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missing indians on pakistan defense

since 28 feb morning we have seen few indians active here on PDF . it was massive chest thumping and trolling here by hundreds of active and thousands indians since pulwama attach and even before we have huge numbers of indians day night here .but since 28 feb when PAF did surgical strike and shot down indian fighter i have never seen many many hardcore members whom threatening Pakistanis trolling Pakistanis insulting and even further many whom really engage in debate and wanna make us scared with
next time will be last attack
modi will eat Pakistan alive
su-30s will wipe out Pakistan
cold start is ready
layers of defense we can shot down paf before take off
we will occupy azad kashmir
and so on many more debates . but it seems they are no more active here nor they interested . its only few hard-cores return back after a week now but they have no tune like before .

ohhh man i miss my old pdf :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Mass mental masturbation is going on BR and D FI and Livefest forum. You will find them there. :enjoy:
since 28 feb morning we have seen few indians active here on PDF . it was massive chest thumping and trolling here by hundreds of active and thousands indians since pulwama attach and even before we have huge numbers of indians day night here .but since 28 feb when PAF did surgical strike and shot down indian fighter i have never seen many many hardcore members whom threatening Pakistanis trolling Pakistanis insulting and even further many whom really engage in debate and wanna make us scared with
next time will be last attack
modi will eat Pakistan alive
su-30s will wipe out Pakistan
cold start is ready
layers of defense we can shot down paf before take off
we will occupy azad kashmir
and so on many more debates . but it seems they are no more active here nor they interested . its only few hard-cores return back after a week now but they have no tune like before .

ohhh man i miss my old pdf :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think, people take it light, but it PAF devils strike on Indian super power complex has turn them to dust. For Muslims learn from Sureh Fiel ..... how god destroy the mighty powerful animals with tiny birds... for those who are humble and feel the pain of other human being...
indian war room

They are all at a party celebrating Abhinanananananandandandandandandandan's release. Ashwairiya and Madhuri were there too. Having a blast.
What are Pak people cheering about? First they got bombed across the IB. Then their jets were chased out and they captured an India pilot on Pak soil. They then returned him without a murmur while their PM kept requesting talks. But I guess when you are used to being slapped around, you tend to see the silver linings in everything.
What are Pak people cheering about? First they got bombed across the IB. Then their jets were chased out and they captured an India pilot on Pak soil. They then returned him without a murmur while their PM kept requesting talks. But I guess when you are used to being slapped around, you tend to see the silver linings in everything.
We sent you a message in reply to your bombing by bombing your territory and downing your jets that responded. We sent you another message the next night when you were planning to do missile strike which made you back off.
The fact that you haven't come back with anything tells us the message was received and understood.
Take into account the fact that you have been threatening us with surgical ,strikes,cold starts, teaching us a lesson under the nuclear threshold and whatnot, when the push came to shove we threw down the gauntlet and you didn't have the balls to pick it up.
That'll do for now.
We're not going anywhere.
We sent you a message in reply to your bombing by bombing your territory and downing your jets that responded. We sent you another message the next night when you were planning to do missile strike which made you back off.
The fact that you haven't come back with anything tells us the message was received and understood.
Take into account the fact that you have been threatening us with surgical ,strikes,cold starts, teaching us a lesson under the nuclear threshold and whatnot, when the push came to shove we threw down the gauntlet and you didn't have the balls to pick it up.
That'll do for now.
We're not going anywhere.
Lol. Your jets were chased back into your territory and you only were able to down our jet when it entered your air space. And this time you were prepared. What missile strike? Is it as mythical as the second pilot captured? You were praying to dial down the escalation and your leader was literally crying for talks. You never picked up the gauntlet. You never had it in you.
Modi has raped Hindustanis minds badly , they can't express their feelings right now.Badly humiliated in front of the world and Trump merged final nail in the coffin through his trade decision lol
I think IK has been trying for sane talks for quite a while now , much before escalation of any sort. Indian leadership wanted some stunt for elections to add to patriotism overdose , I guess they thought they will use some munition on pakistani soil to maintain ' that main ghuske marenge slogan ' they hoped after that they will guard the airspace tight enough to stop any penetration from PAF ,doing that ,claim another victory. Pak will have to dial down in a couple of days as riads have been done without causing loss of life .
But sometimes highly sophisticated stunts do not go exactly as planned , PAF managed to replecate IAF strikes the very next morning and IAF managed to loose a Jet and a heli. And then IK dropped the peace bomb.
And yes I am proud indian!
Lol. Your jets were chased back into your territory and you only were able to down our jet when it entered your air space. And this time you were prepared. What missile strike? Is it as mythical as the second pilot captured? You were praying to dial down the escalation and your leader was literally crying for talks. You never picked up the gauntlet. You never had it in you.
Once they did their bombing they were always going to head for home, just as you were always going to pursue.
If we were that scared of you, we'd never have retaliated.
Yes, we want peace, but not at any price.
And yes, the gauntlet is still there. We were the last ones to do the bombing. Your turn, we're waiting.
The ball is firmly in your court.
Sometimes when you're in a hole, it's better just to stop digging.
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