa will be seen as an unsafe place?

I don't agree. First, you should go to the root cause of this case. What was this lady doing so late in the night with some people? Why did she accompany this man in this car? These are some of the questions which have to be answered.

Surely Mr Kamat you are not blaming the women for having gone out with them? Does that justify rape?

But you are a foreign lady, you are a foreign woman. Unless you are well acquainted with somebody, why would you go out with him in the night? This is a tourist place. When our people go abroad, they always try to take precautions. Similarly, tourists who come to Goa should also try to take precautions.

Now if you will move around with anybody in the night and then try to say that …Now the police can't keep a watch on each and everybody.

Surely you are not suggesting that tourists should be fearful about stepping out in Goa?

I am not saying that tourists should not go to secluded areas -- where incidents like this have happened, the tourists have gone to places that don't have much crowd or people. You accompany somebody at 12 pm in the car, that creates a problem.

You are saying that the onus of security is on individual women and not on the police?

I don't think so. The police cannot give protection to each and everyone. How will the police know where you are going, where you are staying and with whom you are going out? They also have to follow a certain code of conduct.

When we go abroad, we also follow a certain code of conduct. In an earlier incident, when Scarlett's mother had gone to Karnataka leaving her alone, this was highlighted by some media people (British teenager Scarlett Keeling was found murdered on a Goa beach).
You are trolling, this news is a news in 2003 and it is nothing about rape foriegn tourist. Can you stay on topic??

This thread all about trolling....I am just adding to the flavor.

Some Indian tadka to Chinese food.
Indian police deliberately covered up Briton's rape and murder to protect tourism, says Goa tourism minister | Mail Online


Charged: Samson D'Souza has his head covered as he is taken to court

Sister of man found dead in Goa now suspects murder
D'Souza worked in Lui's Shack, a bar in Anjuna where Scarlett had been drinking hours before her semi-naked body was found nearby on the beach on February 18.

Police inspector Kishen Kumar said he believed there would be sufficient evidence to charge D'Souza with murder.
But the teenager's mother, Fiona MacKeown, said: "I am not confident they have got the right person.
"I think that they are just making a public show, to be honest."
Scroll down for more ...


No accident: Mother Fiona MacKeown has fought for justice after her daughter Scarlett's body was found with more than 50 wounds

It was only the determination of Mrs MacKeown, a mother-of-nine, to prove Scarlett had been murdered - and not drowned, as police claimed - that led to a second post mortem examination which found she had been raped and killed.

It showed her body was covered in bruises and there was insufficient water in her lungs to have drowned.

Tourism minister Francisco Pacheco said: "This is a clear case of murder and it has gone out of proportion because the police tried to cover it up."
He added: "This case will definitely hurt tourism.
"The guilty police officers should be immediately suspended."


Victim: Scarlett Keeling pictured on holiday in Goa

It is not the first time the Indian authorities have been accused of covering up the murder of British visitors to protect the tourist trade.
Mrs MacKeown, 43, said: "We want the (Indian) Central Bureau of Investigation to take over the case.
"I would want them to deal with the police as well, not just the people that have done this to Scarlett.
"If they had dealt with it in the past, Scarlett may still be alive today."
Mrs MacKeown, from Bideford, Devon, had been on a six-month holiday with her boyfriend, Scarlett and six other children.
The rest of the family was travelling in a nearby state and Scarlett had stayed with a tour guide in Anjuna when she was last seen.
Mr Kumar said a witness had seen D'Souza in a "compromising position" on top of Scarlett on the beach.

He said that even if the sex was consensual, D'Souza would still be accused of rape because the Briton was a minor.

A British witness, known as Masala Mike, who shared a flat with D'Souza, has told police Scarlett told him she had taken LSD, Ecstasy and cocaine.

He said Scarlett and D'Souza were drinking on the beach at 4.45am. D'Souza told police he left her at 5.15am.
Scarlett's body was found at 6.30am. Next to the body were D'Souza's orange sandals.

Two other men, including Scarlett's tour guide boyfriend, are being held. Four others are being sought.
SS, I am surprised you have managed a few posts here, as you usually paste your BS and dispear. :disagree:

No BS'ing sir.....thats a talent only Chikistanis have ...in great abundance......I am just learning the art form.
So, you admited that you are trolling! I am suprised when you know you are trolling and still try to continue doing that.:tdown:

Well I am trying to learn the art of trolling from some experienced troll here....

tell me what has this thread to do with Defence.......and what the hell it has to do with Pakistan defence....so this thread is a troll.....encouraged by Mods....and I am just contributing my 2 cents.....
For those Indians still in a denied mode, tell your face saving BS to

the victim in post #126 please. Shame on you.:angry:
I think this time you crossed the red line!

Chikistanis is a serious remark of chinese and pakistanis and post reported.

This thread has been initiated with lot of Red lines all over....so why buck when it comes to you...you were happily enjoying crap being posted from Chinese troll...but you are hurt when it comes to you.

This thread should have been deleted on day one..just like threads that are anti Pakistan or anti China....but it was anti India so it lives...as it suits some select tastes......
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