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missing indians on pakistan defense

no, M. A. Johar

دورِ حیات آئے گا قاتل، قضا کے بعد
ہے ابتدا ہماری تری انتہا کے بعد

جینا وہ کیا کہ دل میں نہ ہو تیری آرزو
باقی ہے موت ہی دلِ بے مدّعا کے بعد

تجھ سے مقابلے کی کسے تاب ہے ولے
میرا لہو بھی خوب ہے تیری حنا کے بعد

لذّت ہنوز مائدہٴ عشق میں نہیں
آتا ہے لطفِ جرمِ تمنّا، سزا کے بعد

قتلِ حُسین اصل میں مرگِ یزید ہے
اسلام زندہ ہوتا ہے ہر کربلا کے بعد

محمد علی جوہر
Thanks for the correction....
Maybe they are still on the streets cheering for their "victory"? :partay:

Pakistani nation and people have given them a befitting slap in the face. They can’t face the Pakistanis of PDF anymore.

Yes brother @OsmanAli98 it was nice to discuss the problems with Western Muslims and the problems afflicted the Muslim Ummat.

It kinda upsets me the mods closed a pretty good thread
The indians have been humiliated to the core - give them some time to recover they will start their usual BS soon enough -
since 28 feb morning we have seen few indians active here on PDF . it was massive chest thumping and trolling here by hundreds of active and thousands indians since pulwama attach and even before we have huge numbers of indians day night here .but since 28 feb when PAF did surgical strike and shot down indian fighter i have never seen many many hardcore members whom threatening Pakistanis trolling Pakistanis insulting and even further many whom really engage in debate and wanna make us scared with
next time will be last attack
modi will eat Pakistan alive
su-30s will wipe out Pakistan
cold start is ready
layers of defense we can shot down paf before take off
we will occupy azad kashmir
and so on many more debates . but it seems they are no more active here nor they interested . its only few hard-cores return back after a week now but they have no tune like before .

ohhh man i miss my old pdf :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Have you forgotten what happened around 50 years ago in 1971?

Just remember that and forget everything else like 1948, 1962, 1965, 1999 etc etc.
since 28 feb morning we have seen few indians active here on PDF . it was massive chest thumping and trolling here by hundreds of active and thousands indians since pulwama attach and even before we have huge numbers of indians day night here .but since 28 feb when PAF did surgical strike and shot down indian fighter i have never seen many many hardcore members whom threatening Pakistanis trolling Pakistanis insulting and even further many whom really engage in debate and wanna make us scared with
next time will be last attack
modi will eat Pakistan alive
su-30s will wipe out Pakistan
cold start is ready
layers of defense we can shot down paf before take off
we will occupy azad kashmir
and so on many more debates . but it seems they are no more active here nor they interested . its only few hard-cores return back after a week now but they have no tune like before .

ohhh man i miss my old pdf :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Dont worry they will come out of their holes, as soon as their is a new shenanigan by Modi.

It is not just at PDF, visit any Pakistani News portal and you will literally see the comment section empty. Now conversely when ever I replied to those comments at DAWN and Tribune, my comments mostly never made it in the comment section. I think those two sites must be missing Indians the most.

But this also points to a deeper problem, the Indian mindset of insecurity and their need to look down on Pakistan to feel good about themselves. I dont know if this some psychological condition or its a general Indian behaviour.
since 28 feb morning we have seen few indians active here on PDF . it was massive chest thumping and trolling here by hundreds of active and thousands indians since pulwama attach and even before we have huge numbers of indians day night here .but since 28 feb when PAF did surgical strike and shot down indian fighter i have never seen many many hardcore members whom threatening Pakistanis trolling Pakistanis insulting and even further many whom really engage in debate and wanna make us scared with
next time will be last attack
modi will eat Pakistan alive
su-30s will wipe out Pakistan
cold start is ready
layers of defense we can shot down paf before take off
we will occupy azad kashmir
and so on many more debates . but it seems they are no more active here nor they interested . its only few hard-cores return back after a week now but they have no tune like before .

ohhh man i miss my old pdf :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

It is not just at PDF, visit any Pakistani News portal and you will literally see the comment section empty. Now conversely when ever I replied to those comments at DAWN and Tribune, my comments mostly never made it in the comment section. I think those two sites must be missing Indians the most.
I can relate with that.
I use to visit one of india forum.. Many members were cursing google because if they are searching Mig-21 shots downed a F-16 google comes up with the results like PAF shot downs 2 indian jets... :rofl:
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